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The Toledo Collection

The Toledo Collection (show list view)
Group: 005
Toledo - Tape E-5 - #0162 - Sonny and Cher / CBS 50 Years
Toledo - Tape E-5 - #0162 - Sonny and Cher / CBS 50 Years
Group: 006
Toledo - Tape B-6 - #0176 - Baseball Cleveland at Boston 10/3/1998
Toledo - Tape B-6 - #0176 - Baseball Cleveland at Boston 10/3/1998
Group: 019
Toledo - Tape I-19 - #0258 - Deep Impact / Simpsons (2004 broadcast)
Toledo - Tape I-19 - #0258 - Deep Impact / Simpsons (2004 broadcast)
Toledo - Tape J-19 - #0259 - Lion King (WWoD) / Charlie Brown Valentine
Toledo - Tape J-19 - #0259 - Lion King (WWoD) / Charlie Brown Valentine
Toledo - Tape K-19 - #0250 - Simpsons / Jurassic Park III
Toledo - Tape K-19 - #0250 - Simpsons / Jurassic Park III
Toledo - Tape M-19 - #0261 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape M-19 - #0261 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape N-19 - #0277 - Wonderfalls / Tarzan (1999) / King of the Hill / Proof of Life
Toledo - Tape N-19 - #0277 - Wonderfalls / Tarzan (1999) / King of the Hill / Proof of Life
Toledo - Tape O-19 - #0264 - Thomas Crown Affair / American Dreams
Toledo - Tape O-19 - #0264 - Thomas Crown Affair / American Dreams
Toledo - Tape P-19 - #0248 - King of the Hill / American Dreams / The Whole 9 Yards
Toledo - Tape P-19 - #0248 - King of the Hill / American Dreams / The Whole 9 Yards
Toledo - Tape Q-19 - #0263 - Space Cowboys / Simpsons
Toledo - Tape Q-19 - #0263 - Space Cowboys / Simpsons
Toledo - Tape R-19 - #0230 - Speed / Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape R-19 - #0230 - Speed / Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape S-19 - #0239 - Carol Burnett / Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape S-19 - #0239 - Carol Burnett / Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape T-19 - #0226 - Buffy (4-10-2004)
Toledo - Tape T-19 - #0226 - Buffy (4-10-2004)
Toledo - Tape U-19 - #0233 - Motown 45 / Simpsons / T.H.E.M.
Toledo - Tape U-19 - #0233 - Motown 45 / Simpsons / T.H.E.M.
Toledo - Tape V-19 - #0220 - Cats and Dogs / Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape V-19 - #0220 - Cats and Dogs / Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape W-19 - #0236 - Bicentennial Man / AFI 100 Years
Toledo - Tape W-19 - #0236 - Bicentennial Man / AFI 100 Years
Toledo - Tape X-19 - #0232 - A.I. movie / Practical Magic
Toledo - Tape X-19 - #0232 - A.I. movie / Practical Magic
Toledo - Tape Y-19 - #0222 - Summer Olympics XXVIII
Toledo - Tape Y-19 - #0222 - Summer Olympics XXVIII
Group: 020
Toledo - Tape A-20 - #0206 - Buffy (5-29-2004)
Toledo - Tape A-20 - #0206 - Buffy (5-29-2004)
Toledo - Tape B-20 - #0205 - Second Honeymoon / VP Debate Cheney
Toledo - Tape B-20 - #0205 - Second Honeymoon / VP Debate Cheney
Toledo - Tape C-20 - #0225 - Lost
Toledo - Tape C-20 - #0225 - Lost
Toledo - Tape E-20 - #0219 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape E-20 - #0219 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape F-20 - #0221 - Joan of Arcadia / Ray Charles
Toledo - Tape F-20 - #0221 - Joan of Arcadia / Ray Charles
Toledo - Tape G-20 - #0224 - Dead Will Tell / Monsters Inc.
Toledo - Tape G-20 - #0224 - Dead Will Tell / Monsters Inc.
Toledo - Tape H-20 - #0208 - Joan of Arcadia / American Dreams
Toledo - Tape H-20 - #0208 - Joan of Arcadia / American Dreams
Toledo - Tape I-20 - #0209 - Lost
Toledo - Tape I-20 - #0209 - Lost
Toledo - Tape J-20 - #0223 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape J-20 - #0223 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape S-20 - #0201 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape S-20 - #0201 - Joan of Arcadia
Toledo - Tape T-20 - #0235 - Lost
Toledo - Tape T-20 - #0235 - Lost
Toledo - Tape U-20 - #0203 - Aladdin / King of the Hill - Jan 2005
Toledo - Tape U-20 - #0203 - Aladdin / King of the Hill - Jan 2005
Toledo - Tape W-20 - #0228 - Medium
Toledo - Tape W-20 - #0228 - Medium
Toledo - Tape X-20 - #0204 - Simpsons / King of the Hill / SNL - Feb 2005
Toledo - Tape X-20 - #0204 - Simpsons / King of the Hill / SNL - Feb 2005
Toledo - Tape Y-20 - #0202 - Joan of Arcadia / King of the Hill - Sept 2005
Toledo - Tape Y-20 - #0202 - Joan of Arcadia / King of the Hill - Sept 2005
Group: 021
Toledo - Tape A-21 - #0234 - Lost
Toledo - Tape A-21 - #0234 - Lost
Toledo - Tape U-21 - #0272 - Simpsons / Family Guy
Toledo - Tape U-21 - #0272 - Simpsons / Family Guy
Group: 022
Toledo - Tape N-22 - #0229 - Ten Commandments (2006) / Tomb Raider
Toledo - Tape N-22 - #0229 - Ten Commandments (2006) / Tomb Raider
Toledo - Tape O-22 - #0210 - Ten Commandments / Keith Barry Magic
Toledo - Tape O-22 - #0210 - Ten Commandments / Keith Barry Magic
Toledo - Tape S-22 - #0227 - Lost
Toledo - Tape S-22 - #0227 - Lost
Toledo - Tape T-22 - #0231 - X-Men 2 / AFI 100 Years 100 Cheers
Toledo - Tape T-22 - #0231 - X-Men 2 / AFI 100 Years 100 Cheers
Group: 024
Toledo - Tape T-24 - #0877 - Ghost Whisperer (Nov 2007)
Toledo - Tape T-24 - #0877 - Ghost Whisperer (Nov 2007)
Group: 025
Toledo - Tape Z-25 - #0270 - King of the Hill / Simpsons / Family Guy
Toledo - Tape Z-25 - #0270 - King of the Hill / Simpsons / Family Guy
Group: 026
Toledo - Tape J-26 - #0268 - Simpsons / King of the Hill / American Dad
Toledo - Tape J-26 - #0268 - Simpsons / King of the Hill / American Dad
Toledo - Tape N-26 - #0267 - Simpsons / Family Guy
Toledo - Tape N-26 - #0267 - Simpsons / Family Guy
Toledo - Tape S-26 - #0276 - Indians vs. Yankees April 18, 2009
Toledo - Tape S-26 - #0276 - Indians vs. Yankees April 18, 2009
Toledo - Tape T-26 - #0274 - Lost
Toledo - Tape T-26 - #0274 - Lost
Group: 032
Toledo - Tape R-32 - #0269 - Bob's Burgers / Family Guy / Treehouse of Horror (2017)
Toledo - Tape R-32 - #0269 - Bob's Burgers / Family Guy / Treehouse of Horror (2017)
Group: A
Toledo - Tape A-K - #0385 - White Christmas, Foxfire, Alf
Toledo - Tape A-K - #0385 - White Christmas, Foxfire, Alf
Toledo - Tape A-L - #0376 - Rudolph, Muppet Family Christmas (1987)
Toledo - Tape A-L - #0376 - Rudolph, Muppet Family Christmas (1987)
Toledo - Tape A-M - #0413 - Garfield Christmas, Claymation Christmas
Toledo - Tape A-M - #0413 - Garfield Christmas, Claymation Christmas
Toledo - Tape A-N - #0435 - The Little Matchstick Girl, Christmas Eve
Toledo - Tape A-N - #0435 - The Little Matchstick Girl, Christmas Eve
Toledo - Tape A-O - #0444 - It's a Wonderful Life, Legend of the Lone Ranger
Toledo - Tape A-O - #0444 - It's a Wonderful Life, Legend of the Lone Ranger
Toledo - Tape A-P - #0447 - A Christmas Story, Footloose
Toledo - Tape A-P - #0447 - A Christmas Story, Footloose
Toledo - Tape A-Q - #0439 - Stir Crazy, King Kong
Toledo - Tape A-Q - #0439 - Stir Crazy, King Kong
Toledo - Tape A-T - #0446 - Happy New Year Charlie Brown, Friday 13th TV Series
Toledo - Tape A-T - #0446 - Happy New Year Charlie Brown, Friday 13th TV Series
Toledo - Tape A-W - #0377 - Earth Star Voyager, American Music Awards (1988)
Toledo - Tape A-W - #0377 - Earth Star Voyager, American Music Awards (1988)
Group: B
Toledo - Tape B-B - #0375 - The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
Toledo - Tape B-B - #0375 - The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
Toledo - Tape B-C - #0372 - Garfield in Paradise, She's a good Skate, Charlie Brown (June, 1988)
Toledo - Tape B-C - #0372 - Garfield in Paradise, She's a good Skate, Charlie Brown (June, 1988)
Toledo - Tape B-D - #0387 - Police Academy 2, Werewolf, Alf Cartoon
Toledo - Tape B-D - #0387 - Police Academy 2, Werewolf, Alf Cartoon
Toledo - Tape B-E - #0412 - 30th Grammy Awards (1988), Snoopy's Getting Married
Toledo - Tape B-E - #0412 - 30th Grammy Awards (1988), Snoopy's Getting Married
Toledo - Tape B-F - #0411 - Pale Rider, Teen Wolf Cartoon
Toledo - Tape B-F - #0411 - Pale Rider, Teen Wolf Cartoon
Toledo - Tape B-G - #0389 - It's Magic, Charlie Brown, Final Magnum PI (May, 1988)
Toledo - Tape B-G - #0389 - It's Magic, Charlie Brown, Final Magnum PI (May, 1988)
Toledo - Tape B-H - #0399 - Magnum PI 6 episodes
Toledo - Tape B-H - #0399 - Magnum PI 6 episodes
Toledo - Tape B-I - #0380 - Short Circuit, ALF
Toledo - Tape B-I - #0380 - Short Circuit, ALF
Toledo - Tape B-J - #0441 - Toledo 4th of July Fireworks 1988
Toledo - Tape B-J - #0441 - Toledo 4th of July Fireworks 1988
Toledo - Tape B-K - #0437 - Magnum PI, Sea World's All-Star Celebration, Jaws 3
Toledo - Tape B-K - #0437 - Magnum PI, Sea World's All-Star Celebration, Jaws 3
Toledo - Tape B-L - #0436 - Alf, Hogan's Heroes
Toledo - Tape B-L - #0436 - Alf, Hogan's Heroes
Toledo - Tape B-M - #0374 - Kane and Abel
Toledo - Tape B-M - #0374 - Kane and Abel
Toledo - Tape B-N - #0438 - Kane and Abel part 3, Blacke's Magic
Toledo - Tape B-N - #0438 - Kane and Abel part 3, Blacke's Magic
Toledo - Tape B-O - #0382 - Any Which Way You Can, Star Trek TNG, WKRP Christmas
Toledo - Tape B-O - #0382 - Any Which Way You Can, Star Trek TNG, WKRP Christmas
Toledo - Tape B-P - #0373 - Young and the Restless Concert, Blacke's Magic (1986)
Toledo - Tape B-P - #0373 - Young and the Restless Concert, Blacke's Magic (1986)
Toledo - Tape B-Q - #0381 - Fandango, Blacke's Magic, Roger Rabbit Cartoon
Toledo - Tape B-Q - #0381 - Fandango, Blacke's Magic, Roger Rabbit Cartoon
Toledo - Tape B-R - #0378 - Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Garfield, Roger Rabbit Secrets of Toon Town
Toledo - Tape B-R - #0378 - Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Garfield, Roger Rabbit Secrets of Toon Town
Toledo - Tape B-S - #0448 - Jackie Gleason, Night Shift
Toledo - Tape B-S - #0448 - Jackie Gleason, Night Shift
Toledo - Tape B-T - #0379 - Cocoon, Story of the Great Black Swamp
Toledo - Tape B-T - #0379 - Cocoon, Story of the Great Black Swamp
Toledo - Tape B-W - #0445 - Goonies, This is America Charlie Brown
Toledo - Tape B-W - #0445 - Goonies, This is America Charlie Brown
Toledo - Tape B-Y - #0312 - The Great Muppet Caper, The Money Pit, Down and Out
Toledo - Tape B-Y - #0312 - The Great Muppet Caper, The Money Pit, Down and Out
Group: C
Toledo - Tape C-A - #0319 - Escape to Witch Mountain, Four Days in November
Toledo - Tape C-A - #0319 - Escape to Witch Mountain, Four Days in November
Toledo - Tape C-F - #0490 - Silent Mouse, The Toy, Smokey Mountain Christmas
Toledo - Tape C-F - #0490 - Silent Mouse, The Toy, Smokey Mountain Christmas
Toledo - Tape C-G - #0313 - The Night They Saved Christmas, Christmas Carol
Toledo - Tape C-G - #0313 - The Night They Saved Christmas, Christmas Carol
Toledo - Tape C-S - #0314 - Garfield and Friends, Friday the 13th Series
Toledo - Tape C-S - #0314 - Garfield and Friends, Friday the 13th Series
Toledo - Tape C-T - #0279 - Star Trek TNG, Get Smart Again, Columbo
Toledo - Tape C-T - #0279 - Star Trek TNG, Get Smart Again, Columbo
Toledo - Tape C-W - #0284 - Maxie, Just You and Me Kid
Toledo - Tape C-W - #0284 - Maxie, Just You and Me Kid
Toledo - Tape C-Z - #0292 - Peter Pan, Star Trek, Beauty and the Beast Blue Bird Sings (March, 1989)
Toledo - Tape C-Z - #0292 - Peter Pan, Star Trek, Beauty and the Beast Blue Bird Sings (March, 1989)
Group: D
Toledo - Tape D-C - #0285 - Storybreak: How to Eat Fried Worms, Garfield
Toledo - Tape D-C - #0285 - Storybreak: How to Eat Fried Worms, Garfield
Toledo - Tape D-D - #0280 - Sesame Street Anniversary, Star Trek TNG
Toledo - Tape D-D - #0280 - Sesame Street Anniversary, Star Trek TNG
Toledo - Tape D-E - #0286 - Davey Crockett and the River Pirates
Toledo - Tape D-E - #0286 - Davey Crockett and the River Pirates
Toledo - Tape D-F - #0283 - Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Toledo - Tape D-F - #0283 - Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Toledo - Tape D-G - #0963 - Around the World in 80 Days Parts 1, 2,3, Garfield and Friends, Story Break: Mama Don't  Allow
Toledo - Tape D-G - #0963 - Around the World in 80 Days Parts 1, 2,3, Garfield and Friends, Story Break: Mama Don't Allow
Toledo - Tape D-N - #0394 - Jim Henson, Quantum Leap, Beauty and the Beast, Circus
Toledo - Tape D-N - #0394 - Jim Henson, Quantum Leap, Beauty and the Beast, Circus
Toledo - Tape D-P - #0216 - Miami Vice Final / Smothers Brothers (May 21, 1989)
Toledo - Tape D-P - #0216 - Miami Vice Final / Smothers Brothers (May 21, 1989)
Toledo - Tape D-T - #0217 - Garfield and Friends / Miami Vice
Toledo - Tape D-T - #0217 - Garfield and Friends / Miami Vice
Toledo - Tape D-V - #0388 - Highway to Heaven, Miami Vice, Twilight Zone the Movie
Toledo - Tape D-V - #0388 - Highway to Heaven, Miami Vice, Twilight Zone the Movie
Toledo - Tape D-W - #0391 - Highway to Heaven, The Family Band, Ladyhawke, Hugh Pine Storybreak
Toledo - Tape D-W - #0391 - Highway to Heaven, The Family Band, Ladyhawke, Hugh Pine Storybreak
Group: E
Toledo - Tape E-L - #0583 - Gus, Star Trek TNG, Saturday Night Live 15th Anniv, Quantum Leap
Toledo - Tape E-L - #0583 - Gus, Star Trek TNG, Saturday Night Live 15th Anniv, Quantum Leap
Toledo - Tape E-M - #0962 - My Boyfriend's Back, The Hunter, Friday the 13th the Series
Toledo - Tape E-M - #0962 - My Boyfriend's Back, The Hunter, Friday the 13th the Series
Toledo - Tape E-U - #0489 - Outrageous Fortune, Garfield Thanksgiving
Toledo - Tape E-U - #0489 - Outrageous Fortune, Garfield Thanksgiving
Toledo - Tape E-W - #0315 - It Nearly Wasn't Christmas, 50 years of television
Toledo - Tape E-W - #0315 - It Nearly Wasn't Christmas, 50 years of television
Group: F
Toledo - Tape F-E - #0320 - Star Trek, Tootsie, Tron
Toledo - Tape F-E - #0320 - Star Trek, Tootsie, Tron
Toledo - Tape F-J - #0487 - The Ladies Man, Columbo, Beauty and the Beast, Dungeons and Dragons
Toledo - Tape F-J - #0487 - The Ladies Man, Columbo, Beauty and the Beast, Dungeons and Dragons
Toledo - Tape F-V - #0316 - Quantum Leap, David Copperfield Magic (March 1990), Dungeons & Dragons
Toledo - Tape F-V - #0316 - Quantum Leap, David Copperfield Magic (March 1990), Dungeons & Dragons
Toledo - Tape F-W - #0488 - Columbo, Yum-Yums (1990), Barnum and Bailey Circus
Toledo - Tape F-W - #0488 - Columbo, Yum-Yums (1990), Barnum and Bailey Circus
Group: G
Toledo - Tape G-F - #0255 - Octopussy / Garfield's Feline Fantasies (1990)
Toledo - Tape G-F - #0255 - Octopussy / Garfield's Feline Fantasies (1990)
Toledo - Tape G-G - (MOLD) - story break: the shy stegosaurus on cricket creek
Toledo - Tape G-G - (MOLD) - story break: the shy stegosaurus on cricket creek
Toledo - Tape G-H - (MOLD) - Diamonds are Forever / The Paleface / Simpsons
Toledo - Tape G-H - (MOLD) - Diamonds are Forever / The Paleface / Simpsons
Toledo - Tape G-I - (MOLD) - Tammy and the Doctor / Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Toledo - Tape G-I - (MOLD) - Tammy and the Doctor / Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Toledo - Tape G-K - #0251 - Star Trek TNG / Garfield and Friends
Toledo - Tape G-K - #0251 - Star Trek TNG / Garfield and Friends
Toledo - Tape G-N - #0396 - Bret Maverick, Come and Fly with Disney, Jungle Cat
Toledo - Tape G-N - #0396 - Bret Maverick, Come and Fly with Disney, Jungle Cat
Toledo - Tape G-P - #0395 - The Bluegrass Special (Disney), B.L. Stryker: Grand Theft Hotel
Toledo - Tape G-P - #0395 - The Bluegrass Special (Disney), B.L. Stryker: Grand Theft Hotel
Toledo - Tape G-Ss - #0393 - Ghost of Buxley Halli Part 1 and 2, Son of Flubber
Toledo - Tape G-Ss - #0393 - Ghost of Buxley Halli Part 1 and 2, Son of Flubber
Toledo - Tape G-V - #0397 - The Couch Trip, The Watcher in the Woods, Garfield
Toledo - Tape G-V - #0397 - The Couch Trip, The Watcher in the Woods, Garfield
Group: H
Toledo - Tape H-V - #0247 - Witness / The Simpsons / Star Trek TNG
Toledo - Tape H-V - #0247 - Witness / The Simpsons / Star Trek TNG
Toledo - Tape H-W - #0249 - George Burn's 95th Birthday
Toledo - Tape H-W - #0249 - George Burn's 95th Birthday
Toledo - Tape H-X - (MOLD) - 2001, Star Trek TNG, Married with Children
Toledo - Tape H-X - (MOLD) - 2001, Star Trek TNG, Married with Children
Toledo - Tape H-Y - #0253 - Not of this World / All in the Family 20th
Toledo - Tape H-Y - #0253 - Not of this World / All in the Family 20th
Toledo - Tape H-Z - #0246 - Star Trek TNG / Columbo (Feb 1991)
Toledo - Tape H-Z - #0246 - Star Trek TNG / Columbo (Feb 1991)
Group: I
Toledo - Tape I-A - #0275 - Star Trek TNG / Irma la Douce / Bull Durham
Toledo - Tape I-A - #0275 - Star Trek TNG / Irma la Douce / Bull Durham
Toledo - Tape I-B - #0254 - Willow / Carol and Company
Toledo - Tape I-B - #0254 - Willow / Carol and Company
Toledo - Tape I-E - (MOLD) - That Darn Cat
Toledo - Tape I-E - (MOLD) - That Darn Cat
Group: N
Toledo - Tape N-M - #1389 - The Flight of the Grey Wolf, Boeing Boeing, Murder She Wrote, Quantum Leap, Simpsons
Toledo - Tape N-M - #1389 - The Flight of the Grey Wolf, Boeing Boeing, Murder She Wrote, Quantum Leap, Simpsons
Group: O
Toledo - Tape O-A - #1390 - Tough Guys, Quantum Leap, High Anxiety, Kung Fu
Toledo - Tape O-A - #1390 - Tough Guys, Quantum Leap, High Anxiety, Kung Fu
Toledo - Tape O-E - #1392 - Miracle Child, 9 to 5, Kung Fu, Young Indiana Jones (April 10, 1993)
Toledo - Tape O-E - #1392 - Miracle Child, 9 to 5, Kung Fu, Young Indiana Jones (April 10, 1993)
Group: Q
Toledo - Tape Q-T - #1391 - What About Bob?,  Look Who's Talking Too, Simpsons, Kung Fu, The Critic
Toledo - Tape Q-T - #1391 - What About Bob?, Look Who's Talking Too, Simpsons, Kung Fu, The Critic
Toledo - Tape Q-W - #0524 - Kung Fu, Doctor Quinn, Babylon 5
Toledo - Tape Q-W - #0524 - Kung Fu, Doctor Quinn, Babylon 5
Group: S
Toledo - Tape S-D - #0876 - Touched by an Angel, Diagnosis Murder, X-Files, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Hawkeye
Toledo - Tape S-D - #0876 - Touched by an Angel, Diagnosis Murder, X-Files, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Hawkeye
Toledo - Tape S-I - #0879 - Due South, Diagnosis Murder, Zoo Today, Kung Fu, Curly Sue (Movie), Married...with Children
Toledo - Tape S-I - #0879 - Due South, Diagnosis Murder, Zoo Today, Kung Fu, Curly Sue (Movie), Married...with Children
Group: T
Toledo - Tape T-J - #0534 - Star Trek Voyager, Earth 2, seaQuest DSV, National Geographic
Toledo - Tape T-J - #0534 - Star Trek Voyager, Earth 2, seaQuest DSV, National Geographic
Toledo - Tape T-M - #0536 - Babylon 5, Hawkeye
Toledo - Tape T-M - #0536 - Babylon 5, Hawkeye
Toledo - Tape T-P - #0892 - Murder She Wrote, A Walton Wedding (1995), Star Trek: Voyager, Due South,  Diagnosis Murder
Toledo - Tape T-P - #0892 - Murder She Wrote, A Walton Wedding (1995), Star Trek: Voyager, Due South, Diagnosis Murder
Toledo - Tape T-Q - #0581 - Zoo Today, Babylon 5, Kung-Fu (1995), The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
Toledo - Tape T-Q - #0581 - Zoo Today, Babylon 5, Kung-Fu (1995), The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
Toledo - Tape T-R - #0526 - Movie: Housesitter, seaQuest DSV, Hawkeye
Toledo - Tape T-R - #0526 - Movie: Housesitter, seaQuest DSV, Hawkeye
Toledo - Tape T-S - #0530 - Earth 2, seaQuest DSV, M.A.N.T.I.S.
Toledo - Tape T-S - #0530 - Earth 2, seaQuest DSV, M.A.N.T.I.S.
Toledo - Tape T-U - #0893 - Diagnosis Murder, X-Files, Babylon 5, Kung-Fu,  Dr. Quinn, Touched by an Angel
Toledo - Tape T-U - #0893 - Diagnosis Murder, X-Files, Babylon 5, Kung-Fu, Dr. Quinn, Touched by an Angel
Toledo - Tape T-W - #0523 - Hawkeye, Earth 2, seaQuest D.S.V.
Toledo - Tape T-W - #0523 - Hawkeye, Earth 2, seaQuest D.S.V.
Group: U
Toledo - Tape U-Z - #0525 - Babylon 5, Kung-Fu, Murder She Wrote, Touched by an Angel
Toledo - Tape U-Z - #0525 - Babylon 5, Kung-Fu, Murder She Wrote, Touched by an Angel
Group: V
Toledo - Tape V-A - #0529 - Sliders, Simpsons, Babylon 5, Matlock
Toledo - Tape V-A - #0529 - Sliders, Simpsons, Babylon 5, Matlock
Toledo - Tape V-B - #0582 - Baseball Brewers at Indians, Ernest Goes to Jail,  Home Improvement (1995)
Toledo - Tape V-B - #0582 - Baseball Brewers at Indians, Ernest Goes to Jail, Home Improvement (1995)
Toledo - Tape V-C - #0532 - Baseball Detroit at Cleveland, The Desperate Hours, Married with Children
Toledo - Tape V-C - #0532 - Baseball Detroit at Cleveland, The Desperate Hours, Married with Children
Toledo - Tape V-H - #0958 - Baseball Red Sox at Indians (Sept 15, 1995), Football Browns at Oilers
Toledo - Tape V-H - #0958 - Baseball Red Sox at Indians (Sept 15, 1995), Football Browns at Oilers
Toledo - Tape V-J - #0528 - Baseball Indians at Royals, seaQuest 2032, Simpsons, Murder She Wrote
Toledo - Tape V-J - #0528 - Baseball Indians at Royals, seaQuest 2032, Simpsons, Murder She Wrote
Toledo - Tape V-L - #0535 - Space: Above and Beyond, Murder, She Wrote (October 1995)
Toledo - Tape V-L - #0535 - Space: Above and Beyond, Murder, She Wrote (October 1995)
Toledo - Tape V-M - #0957 - Baseball Red Sox at Indians Division Series Game 1, 13 innings!  (Oct 3, 1995)
Toledo - Tape V-M - #0957 - Baseball Red Sox at Indians Division Series Game 1, 13 innings! (Oct 3, 1995)
Toledo - Tape V-O - #0527 - Baseball Cleveland at Boston, Simpsons, Star Trek DS9
Toledo - Tape V-O - #0527 - Baseball Cleveland at Boston, Simpsons, Star Trek DS9
Toledo - Tape V-P - #0531 - Married...with Children, Murder, She Wrote
Toledo - Tape V-P - #0531 - Married...with Children, Murder, She Wrote
Toledo - Tape V-V - #0533 - Baseball Cleveland at Seattle, seaQuest 2032, X-Files, Married...with Children
Toledo - Tape V-V - #0533 - Baseball Cleveland at Seattle, seaQuest 2032, X-Files, Married...with Children
Group: W
Toledo - Tape W-O - #0383 - Disney Merry Christmas Parade 1995, Ernest Rides Again
Toledo - Tape W-O - #0383 - Disney Merry Christmas Parade 1995, Ernest Rides Again
Toledo - Tape W-P - #0537 - E.T., seaQuest 2032, Diagnosis Murder, Home Improvement (January 1996)
Toledo - Tape W-P - #0537 - E.T., seaQuest 2032, Diagnosis Murder, Home Improvement (January 1996)
Toledo - Tape W-S - #0370 - Movie: Iron Will / Murder...She Wrote
Toledo - Tape W-S - #0370 - Movie: Iron Will / Murder...She Wrote
Group: X
Toledo - Tape X-P - #0878 - Gallup Extreme Magic, Touched by an Angel, Movie: Harvest of Fire, Lazarus Man
Toledo - Tape X-P - #0878 - Gallup Extreme Magic, Touched by an Angel, Movie: Harvest of Fire, Lazarus Man
Group: Y
Toledo - Tape Y-I - #0371 - Star Trek DS9 / Life with Mikey
Toledo - Tape Y-I - #0371 - Star Trek DS9 / Life with Mikey
Toy Fair Catalogs

Toy Catalogs
Hobby Catalogs

Hobby Catalogs
Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive
Featured Toy Lines

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Air Raiders

Masters of the Universe Classics

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Nasta Reactors

DC Universe Classics

Indiana Jones by Hasbro

New Additions
Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
April 15, 1985
Yahoo! Internet Life: August, 2001
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
Egon: w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking
w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking


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