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The Allentown Collection |
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The Harrodsburg Collection
(show list view) |
Harrodsburg - 001 - #1508 - Andy Griffith and Danny Thomas
Harrodsburg - 002 - #1509 - Artists & Models, The Three Amigos, Charlie and the Angel, Nashville Now (R. Travis)
Harrodsburg - 003 - #1510 - The Christmas Box, Richard Thomas, Videos
Harrodsburg - 004 - #1511 - Andy Griffith, Clueless, The Dogs, Annie, News and Sports
Harrodsburg - 005 - #1512 - Long Shot (abc family), N Sync, Conspiracy Theory (FX), Zumba Rapido, 60s Gold
Harrodsburg - 006 - #1513 - Shalako, The Burning Hills, The Over the Hill Gang, Adam and Amanda Sledding, All in the Family
Harrodsburg - 007 - #1514 - High Noon, Tarzan Lord of the Apes, Rhinestone (Roy Orbison). Austin City Limits
Harrodsburg - 008 - #1515 - Loretta Lybb Grand Ole Oprey, Gallagher
Harrodsburg - 009 - #1516 - The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory (1987), The Hangman, The Train Robbers, Charlie Brown, Alf
Harrodsburg - 010 - #1517 - Tom Seaver's No Hitter (June 16, 1978), Alf