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The Tucson Collection (show list view)
Group: 1988
Tucson - Tape 0050 - #1427 - China Beach, Last Episode of season (June 8. 1988),  also Mystery!
Tucson - Tape 0050 - #1427 - China Beach, Last Episode of season (June 8. 1988), also Mystery!
Group: 1989
Tucson - Tape 0062 - #1462 - China Beach
Tucson - Tape 0062 - #1462 - China Beach "The World" (April 26, 1989), Roe vs. Wade (Holly Hunter, May 15, 1989)
Group: 1993
Tucson - Tape 0033 - #1322 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Nov. 17, 1993)
Tucson - Tape 0033 - #1322 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Nov. 17, 1993)
Group: 1994
Tucson - Tape 0010 - #1200 - Melrose Place (1994)
Tucson - Tape 0010 - #1200 - Melrose Place (1994)
Tucson - Tape 0023 - #1270 - Melrose Place (Oct. 17, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0023 - #1270 - Melrose Place (Oct. 17, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0026 - #1315 - Beverly Hills 90210 5th Season Opener (Sept 7, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0026 - #1315 - Beverly Hills 90210 5th Season Opener (Sept 7, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0027 - #1316 - Melrose Place Special (March 26, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0027 - #1316 - Melrose Place Special (March 26, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0030 - #1319 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Oct. 19, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0030 - #1319 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Oct. 19, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0031 - #1320 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Dec. 14, 1994)
Tucson - Tape 0031 - #1320 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Dec. 14, 1994)
Group: 1995
Tucson - Tape 0005 - #1104 - Beverly Hills 90210 Season Finale May 24, 1995, Lost Civilizations, Ancient Mysteries
Tucson - Tape 0005 - #1104 - Beverly Hills 90210 Season Finale May 24, 1995, Lost Civilizations, Ancient Mysteries
Tucson - Tape 0006 - #1196 - Homicide: Life on the Street (Dec. 15, 1995)
Tucson - Tape 0006 - #1196 - Homicide: Life on the Street (Dec. 15, 1995)
Tucson - Tape 0008 - #1198 - NYPD Blue (March 14, 1995 and others)
Tucson - Tape 0008 - #1198 - NYPD Blue (March 14, 1995 and others)
Tucson - Tape 0012 - #1202 - Beverly Hills 90210 6th Season Premiere Sept 13, 1995
Tucson - Tape 0012 - #1202 - Beverly Hills 90210 6th Season Premiere Sept 13, 1995
Tucson - Tape 0016 - #1206 - Melrose Place 100th Episode, Sept 20 1995
Tucson - Tape 0016 - #1206 - Melrose Place 100th Episode, Sept 20 1995
Tucson - Tape 0025 - #1314 - Melrose Place (Feb. 20, 1995)
Tucson - Tape 0025 - #1314 - Melrose Place (Feb. 20, 1995)
Tucson - Tape 0028 - #1317 - Melrose Place (April 3, 1995)
Tucson - Tape 0028 - #1317 - Melrose Place (April 3, 1995)
Tucson - Tape 0055 - #1455 - The Boys of St. Vincent (A&E, Canadian, Feb 19, 1995), Frasier, 90210
Tucson - Tape 0055 - #1455 - The Boys of St. Vincent (A&E, Canadian, Feb 19, 1995), Frasier, 90210
Group: 1996
Tucson - Tape 0034 - #1323 - Melrose Place (May. 20, 1996)
Tucson - Tape 0034 - #1323 - Melrose Place (May. 20, 1996)
Tucson - Tape 0035 - #1324 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Mar. 13, 1996)
Tucson - Tape 0035 - #1324 - Beverly Hills 90210 (Mar. 13, 1996)
Tucson - Tape 0053 - #1430 - Frasier (May 21, 1996)
Tucson - Tape 0053 - #1430 - Frasier (May 21, 1996)
Group: 1997
Tucson - Tape 0017 - #1212 - NYPD Blue (Dec 9, 1997)
Tucson - Tape 0017 - #1212 - NYPD Blue (Dec 9, 1997)
Tucson - Tape 0021 - #1261 - NYPD Blue (Oct. 14, 1997)
Tucson - Tape 0021 - #1261 - NYPD Blue (Oct. 14, 1997)
Tucson - Tape 0051 - #1428 - Friends, 4th season premiere  (sept 25, 1997), Obsessed with Vertigo,  All Creatures Great and Small, Players (Ice-T)
Tucson - Tape 0051 - #1428 - Friends, 4th season premiere (sept 25, 1997), Obsessed with Vertigo, All Creatures Great and Small, Players (Ice-T)
Tucson - Tape 0056 - #1456 - Frasier, May 6 1997
Tucson - Tape 0056 - #1456 - Frasier, May 6 1997
Group: 1998
Tucson - Tape 0003 - #1102 - Homicide (NBC) 7th season opener and others (1998)
Tucson - Tape 0003 - #1102 - Homicide (NBC) 7th season opener and others (1998)
Tucson - Tape 0007 - #1197 - Championship Ballroom Dancing (PBS, May 6 1998), Law & Order
Tucson - Tape 0007 - #1197 - Championship Ballroom Dancing (PBS, May 6 1998), Law & Order
Tucson - Tape 0018 - #1213 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (April 3, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0018 - #1213 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (April 3, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0022 - #1269 - NYPD Blue 6th season opener (ABC, Oct. 20, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0022 - #1269 - NYPD Blue 6th season opener (ABC, Oct. 20, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0036 - #1325 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (Nov. 6, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0036 - #1325 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (Nov. 6, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0040 - #1329 - Beverly Hills 90210 9th Season Opener (Sept 16, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0040 - #1329 - Beverly Hills 90210 9th Season Opener (Sept 16, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0043 - #1332 - Law and Order Movie (Nov 8, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0043 - #1332 - Law and Order Movie (Nov 8, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0044 - #1333 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (May 8, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0044 - #1333 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (May 8, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0046 - #1395 - Daily Show Craig Kilborn (Comedy Central, May 11 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0046 - #1395 - Daily Show Craig Kilborn (Comedy Central, May 11 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0047 - #1396 - Friends (April 23, 1998), 90210
Tucson - Tape 0047 - #1396 - Friends (April 23, 1998), 90210
Tucson - Tape 0048 - #1425 - ER (NBC, Jan 29, 1998), JAG (May 19, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0048 - #1425 - ER (NBC, Jan 29, 1998), JAG (May 19, 1998)
Tucson - Tape 0054 - #1454 - TNT NBA Draft (June 24, 1998) - with detailed notes!!
Tucson - Tape 0054 - #1454 - TNT NBA Draft (June 24, 1998) - with detailed notes!!
Group: 1999
Tucson - Tape 0001 - #1101 - Beverly Hills 90210 Season Finale May 19, 1999
Tucson - Tape 0001 - #1101 - Beverly Hills 90210 Season Finale May 19, 1999
Tucson - Tape 0004 - #1103 - NYPD Blue April 27 1999, JAG
Tucson - Tape 0004 - #1103 - NYPD Blue April 27 1999, JAG
Tucson - Tape 0014 - #1204 - The West Wing (Sept 29, 1999), Law & Order
Tucson - Tape 0014 - #1204 - The West Wing (Sept 29, 1999), Law & Order
Tucson - Tape 0020 - #1260 - NYPD Blue (Feb 16, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0020 - #1260 - NYPD Blue (Feb 16, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0024 - #1311 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (Jan. 15, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0024 - #1311 - Homicide: Life on the Streets (Jan. 15, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0038 - #1327 - Beverly Hills 90210 10th season opener (Sept 8, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0038 - #1327 - Beverly Hills 90210 10th season opener (Sept 8, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0060 - #1460 - Frasier (NBC, Oct 14, 1999, Eucalyptus tree removal day!), ER, Friends
Tucson - Tape 0060 - #1460 - Frasier (NBC, Oct 14, 1999, Eucalyptus tree removal day!), ER, Friends
Tucson - Tape 0063 - #1463 - Masterpiece Theater: Bramwell IV (Jan 10, 1999), Ballykissangel - extensive notes
Tucson - Tape 0063 - #1463 - Masterpiece Theater: Bramwell IV (Jan 10, 1999), Ballykissangel - extensive notes
Tucson - Tape 0066 - #1466 - Masterpiece Theater: Cider with Rosie (Feb 28, 1999)
Tucson - Tape 0066 - #1466 - Masterpiece Theater: Cider with Rosie (Feb 28, 1999)
Group: 2000
Tucson - Tape 0002 - #1158 - Beverly Hills 90210, West Wing Wednesday, Feb 9 2000
Tucson - Tape 0002 - #1158 - Beverly Hills 90210, West Wing Wednesday, Feb 9 2000
Tucson - Tape 0009 - #1199 - The West Wing (Nov 15, 2000 and more), Very long notes!  See photos
Tucson - Tape 0009 - #1199 - The West Wing (Nov 15, 2000 and more), Very long notes! See photos
Tucson - Tape 0013 - #1203 - NYPD Blue 2 hour season finale, (May 23, 2000 ABC  Channel 9 8-10pm)
Tucson - Tape 0013 - #1203 - NYPD Blue 2 hour season finale, (May 23, 2000 ABC Channel 9 8-10pm)
Tucson - Tape 0015 - #1205 - Law & Order and SVU Crossover ep Feb 18, 2000
Tucson - Tape 0015 - #1205 - Law & Order and SVU Crossover ep Feb 18, 2000
Tucson - Tape 0019 - #1214 - West Wing, April 26, 2000 (huge notes!)
Tucson - Tape 0019 - #1214 - West Wing, April 26, 2000 (huge notes!)
Tucson - Tape 0037 - #1326 - Chicago Hope (May 4, 2000), Law & Order (May. 5, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0037 - #1326 - Chicago Hope (May 4, 2000), Law & Order (May. 5, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0039 - #1328 - Beverly Hills 90210 Series Finale (May 10, 2000) plus 3 countdown episodes
Tucson - Tape 0039 - #1328 - Beverly Hills 90210 Series Finale (May 10, 2000) plus 3 countdown episodes
Tucson - Tape 0041 - #1330 - Mariachi eSpectacular! June 2, 2000, Magnum P.I.
Tucson - Tape 0041 - #1330 - Mariachi eSpectacular! June 2, 2000, Magnum P.I.
Tucson - Tape 0059 - #1459 - Inherit the Wind (May 28, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0059 - #1459 - Inherit the Wind (May 28, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0061 - #1461 - Monsignor Renard, Pts I, III (May 7, 2000)
Tucson - Tape 0061 - #1461 - Monsignor Renard, Pts I, III (May 7, 2000)
Group: 2001
Tucson - Tape 0011 - #1201 - NYPD Blue, JAG, Frasier (2001) (Huge notes!  Poor tracking on first hour)
Tucson - Tape 0011 - #1201 - NYPD Blue, JAG, Frasier (2001) (Huge notes! Poor tracking on first hour)
Tucson - Tape 0045 - #1394 - Frasier, JAG, Philly? (Oct 2, 2001)
Tucson - Tape 0045 - #1394 - Frasier, JAG, Philly? (Oct 2, 2001)
Tucson - Tape 0058 - #1458 - Horatio Hornblower (A&E, April 12, 2001) - long notes!
Tucson - Tape 0058 - #1458 - Horatio Hornblower (A&E, April 12, 2001) - long notes!
Tucson - Tape 0064 - #1464 - Friends (Oct 11, 2001) also  CSI, ER - Extensive Notes!
Tucson - Tape 0064 - #1464 - Friends (Oct 11, 2001) also CSI, ER - Extensive Notes!
Tucson - Tape 0065 - #1465 - Masterpiece Theater: Wives and Daughters (April 1, 2001)
Tucson - Tape 0065 - #1465 - Masterpiece Theater: Wives and Daughters (April 1, 2001)
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Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
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Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
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