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Harrodsburg - 022 - #1529 - Music Bios, Baseball
Harrodsburg - 022 - #1529 - Music Bios, Baseball (Added: 2025-03-17)
Harrodsburg - 023 - #1530 - Baseball
Harrodsburg - 023 - #1530 - Baseball (Added: 2025-03-17)
Harrodsburg - 024 - #1531 - Along Came a Spider (TNT)
Harrodsburg - 024 - #1531 - Along Came a Spider (TNT) (Added: 2025-03-17)
Harrodsburg - 011 - #1518 - The Rock, Madagascar
Harrodsburg - 011 - #1518 - The Rock, Madagascar (Added: 2025-03-14)
Harrodsburg - 012 - #1519 - Scooby Doo Movies
Harrodsburg - 012 - #1519 - Scooby Doo Movies (Added: 2025-03-14)
Harrodsburg - 013 - #1520 - Unconquered, Cherokee Trail, The Legend of Marty Robbins, Alf, Mr. Ed, Newhart
Harrodsburg - 013 - #1520 - Unconquered, Cherokee Trail, The Legend of Marty Robbins, Alf, Mr. Ed, Newhart (Added: 2025-03-14)
Harrodsburg - 014 - #1521 - Cold Mountain, White Chicks
Harrodsburg - 014 - #1521 - Cold Mountain, White Chicks (Added: 2025-03-14)
Harrodsburg - 004 - #1511 - Andy Griffith, Clueless, The Dogs, Annie, News and Sports
Harrodsburg - 004 - #1511 - Andy Griffith, Clueless, The Dogs, Annie, News and Sports (Added: 2025-03-07)
Harrodsburg - 005 - #1512 - Long Shot (abc family), N Sync, Conspiracy Theory (FX), Zumba Rapido, 60s Gold
Harrodsburg - 005 - #1512 - Long Shot (abc family), N Sync, Conspiracy Theory (FX), Zumba Rapido, 60s Gold (Added: 2025-03-07)
Harrodsburg - 006 - #1513 - Shalako, The Burning Hills, The Over the Hill Gang, Adam and Amanda Sledding, All in the Family
Harrodsburg - 006 - #1513 - Shalako, The Burning Hills, The Over the Hill Gang, Adam and Amanda Sledding, All in the Family (Added: 2025-03-07)
Harrodsburg - 007 - #1514 - High Noon, Tarzan Lord of the Apes, Rhinestone (Roy Orbison). Austin City Limits
Harrodsburg - 007 - #1514 - High Noon, Tarzan Lord of the Apes, Rhinestone (Roy Orbison). Austin City Limits (Added: 2025-03-06)
Harrodsburg - 008 - #1515 - Loretta Lybb Grand Ole Oprey, Gallagher
Harrodsburg - 008 - #1515 - Loretta Lybb Grand Ole Oprey, Gallagher (Added: 2025-03-06)
Harrodsburg - 009 - #1516 - The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory (1987), The Hangman, The Train Robbers, Charlie Brown, Alf
Harrodsburg - 009 - #1516 - The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory (1987), The Hangman, The Train Robbers, Charlie Brown, Alf (Added: 2025-03-06)
Harrodsburg - 010 - #1517 - Tom Seaver's No Hitter (June 16, 1978), Alf
Harrodsburg - 010 - #1517 - Tom Seaver's No Hitter (June 16, 1978), Alf (Added: 2025-03-06)
Harrodsburg - 003 - #1510 - The Christmas Box, Richard Thomas, Videos
Harrodsburg - 003 - #1510 - The Christmas Box, Richard Thomas, Videos (Added: 2025-03-03)
Harrodsburg - 002 - #1509 - Artists & Models, The Three Amigos, Charlie and the Angel, Nashville Now (R. Travis)
Harrodsburg - 002 - #1509 - Artists & Models, The Three Amigos, Charlie and the Angel, Nashville Now (R. Travis) (Added: 2025-03-03)
Harrodsburg - 001 - #1508 - Andy Griffith and Danny Thomas
Harrodsburg - 001 - #1508 - Andy Griffith and Danny Thomas (Added: 2025-03-03)
Thief River - 0019 - #1380 - Tell Them Willy Boy's Here (1969). Miami Vice, Lucy, Nash Bridges
Thief River - 0019 - #1380 - Tell Them Willy Boy's Here (1969). Miami Vice, Lucy, Nash Bridges (Added: 2025-03-01)
Shreveport - 0214 - #1495 - She Waits (Pt. 2), The Hunter, A Little Sex, Triumphs of a Man Called Horse III (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0214 - #1495 - She Waits (Pt. 2), The Hunter, A Little Sex, Triumphs of a Man Called Horse III (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-28)
Shreveport - 0237 - #1496 - The Year of Living Dangerously (Pt. 2), Time After Time, Eraserhead, The Deadly Sunday
Shreveport - 0237 - #1496 - The Year of Living Dangerously (Pt. 2), Time After Time, Eraserhead, The Deadly Sunday (Added: 2025-02-28)
Shreveport - 0222 - #1497 - Prophecy (Pt. 2), Drying up the Streets, Tuff Turf (Pt. 1), Toy Soldiers
Shreveport - 0222 - #1497 - Prophecy (Pt. 2), Drying up the Streets, Tuff Turf (Pt. 1), Toy Soldiers (Added: 2025-02-28)
Shreveport - 0465 - #1498 - Desert Storm the War USA vs Iraq Pt. 5
Shreveport - 0465 - #1498 - Desert Storm the War USA vs Iraq Pt. 5 (Added: 2025-02-28)
Shreveport - 0508 - #1499 - Jeanette's Day Time Soap Opera Tape!
Shreveport - 0508 - #1499 - Jeanette's Day Time Soap Opera Tape! (Added: 2025-02-28)
Shreveport - 0227 - #1500 - Journey Into the Beyond, Roots vol 2, vol 3, vol 4
Shreveport - 0227 - #1500 - Journey Into the Beyond, Roots vol 2, vol 3, vol 4 (Added: 2025-02-27)
Shreveport - 0466 - #1501 - Crack House, Desert Storm Iraq vs. USA Part 6
Shreveport - 0466 - #1501 - Crack House, Desert Storm Iraq vs. USA Part 6 (Added: 2025-02-27)
Allentown - 001 - #1502 - Simpsons, Cable TV, Patty and Selma
Allentown - 001 - #1502 - Simpsons, Cable TV, Patty and Selma (Added: 2025-02-26)
Allentown - 002 - #1503 - The Bed, Simpsons, Late Night 8th Anniversary
Allentown - 002 - #1503 - The Bed, Simpsons, Late Night 8th Anniversary (Added: 2025-02-26)
Allentown - 003 - #1504 - Are You Being Served?, How'd They Do That, Home Improvement, Simpsons, Seinfeld, Friends & Neighbors
Allentown - 003 - #1504 - Are You Being Served?, How'd They Do That, Home Improvement, Simpsons, Seinfeld, Friends & Neighbors (Added: 2025-02-26)
Allentown - 004 - #1505 - Mad About You, Growing Pains, Seinfeld (the pilot), Friends
Allentown - 004 - #1505 - Mad About You, Growing Pains, Seinfeld (the pilot), Friends (Added: 2025-02-26)
Allentown - 005 - #1506 - Simpsons, Late Show 5th Anniversary
Allentown - 005 - #1506 - Simpsons, Late Show 5th Anniversary (Added: 2025-02-26)
Allentown - 006 - #1507 - Parker Lewis, Married with Children, Herman's Head
Allentown - 006 - #1507 - Parker Lewis, Married with Children, Herman's Head (Added: 2025-02-26)
Tucson - Tape 0057 - #1457 - Crossing Jordan (Sept 24, 2001), JAG, Star Trek Enterprise, Frasier, Philly (all season premieres) - Extensive Notes!
Tucson - Tape 0057 - #1457 - Crossing Jordan (Sept 24, 2001), JAG, Star Trek Enterprise, Frasier, Philly (all season premieres) - Extensive Notes! (Added: 2025-02-21)
Shreveport - 0377 - #1488 - The Bridge on the River Kwai (Pt. 2). Kentucky Fried Movie,  Donahue, Classified Ads
Shreveport - 0377 - #1488 - The Bridge on the River Kwai (Pt. 2). Kentucky Fried Movie, Donahue, Classified Ads (Added: 2025-02-21)
Shreveport - 0234 - #1489 - Jennifer (Pt. 2), Funhouse, From the Life of the Marionettes, Winter Light (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0234 - #1489 - Jennifer (Pt. 2), Funhouse, From the Life of the Marionettes, Winter Light (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-21)
Shreveport - 0169 - #1490 - Soldier Blue, Blacula (Pt. 2)
Shreveport - 0169 - #1490 - Soldier Blue, Blacula (Pt. 2) (Added: 2025-02-21)
Shreveport - 0157 - #1491 - Into the Night (Pt. 2), Prince and the Revolution Love
Shreveport - 0157 - #1491 - Into the Night (Pt. 2), Prince and the Revolution Love (Added: 2025-02-21)
Shreveport - 0519 - #1492 - City of Hope (Pt. 2), Dracula (Jack Palance), The Borrower (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0519 - #1492 - City of Hope (Pt. 2), Dracula (Jack Palance), The Borrower (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0213 - #1493 - Perfect (Pt. 2), Scared to Death, Balto's Eddie Murphy, She Waits (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0213 - #1493 - Perfect (Pt. 2), Scared to Death, Balto's Eddie Murphy, She Waits (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0471 - #1494 - Darkman, C-SPAN II with Prof Jessie McDade Bey Communist Party
Shreveport - 0471 - #1494 - Darkman, C-SPAN II with Prof Jessie McDade Bey Communist Party (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0462 - #1482 - Red Blooded American Girl, Street Asylum, Desert Storm the War America vs. Iraq Pt 1
Shreveport - 0462 - #1482 - Red Blooded American Girl, Street Asylum, Desert Storm the War America vs. Iraq Pt 1 (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0472 - #1483 - Play Room, Voodoo Dawn, Amityville 4, Soul Taker (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0472 - #1483 - Play Room, Voodoo Dawn, Amityville 4, Soul Taker (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0216- #1484 - Holocaust III (Pt. 2), The Fury (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0216- #1484 - Holocaust III (Pt. 2), The Fury (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - NONE- #1485 - Sleazy Jerry Springer Episodes
Shreveport - NONE- #1485 - Sleazy Jerry Springer Episodes (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0503 - #1486 - Cape Fear (Pt. 1, 1991)
Shreveport - 0503 - #1486 - Cape Fear (Pt. 1, 1991) (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0302 - #1487 - Salon Kitty (Pt. 2), Vendetta (Pt. 2), Dead Wrong, Man from Deep River (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0302 - #1487 - Salon Kitty (Pt. 2), Vendetta (Pt. 2), Dead Wrong, Man from Deep River (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-20)
Shreveport - 0461 - #1478 - Shaka Zulu, Tyson vs. Stewart 12/8/1990 (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0461 - #1478 - Shaka Zulu, Tyson vs. Stewart 12/8/1990 (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-19)
Shreveport - NONE - #1479 - Shutter, Super Bowl XXXVIII (Feb 1, 2004, Panthers vs. Patriots)
Shreveport - NONE - #1479 - Shutter, Super Bowl XXXVIII (Feb 1, 2004, Panthers vs. Patriots) (Added: 2025-02-19)
Shreveport - 0279 - #1480 - The Nesting (Pt.  2), Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddy's Revenge, Love at First Bite, Subliminal Persuasion Concentration
Shreveport - 0279 - #1480 - The Nesting (Pt. 2), Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddy's Revenge, Love at First Bite, Subliminal Persuasion Concentration (Added: 2025-02-19)
Shreveport - 0309 - #1481 - Crawl Space (Pt. 2) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Manhunter (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0309 - #1481 - Crawl Space (Pt. 2) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Manhunter (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-19)
Tucson - Tape 0063 - #1463 - Masterpiece Theater: Bramwell IV (Jan 10, 1999), Ballykissangel - extensive notes
Tucson - Tape 0063 - #1463 - Masterpiece Theater: Bramwell IV (Jan 10, 1999), Ballykissangel - extensive notes (Added: 2025-02-16)
Shreveport - 0004 - #1474 - I Spit On Your Grave, The Entity, Poltergeist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bears vs. Green Bay (Nov 23, 1986)
Shreveport - 0004 - #1474 - I Spit On Your Grave, The Entity, Poltergeist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bears vs. Green Bay (Nov 23, 1986) (Added: 2025-02-16)
Shreveport - 0497 - #1475 - Michael Jackson: Dangerous Tour
Shreveport - 0497 - #1475 - Michael Jackson: Dangerous Tour (Added: 2025-02-16)
Shreveport - 0412 - #1476 - Ghost Town,  Shockwaves, Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Street Trash, Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Shreveport - 0412 - #1476 - Ghost Town, Shockwaves, Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Street Trash, Hellbound: Hellraiser II (Added: 2025-02-16)
Shreveport - 0232 - #1477 - Season of the Witch (Pt. 3), Year of Living Dangerously (Pt. 2), The Power Jennifer (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0232 - #1477 - Season of the Witch (Pt. 3), Year of Living Dangerously (Pt. 2), The Power Jennifer (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-16)
Shreveport - 0218 - #1467 - Super Bowl XX, NBC, Jan 26 1986, also Wynton Marsalis
Shreveport - 0218 - #1467 - Super Bowl XX, NBC, Jan 26 1986, also Wynton Marsalis (Added: 2025-02-15)
Shreveport - 0230 - #1468 - St. Elmo's Fire (Pt. 2), Mr. Mom, There Was a Crooked Man (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0230 - #1468 - St. Elmo's Fire (Pt. 2), Mr. Mom, There Was a Crooked Man (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Shreveport - 0046 - #1469 - The Long Riders (Pt.2), Mandingo, Trading Places (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0046 - #1469 - The Long Riders (Pt.2), Mandingo, Trading Places (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Shreveport - 0344 - #1470 - Chud (Pt. 2), The Step Father, Dead Time Stories, Rene and Angela Street Called Desire (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0344 - #1470 - Chud (Pt. 2), The Step Father, Dead Time Stories, Rene and Angela Street Called Desire (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Shreveport - 0304 - #1471 - Extremities (Pt. 2), At Close Range, Agent on Ice, Reform School Girls (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0304 - #1471 - Extremities (Pt. 2), At Close Range, Agent on Ice, Reform School Girls (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Shreveport - NONE - #1473 - Millennium, Roy Jones vs. Julio Gonzales, Felix Trinidad, Below
Shreveport - NONE - #1473 - Millennium, Roy Jones vs. Julio Gonzales, Felix Trinidad, Below (Added: 2025-02-15)
Tucson - Tape 0064 - #1464 - Friends (Oct 11, 2001) also  CSI, ER - Extensive Notes!
Tucson - Tape 0064 - #1464 - Friends (Oct 11, 2001) also CSI, ER - Extensive Notes! (Added: 2025-02-15)
Tucson - Tape 0065 - #1465 - Masterpiece Theater: Wives and Daughters (April 1, 2001)
Tucson - Tape 0065 - #1465 - Masterpiece Theater: Wives and Daughters (April 1, 2001) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Tucson - Tape 0060 - #1460 - Frasier (NBC, Oct 14, 1999, Eucalyptus tree removal day!), ER, Friends
Tucson - Tape 0060 - #1460 - Frasier (NBC, Oct 14, 1999, Eucalyptus tree removal day!), ER, Friends (Added: 2025-02-15)
Tucson - Tape 0062 - #1462 - China Beach
Tucson - Tape 0062 - #1462 - China Beach "The World" (April 26, 1989), Roe vs. Wade (Holly Hunter, May 15, 1989) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Tucson - Tape 0050 - #1427 - China Beach, Last Episode of season (June 8. 1988),  also Mystery!
Tucson - Tape 0050 - #1427 - China Beach, Last Episode of season (June 8. 1988), also Mystery! (Added: 2025-02-15)
Shreveport - 0303 - #1472 - The Zero Boys (Pt. 2),  The Scavengers, Dead End Drive-Inn, Vendetta (Pt. 1)
Shreveport - 0303 - #1472 - The Zero Boys (Pt. 2), The Scavengers, Dead End Drive-Inn, Vendetta (Pt. 1) (Added: 2025-02-15)
Tucson - Tape 0039 - #1328 - Beverly Hills 90210 Series Finale (May 10, 2000) plus 3 countdown episodes
Tucson - Tape 0039 - #1328 - Beverly Hills 90210 Series Finale (May 10, 2000) plus 3 countdown episodes (Added: 2025-02-14)
Tucson - Tape 0066 - #1466 - Masterpiece Theater: Cider with Rosie (Feb 28, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0066 - #1466 - Masterpiece Theater: Cider with Rosie (Feb 28, 1999) (Added: 2025-02-14)
Tucson - Tape 0061 - #1461 - Monsignor Renard, Pts I, III (May 7, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0061 - #1461 - Monsignor Renard, Pts I, III (May 7, 2000) (Added: 2025-02-12)
Tucson - Tape 0058 - #1458 - Horatio Hornblower (A&E, April 12, 2001) - long notes!
Tucson - Tape 0058 - #1458 - Horatio Hornblower (A&E, April 12, 2001) - long notes! (Added: 2025-02-12)
Tucson - Tape 0059 - #1459 - Inherit the Wind (May 28, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0059 - #1459 - Inherit the Wind (May 28, 2000) (Added: 2025-02-12)
Toledo - Tape N-M - #1389 - The Flight of the Grey Wolf, Boeing Boeing, Murder She Wrote, Quantum Leap, Simpsons
Toledo - Tape N-M - #1389 - The Flight of the Grey Wolf, Boeing Boeing, Murder She Wrote, Quantum Leap, Simpsons (Added: 2025-02-11)
Toledo - Tape O-A - #1390 - Tough Guys, Quantum Leap, High Anxiety, Kung Fu
Toledo - Tape O-A - #1390 - Tough Guys, Quantum Leap, High Anxiety, Kung Fu (Added: 2025-02-11)
Toledo - Tape Q-T - #1391 - What About Bob?,  Look Who's Talking Too, Simpsons, Kung Fu, The Critic
Toledo - Tape Q-T - #1391 - What About Bob?, Look Who's Talking Too, Simpsons, Kung Fu, The Critic (Added: 2025-02-11)
Toledo - Tape O-E - #1392 - Miracle Child, 9 to 5, Kung Fu, Young Indiana Jones (April 10, 1993)
Toledo - Tape O-E - #1392 - Miracle Child, 9 to 5, Kung Fu, Young Indiana Jones (April 10, 1993) (Added: 2025-02-11)
Tucson - Tape 0038 - #1327 - Beverly Hills 90210 10th season opener (Sept 8, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0038 - #1327 - Beverly Hills 90210 10th season opener (Sept 8, 1999) (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 073 - #1446 - Twins, Cocktail, Big Business
Charlotte - Tape 073 - #1446 - Twins, Cocktail, Big Business (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 074 - #1447 - Camp Rock, Freaky Friday, Nancy Drew
Charlotte - Tape 074 - #1447 - Camp Rock, Freaky Friday, Nancy Drew (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 063 - #1436 - Sunday Drive, Pete's Dragon
Charlotte - Tape 063 - #1436 - Sunday Drive, Pete's Dragon (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 064 - #1437 - Baker's Hawk, Old Yeller, Return to Oz
Charlotte - Tape 064 - #1437 - Baker's Hawk, Old Yeller, Return to Oz (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 065 - #1438 - Treasure Island, The Cat From Outer Space
Charlotte - Tape 065 - #1438 - Treasure Island, The Cat From Outer Space (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 066 - #1439 - Alex Haley's Queen, 3 parts
Charlotte - Tape 066 - #1439 - Alex Haley's Queen, 3 parts (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 067 - #1440 - The Truth About Spring, The Yearling, City Boy Kids, Spirit Rider
Charlotte - Tape 067 - #1440 - The Truth About Spring, The Yearling, City Boy Kids, Spirit Rider (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 058 - #1431 - Wildflower, Miracle in the Wilderness, A High Wind in Jamaica
Charlotte - Tape 058 - #1431 - Wildflower, Miracle in the Wilderness, A High Wind in Jamaica (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 059 - #1432 - A Wakening Land (6 hours)
Charlotte - Tape 059 - #1432 - A Wakening Land (6 hours) (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 060 - #1433 - A Troll in Central Park, Hercules, Clueless
Charlotte - Tape 060 - #1433 - A Troll in Central Park, Hercules, Clueless (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 061 - #1434 - Excess Baggage, Men In Black, Flubber
Charlotte - Tape 061 - #1434 - Excess Baggage, Men In Black, Flubber (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 062 - #1435 - Brand New Life, Growing Pains I II, The Young Riders (1989)
Charlotte - Tape 062 - #1435 - Brand New Life, Growing Pains I II, The Young Riders (1989) (Added: 2025-02-11)
Tucson - Tape 0045 - #1394 - Frasier, JAG, Philly? (Oct 2, 2001)
Tucson - Tape 0045 - #1394 - Frasier, JAG, Philly? (Oct 2, 2001) (Added: 2025-02-11)
Tucson - Tape 0047 - #1396 - Friends (April 23, 1998), 90210
Tucson - Tape 0047 - #1396 - Friends (April 23, 1998), 90210 (Added: 2025-02-11)
Tucson - Tape 0048 - #1425 - ER (NBC, Jan 29, 1998), JAG (May 19, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0048 - #1425 - ER (NBC, Jan 29, 1998), JAG (May 19, 1998) (Added: 2025-02-11)
Charlotte - Tape 057 - #1424 - Shipwrecked, Brain Donors, Where Sleeping Dogs Lie / Nickle and Dime
Charlotte - Tape 057 - #1424 - Shipwrecked, Brain Donors, Where Sleeping Dogs Lie / Nickle and Dime (Added: 2025-02-10)
Charlotte - Tape 056 - #1423 - Jack, The Meeksville Ghost, Dawn Anna
Charlotte - Tape 056 - #1423 - Jack, The Meeksville Ghost, Dawn Anna (Added: 2025-02-10)
Charlotte - Tape 055 - #1422 - Longford, Stick-It, The Beautiful Country
Charlotte - Tape 055 - #1422 - Longford, Stick-It, The Beautiful Country (Added: 2025-02-10)
Charlotte - Tape 054 - #1421 - Slam Dunk Ernest
Charlotte - Tape 054 - #1421 - Slam Dunk Ernest (Added: 2025-02-10)
Charlotte - Tape 053 - #1420 - Wizard of Oz (CBS), First
Charlotte - Tape 053 - #1420 - Wizard of Oz (CBS), First "Lucy" Show (Dis-96) (Added: 2025-02-10)
Tucson - Tape 0041 - #1330 - Mariachi eSpectacular! June 2, 2000, Magnum P.I.
Tucson - Tape 0041 - #1330 - Mariachi eSpectacular! June 2, 2000, Magnum P.I. (Added: 2025-02-10)
Charlotte - Tape 052 - #1419 - Rocketeer, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, Dead On / Relentless 2
Charlotte - Tape 052 - #1419 - Rocketeer, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, Dead On / Relentless 2 (Added: 2025-02-07)
Charlotte - Tape 051 - #1418 - Doc, See Jane Date, Heavyweights
Charlotte - Tape 051 - #1418 - Doc, See Jane Date, Heavyweights (Added: 2025-02-07)
Charlotte - Tape 050 - #1417 - Night Crossing, Jewel of the Nile, Alien
Charlotte - Tape 050 - #1417 - Night Crossing, Jewel of the Nile, Alien (Added: 2025-02-07)
Toy Fair Catalogs

Toy Catalogs
Hobby Catalogs

Hobby Catalogs
Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive
Featured Toy Lines

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Air Raiders

Masters of the Universe Classics

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Nasta Reactors

DC Universe Classics

Indiana Jones by Hasbro

New Additions
Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
April 15, 1985
Yahoo! Internet Life: August, 2001
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
Egon: w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking
w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking


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New York Comic Con 2008 

San Diego Comic Con 2008 

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