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2022 Good Watching | 2023 Good Watching | 2024 Good Watching | Action | Adventure | As Blank | Cartoon | Classics | Comedy | Crime | Cynthia Rothrock | Documentary | Don 'the dragon' Wilson | Drama | Family | Horror | Indy | Kids | Kung-Fu | Non-Fiction | Original Collection | Romance | Sci-Fi | Screener | Sports | The Allentown Collection | The Augusta Collection | The Bennett Collection | The Big Apple Collection | The Charlotte Collection | The Chicago Collection | The Clifton Collection | The Harrodsburg Collection | The Martinez Collection | The Modesto Collection | The Muskegon Collection | The Philadelphia Collection | The Shreveport Collection | The Thief River Collection | The Thompson Collection | The Toledo Collection | The Tucson Collection | The Weatherford Collection | The Wilkins Collection | Thriller | Western |
The Augusta Collection

The Augusta Collection (show list view)
Augusta - 0070 - #1157 - The Greatest Show on Earth, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!
Augusta - 0070 - #1157 - The Greatest Show on Earth, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!
Augusta - 0132 - #1162 - The Jackal, George of the Jungle, FX
Augusta - 0132 - #1162 - The Jackal, George of the Jungle, FX
Augusta - 0133 - #1064 - Black Stallion, Father Goose,  The Bell Boy
Augusta - 0133 - #1064 - Black Stallion, Father Goose, The Bell Boy
Augusta - 0134 - #1065 - Lost and Found, Jewel of the Nile, Witchblade
Augusta - 0134 - #1065 - Lost and Found, Jewel of the Nile, Witchblade
Augusta - 0135 - #1155 - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Sweet Talker, Quigley Down Under
Augusta - 0135 - #1155 - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Sweet Talker, Quigley Down Under
Augusta - 0136 - #1165 - Fastest Gun Alive, The Sheepman, Pocahontas
Augusta - 0136 - #1165 - Fastest Gun Alive, The Sheepman, Pocahontas
Augusta - 0151 - #1073 - Lillies of the Field, Fiddler on the Roof
Augusta - 0151 - #1073 - Lillies of the Field, Fiddler on the Roof
Augusta - 0214 - #1021 - Sanctuary (sci fi)
Augusta - 0214 - #1021 - Sanctuary (sci fi)
Augusta - NONE - #1018 - The Legend of Earth Sea, Night of the Wolf
Augusta - NONE - #1018 - The Legend of Earth Sea, Night of the Wolf
Augusta - NONE - #1019 - Elephant Walk, To Catch a Thief, At War with the Army (Martin and Lewis)
Augusta - NONE - #1019 - Elephant Walk, To Catch a Thief, At War with the Army (Martin and Lewis)
Augusta - NONE - #1020 - Heaven and Earth
Augusta - NONE - #1020 - Heaven and Earth
Augusta - NONE - #1023 - On the Town, Royal Wedding, Singin in the Rain, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Augusta - NONE - #1023 - On the Town, Royal Wedding, Singin in the Rain, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Augusta - NONE - #1066 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1066 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1067 - Warehouse 13, Dark Blue, Fringe - bad quality
Augusta - NONE - #1067 - Warehouse 13, Dark Blue, Fringe - bad quality
Augusta - NONE - #1068 - Legally Blonde II, Legally Blonde, sci-fi
Augusta - NONE - #1068 - Legally Blonde II, Legally Blonde, sci-fi
Augusta - NONE - #1069 - Coyote Ugly, Behind Coyote Ugly
Augusta - NONE - #1069 - Coyote Ugly, Behind Coyote Ugly
Augusta - NONE - #1071 - Singin in the Rain, Under the Yum Yum Tree, Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round
Augusta - NONE - #1071 - Singin in the Rain, Under the Yum Yum Tree, Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round
Augusta - NONE - #1072 - Smallville, Fringe, Babylon 5, State of the Union (Obama)
Augusta - NONE - #1072 - Smallville, Fringe, Babylon 5, State of the Union (Obama)
Augusta - NONE - #1152 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1152 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1153 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1153 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1154 - Babylon 5, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis
Augusta - NONE - #1154 - Babylon 5, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis
Augusta - NONE - #1156 - The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! (TCM), Bullitt
Augusta - NONE - #1156 - The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! (TCM), Bullitt
Augusta - NONE - #1159 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1159 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1160 - Stuart Little II, Doctor Doolittle II
Augusta - NONE - #1160 - Stuart Little II, Doctor Doolittle II
Augusta - NONE - #1161 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1161 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1163 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1163 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1164 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1164 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1178 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1178 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT)
Augusta - NONE - #1179 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT) 3-23-1995
Augusta - NONE - #1179 - Babylon 5 (Season 5, TNT) 3-23-1995
Augusta - NONE - #1207 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1207 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1208 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1208 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1209 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1209 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1210 - Broken Trail, Dr. Zhivago
Augusta - NONE - #1210 - Broken Trail, Dr. Zhivago
Augusta - NONE - #1211 - Babylon 5
Augusta - NONE - #1211 - Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape 0002 - #0629 - Ebenezer, Jumanji, Murder She Wrote Movie (2001)
Augusta - Tape 0002 - #0629 - Ebenezer, Jumanji, Murder She Wrote Movie (2001)
Augusta - Tape 0003 - #0636 - Sniper, Replacement Killers, Star Trek Voyager Finale
Augusta - Tape 0003 - #0636 - Sniper, Replacement Killers, Star Trek Voyager Finale
Augusta - Tape 0005 - #0642 - Hawaii (Michner), The Mummy
Augusta - Tape 0005 - #0642 - Hawaii (Michner), The Mummy
Augusta - Tape 0006 - #0596 - Lone  Ranger, The Seige, Muppet Treasure Island
Augusta - Tape 0006 - #0596 - Lone Ranger, The Seige, Muppet Treasure Island
Augusta - Tape 0007 - #0626 - The Big Heat, The Harder They Fall, Beverly Hillbillies (Jim Varney)
Augusta - Tape 0007 - #0626 - The Big Heat, The Harder They Fall, Beverly Hillbillies (Jim Varney)
Augusta - Tape 0008 - #0478 - The Robe, Code Red
Augusta - Tape 0008 - #0478 - The Robe, Code Red
Augusta - Tape 0009 - #0613 - Homicide the Movie, Treehouse Hostage, Enterprise
Augusta - Tape 0009 - #0613 - Homicide the Movie, Treehouse Hostage, Enterprise
Augusta - Tape 0010 - #0624 - Haven Parts I and II
Augusta - Tape 0010 - #0624 - Haven Parts I and II
Augusta - Tape 0011 - #0621 - Noah, Robinson Crusoe, The Fortune Cookie
Augusta - Tape 0011 - #0621 - Noah, Robinson Crusoe, The Fortune Cookie
Augusta - Tape 0013 - #0463 - Murder She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle, Mr. Baseball
Augusta - Tape 0013 - #0463 - Murder She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle, Mr. Baseball
Augusta - Tape 0014 - #0614 - Muppet Christmas Carol, Ernest Goes to Africa, then Saves Christmas
Augusta - Tape 0014 - #0614 - Muppet Christmas Carol, Ernest Goes to Africa, then Saves Christmas
Augusta - Tape 0015 - #0462 - Speed 2, Out to Sea
Augusta - Tape 0015 - #0462 - Speed 2, Out to Sea
Augusta - Tape 0016 - #0565 - Joan of Arc I, II, Diagnosis Murder
Augusta - Tape 0016 - #0565 - Joan of Arc I, II, Diagnosis Murder
Augusta - Tape 0017 - #0459 - Pooh's Grand Adventure, Up in Arms, Cartoon Network
Augusta - Tape 0017 - #0459 - Pooh's Grand Adventure, Up in Arms, Cartoon Network
Augusta - Tape 0018 - #0482 - Hamlet, Sad Sack, Star Trek TNG
Augusta - Tape 0018 - #0482 - Hamlet, Sad Sack, Star Trek TNG
Augusta - Tape 0020 - #0461 - The Russia House, 20000 Leagues
Augusta - Tape 0020 - #0461 - The Russia House, 20000 Leagues
Augusta - Tape 0021 - #0483 - The Staircase, Rockford Files, Three Musketeers
Augusta - Tape 0021 - #0483 - The Staircase, Rockford Files, Three Musketeers
Augusta - Tape 0022 - #0472 - Road to Morocco, Road to Utopia, Lethal Weapon
Augusta - Tape 0022 - #0472 - Road to Morocco, Road to Utopia, Lethal Weapon
Augusta - Tape 0023 - #0679 - Hans Christian Anderson, Dumbo, Merry Andrew
Augusta - Tape 0023 - #0679 - Hans Christian Anderson, Dumbo, Merry Andrew
Augusta - Tape 0024 - #0466 - Hatari, Satan Never Sleeps
Augusta - Tape 0024 - #0466 - Hatari, Satan Never Sleeps
Augusta - Tape 0025 - #0479 - Ice Station Zebra, Destination Tokyo
Augusta - Tape 0025 - #0479 - Ice Station Zebra, Destination Tokyo
Augusta - Tape 0026 - #0471 - Movie: The Girl, The Gold Watch, and Everything
Augusta - Tape 0026 - #0471 - Movie: The Girl, The Gold Watch, and Everything
Augusta - Tape 0027 - #0467 - Patton, Flubber
Augusta - Tape 0027 - #0467 - Patton, Flubber
Augusta - Tape 0029 - #0607 - Spitfire Grill, Ransom
Augusta - Tape 0029 - #0607 - Spitfire Grill, Ransom
Augusta - Tape 0030 - #0561 - Chariots of Fire, Cat Balou, Winnie the Pooh Valentine
Augusta - Tape 0030 - #0561 - Chariots of Fire, Cat Balou, Winnie the Pooh Valentine
Augusta - Tape 0033 - #0571 - Little Mermaid, Son of Flubber, Tarzan and the Lost City
Augusta - Tape 0033 - #0571 - Little Mermaid, Son of Flubber, Tarzan and the Lost City
Augusta - Tape 0034 - #0567 - Zulu
Augusta - Tape 0034 - #0567 - Zulu
Augusta - Tape 0035 - #0564 - High Road to China, Babylon 5, Crocodile Dundee II
Augusta - Tape 0035 - #0564 - High Road to China, Babylon 5, Crocodile Dundee II
Augusta - Tape 0036 - #0563 - Curse of the Pink  Panther, Battle of the Sexes (Peter Sellers), The Thrill of it All
Augusta - Tape 0036 - #0563 - Curse of the Pink Panther, Battle of the Sexes (Peter Sellers), The Thrill of it All
Augusta - Tape 0038 - #0542 - Ghost Dad, Turner & Hooch, Disney Genius
Augusta - Tape 0038 - #0542 - Ghost Dad, Turner & Hooch, Disney Genius
Augusta - Tape 0040 - #0484 - Hunchback of Notre Dame, Problem Child
Augusta - Tape 0040 - #0484 - Hunchback of Notre Dame, Problem Child
Augusta - Tape 0041 - #0553 - Quest: Mask of Sheba, All Through The Night (Bogart)
Augusta - Tape 0041 - #0553 - Quest: Mask of Sheba, All Through The Night (Bogart)
Augusta - Tape 0042 - #0601 - On the Riviera, Condor Man, Court Jester
Augusta - Tape 0042 - #0601 - On the Riviera, Condor Man, Court Jester
Augusta - Tape 0043 - #0540 - Movie: Short Circuit, Something is Out There
Augusta - Tape 0043 - #0540 - Movie: Short Circuit, Something is Out There
Augusta - Tape 0044 - #0551 - Independence Day, Greystroke: The  Legend of  Tarzan
Augusta - Tape 0044 - #0551 - Independence Day, Greystroke: The Legend of Tarzan
Augusta - Tape 0045 - #0486 - Elvis Movies
Augusta - Tape 0045 - #0486 - Elvis Movies
Augusta - Tape 0046 - #0458 - Movies: Sea Biscuit, Catch me if you Can
Augusta - Tape 0046 - #0458 - Movies: Sea Biscuit, Catch me if you Can
Augusta - Tape 0047 - #0615 - Phenomenon, Bionic Woman (2007), Smallville
Augusta - Tape 0047 - #0615 - Phenomenon, Bionic Woman (2007), Smallville
Augusta - Tape 0048 - #0538 - The President's Plane is Missing, Ernest Scared Stupid,
Augusta - Tape 0048 - #0538 - The President's Plane is Missing, Ernest Scared Stupid,
Augusta - Tape 0049 - #0719 - Last of the Mohicans, Doctor Dolittle, Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape 0049 - #0719 - Last of the Mohicans, Doctor Dolittle, Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape 0051 - #0742 - Enemy Mine, Arabian Nights
Augusta - Tape 0051 - #0742 - Enemy Mine, Arabian Nights
Augusta - Tape 0052 - #0745 - Operation Petticoat, Troop Beverly Hills, Bill Cosby, Himself
Augusta - Tape 0052 - #0745 - Operation Petticoat, Troop Beverly Hills, Bill Cosby, Himself
Augusta - Tape 0053 - #0718 - Murphy's War, Everything that Rises, The Ransom of Red Chief
Augusta - Tape 0053 - #0718 - Murphy's War, Everything that Rises, The Ransom of Red Chief
Augusta - Tape 0054 - #0460 - Movies: The Silver Chalice, Dante's Peak
Augusta - Tape 0054 - #0460 - Movies: The Silver Chalice, Dante's Peak
Augusta - Tape 0055 - #0481 - Inn of the Sixth Happiness
Augusta - Tape 0055 - #0481 - Inn of the Sixth Happiness
Augusta - Tape 0056 - #0717 - Mr. Holland's Opus, Magic of the Golden Bear
Augusta - Tape 0056 - #0717 - Mr. Holland's Opus, Magic of the Golden Bear
Augusta - Tape 0058 - #0485 - Inspector Gadget, Kojack
Augusta - Tape 0058 - #0485 - Inspector Gadget, Kojack
Augusta - Tape 0059 - #0682 - Glenn Miller Story, Seminole, Short Circuit II
Augusta - Tape 0059 - #0682 - Glenn Miller Story, Seminole, Short Circuit II
Augusta - Tape 0061 - #0998 - Abbott & Costello
Augusta - Tape 0061 - #0998 - Abbott & Costello
Augusta - Tape 0062 - #1000 - Abbott & Costello
Augusta - Tape 0062 - #1000 - Abbott & Costello
Augusta - Tape 0063 - #0677 - Doctor Dolittle, Walter Mitty
Augusta - Tape 0063 - #0677 - Doctor Dolittle, Walter Mitty
Augusta - Tape 0064 - #0725 - Jungle Book, Romancing the Stone, Grinch Stole Christmas
Augusta - Tape 0064 - #0725 - Jungle Book, Romancing the Stone, Grinch Stole Christmas
Augusta - Tape 0065 - #0474 - Ernest Rides Again, Far from Home
Augusta - Tape 0065 - #0474 - Ernest Rides Again, Far from Home
Augusta - Tape 0066 - #0475 - Christmas Secret, Don't Give Up the Ship
Augusta - Tape 0066 - #0475 - Christmas Secret, Don't Give Up the Ship
Augusta - Tape 0067 - #0480 - The Postman, Larger Than Life
Augusta - Tape 0067 - #0480 - The Postman, Larger Than Life
Augusta - Tape 0068 - #0476 - Quo Vadis, True Lies
Augusta - Tape 0068 - #0476 - Quo Vadis, True Lies
Augusta - Tape 0069 - #0477 - Paint Your Wagon, Married with Children (1994)
Augusta - Tape 0069 - #0477 - Paint Your Wagon, Married with Children (1994)
Augusta - Tape 0071 - #0586 - How to Murder Your Wife, Arsenic and Old Lace, Harvey
Augusta - Tape 0071 - #0586 - How to Murder Your Wife, Arsenic and Old Lace, Harvey
Augusta - Tape 0072 - #0560 - 101 Dalmations, Snoopy Come Home, Dr. Dolittle 2
Augusta - Tape 0072 - #0560 - 101 Dalmations, Snoopy Come Home, Dr. Dolittle 2
Augusta - Tape 0154 - #0734 - Anchors Aweigh, Only Angels Have Wings, Balto
Augusta - Tape 0154 - #0734 - Anchors Aweigh, Only Angels Have Wings, Balto
Augusta - Tape 0156 - #0686 - Gentle Ben, A Hole in the Head (Sinatra), We're No Angels (Bogart)
Augusta - Tape 0156 - #0686 - Gentle Ben, A Hole in the Head (Sinatra), We're No Angels (Bogart)
Augusta - Tape 0157 - #0737 - Color of Night, Talk of the Town, The Experts
Augusta - Tape 0157 - #0737 - Color of Night, Talk of the Town, The Experts
Augusta - Tape 0158 - #0685 - Music Man, Ernest Goes to Camp, Toy Story II
Augusta - Tape 0158 - #0685 - Music Man, Ernest Goes to Camp, Toy Story II
Augusta - Tape 0159 - #0716 - Little Mermaid II, Peter Pan, Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
Augusta - Tape 0159 - #0716 - Little Mermaid II, Peter Pan, Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
Augusta - Tape 0160 - #0738 - Winter Kill, Tremors!, Wizard of Oz
Augusta - Tape 0160 - #0738 - Winter Kill, Tremors!, Wizard of Oz
Augusta - Tape 0161 - #0675 - The Lost World (A&E), Scent of Danger (Animal Planet)
Augusta - Tape 0161 - #0675 - The Lost World (A&E), Scent of Danger (Animal Planet)
Augusta - Tape 0162 - #0680 - Cadet Kelly, Holy Joe, The War Wagon
Augusta - Tape 0162 - #0680 - Cadet Kelly, Holy Joe, The War Wagon
Augusta - Tape 0163 - #0744 - The Manchurian Candidate, Bringing Up Baby, Conquest
Augusta - Tape 0163 - #0744 - The Manchurian Candidate, Bringing Up Baby, Conquest
Augusta - Tape 0164 - #0674 - Miss Congeniality, Bridge on the River Kwai, Disney Channel Genius movie (half) and Weekenders
Augusta - Tape 0164 - #0674 - Miss Congeniality, Bridge on the River Kwai, Disney Channel Genius movie (half) and Weekenders
Augusta - Tape 0165 - #0739 - Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Favorite Wife, Midnight Lace
Augusta - Tape 0165 - #0739 - Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Favorite Wife, Midnight Lace
Augusta - Tape 0167 - #0731 - Life, First Knight, Up Periscope
Augusta - Tape 0167 - #0731 - Life, First Knight, Up Periscope
Augusta - Tape 0168 - #0746 - Star Wars (Special Edition), Flight of the Phoenix
Augusta - Tape 0168 - #0746 - Star Wars (Special Edition), Flight of the Phoenix
Augusta - Tape 0170 - #0729 - Outbreak, Osterman Weekend, A Ring of Endless Light
Augusta - Tape 0170 - #0729 - Outbreak, Osterman Weekend, A Ring of Endless Light
Augusta - Tape 0171 - #0749 - The List of Adrian Messenger, Operation Crossbow, Ernest Goes to Jail! (tape surgery pictures!)
Augusta - Tape 0171 - #0749 - The List of Adrian Messenger, Operation Crossbow, Ernest Goes to Jail! (tape surgery pictures!)
Augusta - Tape 0172 - #0735 - The  Gods Must Be Crazy II, The Edge, The Hunt For Red October
Augusta - Tape 0172 - #0735 - The Gods Must Be Crazy II, The Edge, The Hunt For Red October
Augusta - Tape 0173 - #0678 - Ben Hur (TCM), Dinner Rush
Augusta - Tape 0173 - #0678 - Ben Hur (TCM), Dinner Rush
Augusta - Tape 0175 - #0720 - Children of Dune
Augusta - Tape 0175 - #0720 - Children of Dune
Augusta - Tape 0176 - #0715 - Hocus Pocus, The Santa Clause, Lilo and Stitch, Sleeping Beauty
Augusta - Tape 0176 - #0715 - Hocus Pocus, The Santa Clause, Lilo and Stitch, Sleeping Beauty
Augusta - Tape 0177 - #0722 - Front Page, Some Like it Hot, Wackiest Ship in the Army
Augusta - Tape 0177 - #0722 - Front Page, Some Like it Hot, Wackiest Ship in the Army
Augusta - Tape 0178 - #0743 - The Lavender Hill Mob, The Man in the White Suit, The Day the Earth Stood Still
Augusta - Tape 0178 - #0743 - The Lavender Hill Mob, The Man in the White Suit, The Day the Earth Stood Still
Augusta - Tape 0179 - #0721 - Martin and Lewis: Pardners, The Nutty Professor, Mouse Hunt
Augusta - Tape 0179 - #0721 - Martin and Lewis: Pardners, The Nutty Professor, Mouse Hunt
Augusta - Tape 0180 - #0727 - Nat King Cole
Augusta - Tape 0180 - #0727 - Nat King Cole
Augusta - Tape 0181 - #0726 - Cats & Dogs, Stealing Christmas, Fievel Goes West, Balto II Wolf Quest
Augusta - Tape 0181 - #0726 - Cats & Dogs, Stealing Christmas, Fievel Goes West, Balto II Wolf Quest
Augusta - Tape 0182 - #0724 - Hitler the Rise of Evil, The Out of Towners
Augusta - Tape 0182 - #0724 - Hitler the Rise of Evil, The Out of Towners
Augusta - Tape 0183 - #0730 - Exodus, Lucy Must be Traded Charlie Brown, The Man With One Red Shoe
Augusta - Tape 0183 - #0730 - Exodus, Lucy Must be Traded Charlie Brown, The Man With One Red Shoe
Augusta - Tape 0184 - #0747 - The Train, Saving Grace, Walk Don't Run
Augusta - Tape 0184 - #0747 - The Train, Saving Grace, Walk Don't Run
Augusta - Tape 0185 - #0740 - Tora! Tora! Tora!, In Harm's Way
Augusta - Tape 0185 - #0740 - Tora! Tora! Tora!, In Harm's Way
Augusta - Tape 0186 - #0676 - Air Bud, E.T.
Augusta - Tape 0186 - #0676 - Air Bud, E.T.
Augusta - Tape 0187 - #0681 - To Catch a Thief, Another Stakeout, Casino
Augusta - Tape 0187 - #0681 - To Catch a Thief, Another Stakeout, Casino
Augusta - Tape 0188 - #0736 - Brave Heart, Green Card, Milk Money
Augusta - Tape 0188 - #0736 - Brave Heart, Green Card, Milk Money
Augusta - Tape 0189 - #0714 - The Patriot (Gibson), Dinosaur
Augusta - Tape 0189 - #0714 - The Patriot (Gibson), Dinosaur
Augusta - Tape 0190 - #0741 - Jurassic Park III, Disclosure
Augusta - Tape 0190 - #0741 - Jurassic Park III, Disclosure
Augusta - Tape 0191 - #0733 - Battlestar Galactica, Chicken Run, Tremors IV
Augusta - Tape 0191 - #0733 - Battlestar Galactica, Chicken Run, Tremors IV
Augusta - Tape 0192 - #0723 - Small Soldiers, The Devil at 4 o'clock
Augusta - Tape 0192 - #0723 - Small Soldiers, The Devil at 4 o'clock
Augusta - Tape 0194 - #0748 - Midway, The Mask of Zoro
Augusta - Tape 0194 - #0748 - Midway, The Mask of Zoro
Augusta - Tape 0196 - #0732 - Shrimp on the Barbie, M.A.S.H., The Mummy Returns
Augusta - Tape 0196 - #0732 - Shrimp on the Barbie, M.A.S.H., The Mummy Returns
Augusta - Tape 0197 - #0728 - The Naked Prey, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Inspector Gadget II, Break-In
Augusta - Tape 0197 - #0728 - The Naked Prey, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Inspector Gadget II, Break-In
Augusta - Tape 0199 - #0616 - Gulliver's Travels, Princess Bride, Tomb Raider
Augusta - Tape 0199 - #0616 - Gulliver's Travels, Princess Bride, Tomb Raider
Augusta - Tape 0201 - #0628 - Flower Drum Song, The Milagro Beanfield War, The Left Hand of God, Road to Hong Kong
Augusta - Tape 0201 - #0628 - Flower Drum Song, The Milagro Beanfield War, The Left Hand of God, Road to Hong Kong
Augusta - Tape 0202 - #0622 - The Magical Legend of the Leprechaun, A Knight's Tale
Augusta - Tape 0202 - #0622 - The Magical Legend of the Leprechaun, A Knight's Tale
Augusta - Tape 0203 - #0612 - 10.5 The Big One, The Man Who Knew Too Much
Augusta - Tape 0203 - #0612 - 10.5 The Big One, The Man Who Knew Too Much
Augusta - Tape 0204 - #0606 - Green Fire, Stalag 17, Sands of Iwo Jima
Augusta - Tape 0204 - #0606 - Green Fire, Stalag 17, Sands of Iwo Jima
Augusta - Tape 0205 - #0644 - Three Days of the Condor, Pocket Full of Miracle, Family Plot
Augusta - Tape 0205 - #0644 - Three Days of the Condor, Pocket Full of Miracle, Family Plot
Augusta - Tape 0206 - #0648 - Best in Show, The Long Ships
Augusta - Tape 0206 - #0648 - Best in Show, The Long Ships
Augusta - Tape 0207 - #0587 - Doctor Strangelove
Augusta - Tape 0207 - #0587 - Doctor Strangelove
Augusta - Tape 0208 - #0627 - Maverick, In the Line of Fire
Augusta - Tape 0208 - #0627 - Maverick, In the Line of Fire
Augusta - Tape 0209 - #0602 - Dinotopia, Muppet Merry Christmas, True Heart
Augusta - Tape 0209 - #0602 - Dinotopia, Muppet Merry Christmas, True Heart
Augusta - Tape 0210 - #0599 - Replacements, Silver Streak, Father of the Pride
Augusta - Tape 0210 - #0599 - Replacements, Silver Streak, Father of the Pride
Augusta - Tape 0211 - #0620 - Undercover Blues, Cool Runnings, Extremely Goofy Movie
Augusta - Tape 0211 - #0620 - Undercover Blues, Cool Runnings, Extremely Goofy Movie
Augusta - Tape 0212 - #0643 - The Rounders, The Road to El Dorado
Augusta - Tape 0212 - #0643 - The Rounders, The Road to El Dorado
Augusta - Tape 0213 - #0646 - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Harvey, Stuart Little III
Augusta - Tape 0213 - #0646 - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Harvey, Stuart Little III
Augusta - Tape 0215 - #0619 - The Paper Brigade, What's New Pussycat?
Augusta - Tape 0215 - #0619 - The Paper Brigade, What's New Pussycat?
Augusta - Tape 0216 - #0625 - Abbot and Costello: Buck Private, Meet the Invisible Man, In the Foreign Legion
Augusta - Tape 0216 - #0625 - Abbot and Costello: Buck Private, Meet the Invisible Man, In the Foreign Legion
Augusta - Tape 0217 - #0605 - Tremors: The Series, Episodes 1-8!
Augusta - Tape 0217 - #0605 - Tremors: The Series, Episodes 1-8!
Augusta - Tape 0218 - #0641 - Tremors: The Series! Episodes 9,11,12
Augusta - Tape 0218 - #0641 - Tremors: The Series! Episodes 9,11,12
Augusta - Tape 0219 - #0655 - Shepherd of the  Hills, Apollo 13
Augusta - Tape 0219 - #0655 - Shepherd of the Hills, Apollo 13
Augusta - Tape 0220 - #0656 - The Year of Living Dangerously, The Wind and the Lion, Scaramouche
Augusta - Tape 0220 - #0656 - The Year of Living Dangerously, The Wind and the Lion, Scaramouche
Augusta - Tape 0221 - #0651 - The Bridges at Toko-Ri, The Trial of Old Drum, To Hell and Back, Torpedo Run
Augusta - Tape 0221 - #0651 - The Bridges at Toko-Ri, The Trial of Old Drum, To Hell and Back, Torpedo Run
Augusta - Tape 0222 - #0604 - 102 Dalmations, Three Kings, Napoleon, George of the Jungle II
Augusta - Tape 0222 - #0604 - 102 Dalmations, Three Kings, Napoleon, George of the Jungle II
Augusta - Tape 0224 - #0610 - Poirot: The Hollow, The Five Little Pigs, The Professional
Augusta - Tape 0224 - #0610 - Poirot: The Hollow, The Five Little Pigs, The Professional
Augusta - Tape 0225 - #0611 - Hudson Hawk, Bicentennial Man, Pride
Augusta - Tape 0225 - #0611 - Hudson Hawk, Bicentennial Man, Pride
Augusta - Tape 0226 - #0652 - Flintstones viva Rock Vegas, Meet the Applegates
Augusta - Tape 0226 - #0652 - Flintstones viva Rock Vegas, Meet the Applegates
Augusta - Tape 0227 - #0653 - Predator,  Distant Drums, Flying Tigers
Augusta - Tape 0227 - #0653 - Predator, Distant Drums, Flying Tigers
Augusta - Tape 0228 - #0654 - The Riverman, Me and the Kid, Home Alone II
Augusta - Tape 0228 - #0654 - The Riverman, Me and the Kid, Home Alone II
Augusta - Tape 0229 - #0623 - The Scorpion King, Shallow Hal, Watusi
Augusta - Tape 0229 - #0623 - The Scorpion King, Shallow Hal, Watusi
Augusta - Tape 0230 - #0617 - Home Alone, Home Alone III, The Hindenberg
Augusta - Tape 0230 - #0617 - Home Alone, Home Alone III, The Hindenberg
Augusta - Tape 0231 - #0589 - Around the World in 80 Days, Return of a Man Called Horse
Augusta - Tape 0231 - #0589 - Around the World in 80 Days, Return of a Man Called Horse
Augusta - Tape 0232 - #0576 - Monte Walsh, Lightning Jack, Mercury Rising
Augusta - Tape 0232 - #0576 - Monte Walsh, Lightning Jack, Mercury Rising
Augusta - Tape 0233 - #0562 - Bruce Almighty, Rescue Me
Augusta - Tape 0233 - #0562 - Bruce Almighty, Rescue Me
Augusta - Tape 0234 - #0590 - They Drive by Night, Passage to Marseille
Augusta - Tape 0234 - #0590 - They Drive by Night, Passage to Marseille
Augusta - Tape 0235 - #0575 - Crocodile Dundee in LA, Von Ryan's Express
Augusta - Tape 0235 - #0575 - Crocodile Dundee in LA, Von Ryan's Express
Augusta - Tape 0236 - #0591 - Crimson Tide, Crossfire Trial
Augusta - Tape 0236 - #0591 - Crimson Tide, Crossfire Trial
Augusta - Tape 0237 - #0568 - Gosford Park, Corkey Romano
Augusta - Tape 0237 - #0568 - Gosford Park, Corkey Romano
Augusta - Tape 0238 - #0555 - An American in Paris, Singing in the Rain, The Band Wagon, Silk Stockings
Augusta - Tape 0238 - #0555 - An American in Paris, Singing in the Rain, The Band Wagon, Silk Stockings
Augusta - Tape 0239 - #0546 - Heist, Kidnapped in Paradise, Clock Stoppers
Augusta - Tape 0239 - #0546 - Heist, Kidnapped in Paradise, Clock Stoppers
Augusta - Tape 0240 - #0547 - The Cutting Edge
Augusta - Tape 0240 - #0547 - The Cutting Edge
Augusta - Tape 0241 - #0598 - Flight of the Navigator, Bambi, Road to Singapore
Augusta - Tape 0241 - #0598 - Flight of the Navigator, Bambi, Road to Singapore
Augusta - Tape 0242 - #0554 - Monsters Inc., Ultimate Deception, Captive Hearts, Max Keeble's Big Movie
Augusta - Tape 0242 - #0554 - Monsters Inc., Ultimate Deception, Captive Hearts, Max Keeble's Big Movie
Augusta - Tape 0243 - #0549 - Tigger Movie, Toothless, Snow White
Augusta - Tape 0243 - #0549 - Tigger Movie, Toothless, Snow White
Augusta - Tape 0244 - #0548 - Brigadoon, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Last American Hero
Augusta - Tape 0244 - #0548 - Brigadoon, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Last American Hero
Augusta - Tape 0245 - #0550 - Grinch, Cat from Outer Space, Fieval
Augusta - Tape 0245 - #0550 - Grinch, Cat from Outer Space, Fieval
Augusta - Tape 0246 - #0558 - Field of Dreams, Oliver
Augusta - Tape 0246 - #0558 - Field of Dreams, Oliver
Augusta - Tape 0247 - #0545 - The Librarian:Quest for the Spear,  Road to Zanzibar, Don't Go Near The Water
Augusta - Tape 0247 - #0545 - The Librarian:Quest for the Spear, Road to Zanzibar, Don't Go Near The Water
Augusta - Tape 0248 - #0543 - The Devil and Mrs Jones, Mulan, Stewart Little II
Augusta - Tape 0248 - #0543 - The Devil and Mrs Jones, Mulan, Stewart Little II
Augusta - Tape 0249 - #0541 - Auntie Mame, Kangaroo Jack: G'Day USA, Red Dragon
Augusta - Tape 0249 - #0541 - Auntie Mame, Kangaroo Jack: G'Day USA, Red Dragon
Augusta - Tape 0250 - #0566 - Solomon & Sheeba, Antz, Fieval: The Night Monster
Augusta - Tape 0250 - #0566 - Solomon & Sheeba, Antz, Fieval: The Night Monster
Augusta - Tape 0252 - #0574 - Star Trek First Contact, Collateral Damage, Belly of the Beast, Along Came a Spider
Augusta - Tape 0252 - #0574 - Star Trek First Contact, Collateral Damage, Belly of the Beast, Along Came a Spider
Augusta - Tape 0253 - #0649 - K9-PI, My Favorite Martian, Virtuosity
Augusta - Tape 0253 - #0649 - K9-PI, My Favorite Martian, Virtuosity
Augusta - Tape 0254 - #0580 - McBride: It's Murder, Madam, The Mexican
Augusta - Tape 0254 - #0580 - McBride: It's Murder, Madam, The Mexican
Augusta - Tape 0255 - #0559 - Duck Tails: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, Death to Smoochie
Augusta - Tape 0255 - #0559 - Duck Tails: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, Death to Smoochie
Augusta - Tape 0256 - #0577 - Children of Dune, I II III
Augusta - Tape 0256 - #0577 - Children of Dune, I II III
Augusta - Tape 0257 - #0570 - Chain of Command, Counter Strike, Samantha Holiday
Augusta - Tape 0257 - #0570 - Chain of Command, Counter Strike, Samantha Holiday
Augusta - Tape 0258 - #0579 - The Sum of all Fears
Augusta - Tape 0258 - #0579 - The Sum of all Fears
Augusta - Tape 0259 - #0454 - Movies: Bataan, Tinder Horne, Africa Screams
Augusta - Tape 0259 - #0454 - Movies: Bataan, Tinder Horne, Africa Screams
Augusta - Tape 0260 - #0572 - River of No Return, The Thrill of it All
Augusta - Tape 0260 - #0572 - River of No Return, The Thrill of it All
Augusta - Tape 0261 - #0683 - My Fair Lady, K-19 The Widow Maker
Augusta - Tape 0261 - #0683 - My Fair Lady, K-19 The Widow Maker
Augusta - Tape 0262 - #0578 - Bandits (Bruce Willis), Jules Verne Mysterious Island
Augusta - Tape 0262 - #0578 - Bandits (Bruce Willis), Jules Verne Mysterious Island
Augusta - Tape 0263 - #0539 - Dragon Slayer, Coronado, What's the Worst that Could Happen
Augusta - Tape 0263 - #0539 - Dragon Slayer, Coronado, What's the Worst that Could Happen
Augusta - Tape 0264 - #0588 - Rough Riders (Teddy Roosevelt), MIB II
Augusta - Tape 0264 - #0588 - Rough Riders (Teddy Roosevelt), MIB II
Augusta - Tape 0265 - #0552 - Runaway Bride, Icon
Augusta - Tape 0265 - #0552 - Runaway Bride, Icon
Augusta - Tape 0266 - Mold
Augusta - Tape 0266 - Mold
Augusta - Tape 0267 - Mold
Augusta - Tape 0267 - Mold
Augusta - Tape 0268 - #0468 - Tears of the Sun, Like Mike, Jungle Book 2
Augusta - Tape 0268 - #0468 - Tears of the Sun, Like Mike, Jungle Book 2
Augusta - Tape 0269 - #0608 - 5 People You Will Meet In Heaven, A League of Their Own
Augusta - Tape 0269 - #0608 - 5 People You Will Meet In Heaven, A League of Their Own
Augusta - Tape 0270 - #0635 - Annie, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
Augusta - Tape 0270 - #0635 - Annie, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
Augusta - Tape 0271 - #0573 - Cactus Flower, Going My Way, The Mouse That Roared
Augusta - Tape 0271 - #0573 - Cactus Flower, Going My Way, The Mouse That Roared
Augusta - Tape 0272 - #0637 - Show Off, Merton of the Movies (1947), The Yellow Cab Man
Augusta - Tape 0272 - #0637 - Show Off, Merton of the Movies (1947), The Yellow Cab Man
Augusta - Tape 0273 - #0544 - Wing Commander, Tuck Everlasting, Big Trouble
Augusta - Tape 0273 - #0544 - Wing Commander, Tuck Everlasting, Big Trouble
Augusta - Tape 0274 - #0700 - Delta Force 1 and 2
Augusta - Tape 0274 - #0700 - Delta Force 1 and 2
Augusta - Tape 0275 - #0556 - The Rookie, Holes
Augusta - Tape 0275 - #0556 - The Rookie, Holes
Augusta - Tape 0276 - #0647 - Legally Blonde, Star Trek Insurrection
Augusta - Tape 0276 - #0647 - Legally Blonde, Star Trek Insurrection
Augusta - Tape 0277 - #0464 - Apple Dumpling Gang, Home Alone IV
Augusta - Tape 0277 - #0464 - Apple Dumpling Gang, Home Alone IV
Augusta - Tape 0278 - #0597 - The Country Bears, Catch Me If You Can
Augusta - Tape 0278 - #0597 - The Country Bears, Catch Me If You Can
Augusta - Tape 0279 - #0469 - The Great Race, A Song is Born
Augusta - Tape 0279 - #0469 - The Great Race, A Song is Born
Augusta - Tape 0280 - #0457 - Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men, History of the World Pt. 1
Augusta - Tape 0280 - #0457 - Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men, History of the World Pt. 1
Augusta - Tape 0281 - #0456 - New Swiss Family Robinson, Anna and the King, Richie Rich Christmas Wish
Augusta - Tape 0281 - #0456 - New Swiss Family Robinson, Anna and the King, Richie Rich Christmas Wish
Augusta - Tape 0282 - #0603 - Battle Circus, The Elite, Charlie's Angels Full Throttle
Augusta - Tape 0282 - #0603 - Battle Circus, The Elite, Charlie's Angels Full Throttle
Augusta - Tape 0283 - #0465 - Pretty Woman
Augusta - Tape 0283 - #0465 - Pretty Woman
Augusta - Tape 0284 - #0557 - John Paul II: Have No Fear, Thicker Than Water, Thunder Road
Augusta - Tape 0284 - #0557 - John Paul II: Have No Fear, Thicker Than Water, Thunder Road
Augusta - Tape 0285 - #0630 - Star Wars Ep II, Entrapment, It's a Wonderful Life
Augusta - Tape 0285 - #0630 - Star Wars Ep II, Entrapment, It's a Wonderful Life
Augusta - Tape 0286 - #0455 - Movies: They Were Expendable, Road to Bali
Augusta - Tape 0286 - #0455 - Movies: They Were Expendable, Road to Bali
Augusta - Tape 0287 - #0569 - Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Augusta - Tape 0287 - #0569 - Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Augusta - Tape 0288 - #0618 - Spy Kids II, Chicago, Return to Neverland
Augusta - Tape 0288 - #0618 - Spy Kids II, Chicago, Return to Neverland
Augusta - Tape 0290 - #0687 - Muppet Wizard of Oz, Bridges of Toko-Ri, Ice Age
Augusta - Tape 0290 - #0687 - Muppet Wizard of Oz, Bridges of Toko-Ri, Ice Age
Augusta - Tape 0291 - #0645 - League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Master of Disguise
Augusta - Tape 0291 - #0645 - League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Master of Disguise
Augusta - Tape 0292 - #0473 - Danny Kaye Movies: Court Jester, Up in Arms
Augusta - Tape 0292 - #0473 - Danny Kaye Movies: Court Jester, Up in Arms
Augusta - Tape 0293 - #0600 - Mulan II, Finding Nemo, Code Breakers
Augusta - Tape 0293 - #0600 - Mulan II, Finding Nemo, Code Breakers
Augusta - Tape 0294 - #0684 - Burn After Reading, Merlin, Tropic Thunder
Augusta - Tape 0294 - #0684 - Burn After Reading, Merlin, Tropic Thunder
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0592 - Burn Notice (USA)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0592 - Burn Notice (USA)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0688 - The Philanthropist, Eureka, Dark Blue (2009)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0688 - The Philanthropist, Eureka, Dark Blue (2009)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0701 - Ella Enchanted (TBS), Joe Somebody (FX), Johnson Family Vacation (FX)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0701 - Ella Enchanted (TBS), Joe Somebody (FX), Johnson Family Vacation (FX)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0702 - Proof of Life, Eight Below
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0702 - Proof of Life, Eight Below
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0703 - Narnia - Lion Witch and the Wardrobe
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0703 - Narnia - Lion Witch and the Wardrobe
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0704 - Tribute, High Noon, Killer Within
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0704 - Tribute, High Noon, Killer Within
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0705 - UFOs Chariots of the Gods, Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0705 - UFOs Chariots of the Gods, Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0706 - Blood Diamond, Private Valentine Blonde and Dangerous, Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0706 - Blood Diamond, Private Valentine Blonde and Dangerous, Babylon 5
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0999 - Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep, Eureka (SciFi)
Augusta - Tape NONE - #0999 - Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep, Eureka (SciFi)
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Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
April 15, 1985
Yahoo! Internet Life: August, 2001
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
Egon: w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking
w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking


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