The Big Apple Collection
(show list view) |
Group: Big Apple Box 001 |
Big Apple - Tape 0001 - #0791 - Lost Ark, Clash of the Titans, Cats & Dogs, Bugs Bunny!
Big Apple - Tape 0002 - #0792 - Tales from the Crypt (on NYC Fox 5)
Big Apple - Tape 0003 - #0793 - Vladimir Horowitz, Shostakovich Syn. No. 5, Pavarotti, Gospel, Natl. Cathedral, NOVA
Big Apple - Tape 0004 - #0794 - BritComs (see ep list in pic)
Big Apple - Tape 0005 - #0795 - Dragon Slayer, Auntie Mame, Investigative Reports
Big Apple - Tape 0006 - #0796 - Upstairs Downstairs, Seasons of Life
Big Apple - Tape 0007 - #0797 - Frank Liza and Sammy, Cagney, Merrow Report, Heart of the City, Great Chefs
Big Apple - Tape 0008 - #0798 - Upstairs Downstairs
Big Apple - Tape 0009 - #0799 - America's Funniest Home Videos
Big Apple - Tape 0010 - #0801 - Lincoln Center + more
Big Apple - Tape 0011 - #0802 - Louis Armstrong in New Orleans [WNYC31, 1994-02-07+02-13] + more
Big Apple - Tape 0012 - #0803 - Upstairs Downstairs (see pic for episode list)
Big Apple - Tape 0013 - #0804 - Nova: Stunt Fliers, Michael Jackson + more
Big Apple - Tape 0014 - #0805 - Tulsa + St. Martins Lane + Steve & Eydie-Our Love Is Here To Stay + Alice Adams [WLIW21, 1994-03-26 to 30]
Big Apple - Tape 0015 - #0806 - Katherine Hepburn- All About Me + State Of The Union (1948) + PBS shows [WNET13, 1993-12-03]
Big Apple - Tape 0016 - #0807 - Floyd on Fish!
Group: Big Apple Box 002 |
Big Apple - Tape 0017 - #0830 - E.R. (2eps) + Casablanca Express + PBS shows [WABC7, 2002-12-07]
Group: Big Apple Box 003 |
Big Apple - Tape 0018 - #1017 - Security Tape, 2/26/2002 "Robbery"??
Group: Big Apple Box 004 |
Big Apple - Tape 0019 - #1024 - Channel 11. WB Kids, Animaniacs and Looney Toons, 9/18/1996
Big Apple - Tape 0020 - #1025 - Channel 11. WB Kids, Pinky and the Brain x 4, 7/27/1996
Big Apple - Tape 0021 - #1026 - Channel 13, PBS Thirteen, Charlie Rose, etc. 9/20/1996
Big Apple - Tape 0022 - #1027 - Channel 21, 9/20/1996 Late Nite
Big Apple - Tape 0023 - #1028 - Channel 13, Book of Visions Pt 3/3 60X
Big Apple - Tape 0024 - #1029 - O.S.S. [AMC, 1999-09-03] SP
Big Apple - Tape 0025 - #1030 - Blacklist-Hollywood On Trial [AMC, 1996-09-23]
Big Apple - Tape 0026 - #1031 - Music Maestro-Haydn + Waterways + Are You Being Served + [WLIW21, 1996-09-23]
Big Apple - Tape 0027 - #1032 - Justice In The Coalfields + Nova-Daredevils Of The Sky + PBS programs [WLIW21, 1996-09-04+05]
Big Apple - Tape 0028 - #1033 - Comedy Central, Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Big Apple - Tape 0029 - #1034 - 12 America's Funniest Video Shows [WABC7, 1996-07-21+08-04+08-11+08-18+08-25+09-01]
Big Apple - Tape 0030 - #1035 - Sci-Fi - Star Trek 2 Pt 1/2 (Nimoy Hosts!)
Big Apple - Tape 0031 - #1036 - American Experience - Crash Of 1929 + Newshour w. Jim Lehrer [WNET13, 1996-02-20]
Big Apple - Tape 0032 - #1037 - Chariot of the Gods [WABC] + 48 Hours [WCBS2, 1996-09-26]
Big Apple - Tape 0033 - #1038 - Sci-Fi - Star Trek 2 Pt 2/2 (Nimoy Hosts!)
Big Apple - Tape 0034 - #1039 - Nature-Born To Run + Cholesterol-The Killer Within+Great Crimes & Trials (2eps) [WLIW21, 1996-09-03]
Big Apple - Tape 0035 - #1040 - Cantos Latinos-White Dresses + Cantos Latinos-San Juan Story [WNET13, 1996-09-22]
Big Apple - Tape 0036 - #1041 - Channel 7, Disney Halloween 10/20/96
Big Apple - Tape 0037 - #1042 - Three Broadway Girls [WLIW21, 1996-09-21]
Big Apple - Tape 0038 - #1043 - Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream Home + Dream House Nightmare [WNET13, 1996-09-22]
Big Apple - Tape 0039 - #1044 - 1st Frames (short films) + Mystery Poirot [WLIW21 1996-09-01+02]
Big Apple - Tape 0040 - #1045 - The West (P7) - The Geography of Hope (1877-1887) [WNET13, 1996-09-23]
Big Apple - Tape 0041 - #1046 - Sherlock Holmes In Wash.+Kansas Pacific+Salome Where She Danced+Perils Of Pauline [WLNY55, 1996-09-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0042 - #1047 - Long John Silver [09-12] + Emperor Of The North [09-13] + Son Of Godzilla [09-22] [WLNY55 ,1996-09-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0043 - #1048 - Adv. From The Book Of Virtues-Work+Honesty (P1) + Responsibility + Compassion (P2) [WNET13, 1996-09-02 & 03]
Big Apple - Tape 0044 - #1049 - Against All Odds (several eps) [WLIW21, 1996-10-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0045 - #1050 - Hometime Kitchen + Raintree County + Rumpole Of The Bailey [WLIW21, 1996-10-20]
Big Apple - Tape 0046 - #1051 - We Do The Work (several eps) [WNET13, 1996-09-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0047 - #1052 - The Great Escape (P1) [FAMCH, 1996-08-31]
Big Apple - Tape 0048 - #1053 - The Ladykillers, That Uncertain Feelings [WNET13, 1996-09-01]
Big Apple - Tape 0049 - #1054 - Grilling, Burt Wolf's Table, Music Maestro-Mozart, Waterways, Being Served [WLIW21, 1996-09-02]
Big Apple - Tape 0050 - #1055 - PBS Programming [WLIW21, 1996-09-01] 90X
Big Apple - Tape 0051 - #1056 - Beau James + Betty Boop-Any Rags [AMC, 1996-01-05]
Big Apple - Tape 0052 - #1057 - Divine Madness + Bravo Programs [Bravo Network, 1996-09-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0053 - #1058 - Israel-The Enemy Within + Nature-Treasure Of The Andes [WNET13, 1996-09-01]
Big Apple - Tape 0054 - #1059 - 6pm News (38min) [WCBS2, NY, 1996-09-01]
Big Apple - Tape 0055 - #1060 - Audience w. Dame Edna + Ladies Please (Australian Drag Film) [WNET13, 1996-10-21]
Big Apple - Tape 0056 - #1061 - NY Theater Review + PBS Shows [WNYE25, 1996-02-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0057 - #1062 - Murder Ahoy + The Loved One + Reefer Madness [WLIW21, 1996-08-31]
Big Apple - Tape 0058 - #1063 - We Do The Work + PBS Broadcasting [WNET13, NY, 1996-09-02] 90X
Group: Big Apple Box 005 |
Big Apple - Tape 0059 - #1107 - City Arts-Harlem Nutcracker+ Mystery!+ Strange Landscape+ Charlie Rose+ Lena Horne [WNET13, 1996-11-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0060 - #1108 - In The Mix-AIDS dance-a-thon+Theatre Talk+Newshour [WNET13, 1196-11-27 & 1996-11-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0061 - #1109 - Lena Horne-In Her Own Voice+ Newshour [WNET13, 1996-11-28 & 1996-11-29]
Big Apple - Tape 0062 - #1110 - First Flights (6eps)+ Nutrition Pathways (2eps) [WLIW21, 1996-11-28 & 1996-11-29]
Big Apple - Tape 0063 - #1111 - No Time To Waste+ Charlie Rose+ Storytime [WNET13, 1996-11-24]
Big Apple - Tape 0064 - #1112 - NOVA-Odyssey Of Life+ Bramwell+ Virginia Wolf 2 eps+ Gregorian Chant+ Search For Spirituality [WNET13, 1996-11-24]
Big Apple - Tape 0065 - #1113 - America's Funniest Home Videos (4eps) [ABC7, 1996-09-22 thru 1996-12-08]
Big Apple - Tape 0066 - #1114 - Israel, Beyond The Horizon- Journey From Heaven To Earth+ The Silver Rush+ NY, The Way It Was-The Bronx [WLIW21, 1996-11-26]
Big Apple - Tape 0067 - #1115 - City Arts-Grand Central Station+ Listening At Luncheonette [WNET13, 1996-11-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0068 - #1116 - Sociological Imagination College Courses [WLIW21, 1996-12-05]
Big Apple - Tape 0069 - #1117 - Are You Being Served- Christmas Crackers+ EastEnders [WLIW21, 1996-12-25]
Big Apple - Tape 0070 - #1118 - Against All Odds P22+P24 (College Courses) [WLIW21, 1996-12-04]
Big Apple - Tape 0071 - #1119 - Thomas Hampson-I Hear America Singing [WNET13, 1997-01-08]
Big Apple - Tape 0072 - #1120 - Heavenly Voices+ Beyond The Wall [WNET13, 1996-12-29]
Big Apple - Tape 0073 - #1121 - World Of Music-Tour Of South America+ Dvorak At The Colon [WNET13, 1997-01-03]
Big Apple - Tape 0074 - #1122 - People+ 1st Frames (Snails Pace, Pleasant Hill, U.S.A.) [WLIW21, 1996-12-29]
Big Apple - Tape 0075 - #1123 - Frontline-Secret Daughter [WNET13, 1996-11-26]
Big Apple - Tape 0076 - #1124 - A Laugh, A Tear, A Mitzvah+ Israeil-Beyond The Horizon+NY The Way It Was+ PBS Shows [WLIW21, 1996-11-26]
Big Apple - Tape 0077 - #1125 - Talking w. David Frost [WNET13, 1996-11-15, 1996-11-22]
Big Apple - Tape 0078 - #1126 - News+ Letterman Opening [WCBS2, 1996-11-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0079 - #1127 - Spin City+NYPD Blue+News [WABC, 1997-01-07]
Big Apple - Tape 0080 - #1128 - EastEnders (2eps)+Are You Being Served+NOVA-Great Wildlife Heist [WLIW21, 1997-01-01+02]
Big Apple - Tape 0081 - #1129 - Guggenheims Uptown & Downtown + Alchemy In Light-Making Art Glass + Poirot + Charlie Rose-Leno [WNET13, 1997-01-02]
Big Apple - Tape 0082 - #1130 - Story Of Lassie + Eyewitness Dog + Kratts Creatures - Wild Dog [WNET13, 1997-01-02]
Big Apple - Tape 0083 - #1131 - Lord Of The East + NOVA - Secret Of The Wild Child + Majestic Nat'l Parks + Years Of TV (Beat The Clock+Dollar A Second) [WLIW21, 1997-01-02+03]
Big Apple - Tape 0084 - #1132 - Local News, Letterman with Jackie Chan and Woody Harrelson
Big Apple - Tape 0085 - #1133 - Mumfie XMas 12/23/1996, Life with Louie "Cool Yule Christmas" 12/24/1996, FOX Kids, Peter Pan and the Pirates
Big Apple - Tape 0086 - #1134 - Keepin Up + One Foot + Fawlty + 'Allo 'Allo + ITN [WLIW21, 1997-01-03]
Big Apple - Tape 0087 - #1135 - Jerry Springer-I Have A Secret To Tell You [WPIX11, 1997-01-02]
Big Apple - Tape 0088 - #1136 - Metro Guide + Island Of The Giant Bears + Taggart + EastEnders (2 eps)+1997 NY State Of The Union [WLIW21, 1997-01-08+09]
Big Apple - Tape 0089 - #1137 - City Life (w. Steven Reich) + Masterpiece Theater - Nostromo (partial) [WNET13, 1997-01-05]
Big Apple - Tape 0090 - #1138 - Battlefield II - Battle For The Rhine + Eastenders (2eps) + Served + ITN News [WLIW21, 1996-11-24+25]
Big Apple - Tape 0091 - #1139 - 8 minute, 30 second cut from show where 2 kids looking for The Great Von Vanishek [WNET13, Unknown]
Big Apple - Tape 0092 - #1140 - Oscar's Orchestra (2eps) + Disney Afternoon (Darkwing Duck) [WPIX11, 1996-11-29]
Big Apple - Tape 0093 - #1141 - Marx Brothers - Room Service + The Ape Man + Spotlight - Neville [WLIW21, 1996-12-29]
Big Apple - Tape 0094 - #1142 - R.S.V.P. Funniest Party Disasters + Simpsons + Ned & Stacy + Millenium (partial) [WNYW5, 1997-01-05]
Big Apple - Tape 0095 - #1143 - Mutiny On The Bounty (1935) + Julius Ceasar (1970) + Shakespeare's As You Like It (1936) [WNET13, 1997-01-04]
Big Apple - Tape 0096 - #1144 - Guggenheims Uptown & Down + Making Art Glass + NOVA - Cracking The Ice Age [WNET13, 1997-01-02]
Big Apple - Tape 0097 - #1145 - Story Of Vernon & Irene Castle (1939) + 1st Frames + Fawlty + First Flights (6eps0 [WLIW21, 1996-11-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0098 - #1146 - Fatman In France + Best Of City Arts + Lizzie Borden - Hash & Rehash [WNET13, 1997-01-03]
Group: Big Apple Box 006 |
Big Apple - Tape 0099 - #1220 - Chicago Hope [WCBS2, 1996-10-21]
Big Apple - Tape 0100 - #1221 - Instructional Programming (College Courses) + Crossroads Cafe [WNET13, 1996-10-10+11]
Big Apple - Tape 0101 - #1222 - By The Numbers (several eps)+Our Fragile World (The Khutzeymateen Valley) [WLIW21, 1996-10-24]
Big Apple - Tape 0102 - #1223 - Olivers Travelers + Charlie Rose + NOVA - Secrets Of Making Money + Newshour + Instructional Prog. [WNET13, 1996-10-24
Big Apple - Tape 0103 - #1224 - The Lady Vanishes (10-15) + Man Who Knew Too Much (10-16) + Sabotage (10-17) [WLNY55, 1996-10-xx]
Big Apple - Tape 0104 - #1225 - Let's Make Love (1960) [AMC, 1996-09-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0105 - #1226 - Keeping Up (4eps) [WNET13, 1996-09-28 to 1996-10-06]
Big Apple - Tape 0106 - #1227 - Oscar's Orchestra (4eps) [WPIX11, 1996-09-28 to 1996-10-18]
Big Apple - Tape 0107 - #1228 - Doug's Halloween Special + Rugrat's Halloween Special [WABC7, 1996-10-27]
Big Apple - Tape 0108 - #1229 - Gourmet Cooking + Frugal Gourmet + Inn Chefs + Many Cooking Shows [WLIW21, 1996-10-26 to 1996-10-27]
Big Apple - Tape 0109 - #1230 - Charlie Rose + Oliver's Travels + Newshour + Instructional Prog. [WNET13, 1996-10-28]
Big Apple - Tape 0110 - #1231 - City Arts - The Play's The Thing + River Of Steel [WNET13, 1996-10-24]
Big Apple - Tape 0111 - #1232 - Animaniacs + Bugs & Daffy (multiple eps) [WPIX11, 1996-10-22 to 1996-10-31]
Big Apple - Tape 0112 - #1233 - Bunny Lake Is Missing (last hour only) + King Tut's Tomb - Face Of Tutankhamun [A&E, 1996-09-27]
Big Apple - Tape 0113 - #1234 - Edu Social Imagination - Instructional Programming [WLIW21, 1996-09-19]
Big Apple - Tape 0114 - #1235 - Discover Psych - Instructional Programming [WLIW21, 1996-10-27]
Big Apple - Tape 0115 - #1236 - War & Peace (1968) (last hour) + Tolstoy - From Rags to Riches + Musing + Inside Albany + Sesame Street + Barney [WNET13, 1996-10-27]
Big Apple - Tape 0116 - #1237 - Count Dracula (1977) + Raintree County (1957) + Rich & Strange (1931) (1st hour) [WLIW21, 1996-10-26]
Big Apple - Tape 0117 - #1238 - Pinky & The Brain (4eps) [WPIX11, 1996-09-21 to 1996-10-12]
Big Apple - Tape 0118 - #1239 - Sci Amer Frontiers- I.N.V.E.N.T.I.N.G. The Future + Network (1976) + Rose - Gorbachev + In The Mix + Network Q [WNET13, 1996-10-23]
Big Apple - Tape 0119 - #1240 - NOVA - Three Men & A Balloon + Frontline - The Navy Blues + P.J. O'Rourke + Newton's Apple + Rose + Elephants Of India [WNET13, 1996-10-15]
Big Apple - Tape 0120 - #1241 - Channel 5, Melrose Place (10/28/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0121 - #1242 - Channel 7, Spin City (10/15/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0122 - #1243 - Channel 13 (10/26/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0123 - #1244 - Channel 21 (10/27/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0124 - #1245 - Channel 55
Big Apple - Tape 0125 - #1246 - Channel 25 (10/7/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0126 - #1247 - Channel AMC (9/24/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0127 - #1248 - Channel 13 "bad tape"?
Big Apple - Tape 0128 - #1249 - Channel 13 Tales From ? (10/24/96)
Big Apple - Tape 0129 - #1250 - Channel 7 Spin City (10/1/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0130 - #1251 - Channel 7 Spin City (10/8/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0131 - #1252 - "Blank"
Big Apple - Tape 0132 - #1253 - Channel 7 Golf, "Erase"?
Big Apple - Tape 0133 - #1254 - Channel 13 (09/09/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0134 - #1255 - Channel 4 Dark Skies (09/28/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0135 - #1256 - Channel 5, 11 (10/29/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0136 - #1257 - Channel 21 (10/15/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0137 - #1258 - Channel 5 Life with Love (09/14/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0138 - #1259 - Channel 21 (10/26/1996)
Group: Big Apple Box 007 |
Big Apple - Tape 0139 - #1271 - Channel 13, (11/7/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0140 - #1272 - Channel 4, Late Late Sat (10/25/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0141 - #1273 - Channel 9, XMas (12/25/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0142 - #1274 - Channel 4 (3/26/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0143 - #1275 - Channel 21 (7/16/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0144 - #1276 - Channel 10 (5/25/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0145 - #1277 - Channel 13 + 31
Big Apple - Tape 0146 - #1278 - Channel 5 (4/10/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0147 - #1279 - Channel TBS (7/3/1999)
Big Apple - Tape 0148 - #1280 - Channel 13 Amer Express PT 1/3 (5/5/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0149 - #1281 - Channel 13 (9/27/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0150 - #1282 - Channel 2 (11/7/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0151 - #1283 - Channel 21 Late Thurs (10/23/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0152 - #1284 - Channel 11 Late Fri (10/24/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0153 - #1285 - Channel 10 (4/10/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0154 - #1286 - Channel ? (8/9/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0155 - #1287 - Channel 25 (10/14/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0156 - #1288 - Channel ? (10/17/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0157 - #1289 - Channel 13 (9/24/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0158 - #1290 - Channel 5 (11/06/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0159 - #1291 - Channel 11 7th Heaven (9/30/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0160 - #1292 - Channel 13 (10/19/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0161 - #1293 - Channel 13 (10/19/1997)
Big Apple - Tape 0162 - #1294 - Channel 13 (5/10/1996)
Big Apple - Tape 0163 - #1295 - Channel 4 (9/13/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0164 - #1296 - Channel 9 T.Z. (10/2/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0165 - #1297 - Channel 13 (11/06/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0166 - #1298 - Channel 11 (6/27/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0167 - #1299 - Channel 25 (10/13/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0168 - #1300 - Channel ? (8/9/2000)
Big Apple - Tape 0169 - #1301 - Channel 13 Around the World in 80 Days pt 4/7
Big Apple - Tape 0170 - #1302 - Channel 21 (10/24/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0171 - #1303 - Channel 13 (10/26/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0172 - #1304 - Channel 2 (10/26/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0173 - #1305 - Channel 5 (10/13/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0174 - #1306 - Channel 21 (11/1/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0175 - #1307 - Channel 5 (10/21/2003)
Big Apple - Tape 0176 - #1308 - Channel 4 SNL! (12/15/2001)
Big Apple - Tape 0177 - #1309 - Channel 7 (7/5/2002)
Group: Big Apple Box 008 |
Big Apple - Tape 0179 - #1336 - Channel 13 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0180 - #1337 - Channel 2 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0181 - #1338 - Channel 5 (11/6/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0182 - #1339 - Channel 13 (11/16/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0183 - #1340 - Channel 13 (11/11/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0184 - #1341 - Channel 21 Late (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0185 - #1342 - Channel 21 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0186 - #1343 - Channel 13 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0187 - #1344 - Channel 7 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0188 - #1345 - Channel 21 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0189 - #1346 - Channel 4 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0190 - #1347 - Channel 21 (11/15/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0191 - #1348 - Channel 2 (11/15/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0192 - #1349 - Channel 21 (11/16/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0193 - #1350 - Channel 13 (11/16/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0194 - #1351 - Channel 4 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0195 - #1352 - Channel 7 (11/19/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0196 - #1353 - Channel 13 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0197 - #1354 - Channel 2 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0198 - #1355 - Channel 5 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0199 - #1356 - Channel 25 (11/15/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0200 - #1357 - Channel 25 (11/08/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0201 - #1358 - Channel 11 (10/31/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0202 - #1359 - Channel 7 (11/25/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0203 - #1360 - Channel 25 (11/22/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0204 - #1361 - Channel 21 (11/25/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0205 - #1362 - Channel 13 (11/25/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0206 - #1363 - Channel 2 (11/20/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0207 - #1364 - Channel 13 Late Fri (11/15/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0208 - #1365 - Channel 4 (11/15/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0209 - #1366 - Channel 21 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0210 - #1367 - PAX Candid Camera (10/20/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0211 - #1368 - Channel 7 Late Sun (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0212 - #1369 - Channel 7 (11/24/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0213 - #1370 - Channel 13 (11/25/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0214 - #1371 - Channel 21 (11/25/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0215 - #1372 - Channel 7 (11/15/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0216 - #1373 - Channel 13 (11/16/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0217 - #1374 - Channel 21 (11/16/2002)
Big Apple - Tape 0218 - #1375 - Channel 5 (11/22/2002)