UncleCast #21
Date: 08/10/08 - RSS
- Important San Diego Comic Con tips!
- 1) Buy a ticket in advance / plan ahead
- 2) fly direct
- 3) bring your lego brickmaster catalog
- 4) understand show 'exclusives' - waste of time if available later
- 5) show fedEx is convenient but very expensive ($50 for 11lb box)
- ?) bring a spare suitcase - cheaper even if airline charges you
- ?) Wednesday preview night was mayhem
- ?) bring a gaming system to entertain yourself in line
- ?) plan your day ahead of time - decide must-see items and fill in the gaps.
- ?) bring food and water
- ?) use a backpack for your gear
- ?) get a walking-distance hotel (probably through 'Travel Planners' group)
- ?) keep your eyes open for extra unlisted events the companies are holding in the evenings
- was more busy and crazy than toy fair + new york comic con * 2
- after all those warnings, remember that it was actually a great time
- so many options, only real problem is choosing what to do
- can find just about anything for any related interest, represented.
- comics themselves are almost second-fiddle to other things, at the 'comic' con
- so many other competing pop culture options
- Locke & Key comic author Joe Hill was cool, and has a blog: joehillfiction.com
- Millenium Falcon sculptor - same guy did old and new versions!
- Myth Busters panel - season premiere looks at possible faking of the moon landing.
- Gears of War panel - main character voiced by Bender from Futurama
- Why were panel rooms not always filled, even when closed as 'full'?
- Intermission: This absurdly awesome
news story
inspired the following
musical homage.
UncleCast #20!
Date: 07/11/08 - RSS
- San Diego Comic Con is coming!
- Shocker Toys exclusives: Metalocalypse figures
- Mezco 'summer exclusives' available from their store
- Mattel online store to be announced soon!
- Masters of the Universe exclusive from store?
- Harley Quinn DC Universe Classics rocks
- Transformers 2.0 sighted and desired at retail
- Sunstreaker, Prowl, Tankor (Octane)
- Uncle's Omega Supreme pre-order woes
- Special appliance guest
- Avoiding the Pandora's Purchase of Transformers: Animated
- GI Joe news
- Vehicle 2-packs at retail, they look great
- HISS Tank army
- 25th Anniversary ends, Modern Era begins
- Wave 8 and 9 hit stores rapidly
- Vehicle 2-packs are *not* branded 25th Anniversary
- Transformers Robot Heroes and Real Gear last waves hard to find
- Coupon News
- Target coupon recalled!
- Transformers Animated promotion starts at McDonalds, with $5 off $19.99 Target coupon on bags!
- Intermission: Double Dragon II - Low Pursuit theme!
- Lego!
- Indiana Jones products
- Brickmaster Membership
- Lego custom design application
- Indiana Jones Toys R Us Lego Exclusive 'Peril in Peru'
- Dark Horse Indiana Jones comics - brand new Tomb of the Gods released 7/10/2008
- Indiana Jones comic omnibus collections are around 330 pages each
- San Diego Comic Con!
- Wednesday, July 23rd-27th
- So many exclusives:
- Entertainment Earth: The Dude
- Mattel: King Greyskull, Lobo, Giganta
- Hasbro: Combat Heroes Snake Eyes and Timber, Cobra Commander (2 versions), Fertility Idol Mighty Mugg,
My Little Pony, Nemesis Prime, Titanium Skywarp
- NBC Universal: Battlestar Galactica Frakkin' Cylon Toaster
- NECA: Conan, 4-pack black&white turtles, 3-pack Mousers
- Shocker Toys: Metalocalypse box set, the Maxx
- Toynami: Soul of Chogokin: GX-06G1 Limited Metallic Ver. Getter 1
- Underground Toys: Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor in Green Shirt, Doctor Who: Time Crash Doctors Twin Set
(5th and 10th Doctors)
- IDW and MST3K panels!
- Special Uncle YouTube Link:
Double Dragon theme on Mandolin
UncleCast #19
Date: 04/22/08 - RSS
- New York Comic Con 2008 wrap-up!
- Starship Troopers 3 discussion
- intermission: the video
- New acquisitions:
- Toys R Us GI Joe 3 packs!
- DC Universe Classics wave 2!
- San Diego Comic Con exclusives:
- Economic discussion of Hasbro and Mattel
- 4Horsemen sculpted Batman toys from the new movie
UncleCast #18
Date: 03/02/08 - RSS
- Toy Fair 2008 wrap-up!
- More notes to come...
UncleCast #17
Date: 01/16/08 - RSS
- Transformers Animated - Discussion.
- David Kaye remains The Man!
- New directions for the characters.
- Starbob Screampants - good job by Tom Kenny.
- Bulkhead Toy Gallery from unicron.com.
- The 2nd plot spoiler I didn't get to: G1 Movie quote, when Bulkhead smashes Slag, "Excuse me!"
- Special Guest: Alfred
- Toy Fair!
- CoolToyReview.com - doing a great job.
- Diamond Select busts of Prowl, Bluestreak and Smokescreen!
- Thanks to mameworld.net for the great Ikari Warriors intermission theme!
- Indiana Jones Lego sets.
- GI Joe 25th Anniversary figure discussion.
- SquareEnix - The Potion!
UncleCast #16
Date: 01/01/08 - Special New Year's Episode! RSS
- Doctor Who figures.
- GI Joe Comic 2-packs.
- Hasbro's plans!
- Transformers AllSpark
- Transformers Animated
- Transformers Classics 2.0
- GI Joe 25th
- Indiana Jones
Hasui-san and the staff of the Preserve
Doctor Who figures for sale
- Battlestar Galactica Starbuck figure, & Christmas items
- MasterCollector club discussion for GI Joe and Transformers.
- RockBand for the xBox 360!
UncleCast #15
Date: 11/27/07 RSS
- Conan the Destroyer - good camel-punching fun.
- George Lucas ruins his most respected film.
- Saint Seiya anime from 1986 - a current Uncle favorite.
- Masterpiece Starscream search success!
- Botcon theme for 2008.
UncleCast #14
Date: 11/08/07
- The triumphant return!
- GI Joe 25th Anniversary Discussion
- Masterpiece Starscream impossible hunt
- Awesome Fat Boys "Burger Pattern"
music video from Square One
UncleCast #13
Date: 9/03/07
- Labor day episode
- Sterling Hat Trick NY Ren Fair(e)
- Dungeons & Dave!
- The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
- Transformers 2007 Movie collection main line complete
- The excitement and letdown of completing a collection.
UncleCast #12
Date: 7/21/07
- Special Geographic Proxmity episode!
- Voltron - the new DVD release
- Is a mashup of GoLion and Dairugger XV
- Great blue lion cover art

- Cyber Tracker 2
- Pryor's Place vol.3
- Double Switch for the Sega CD!
UncleCast #11
Date: 7/04/07
- Special 4th of July episode!
- Methods of celebration
- New beverage: Sailor Jerry rum + Cherry Coke = the Picture Page
- Bill Cosby's Picture Pages classic 5 minute kids shows.
- Youtube clip of the Picture Pages intro animation.
- Audio clip of a Pictures Pages episode.
- I really need to get that video-in box!
- New Transformers Burger King toys.
- Ongoing saga of the trouble with dealers.
- New Transformers toys coming soon:
UncleCast #10!
Date: 6/24/07
- Hollywood Video VHS madness!
- Dealers gone wild!
- Kurt Russell in Sniper (aka The Deadly Tower)
- Tremors-a-Thon updates
- Double Dragon III Theme - Absinthe Remix
- Johnson City's Magic City Music Hall
- Botcon - only 4 days to go!
UncleCast #9
Date: 6/10/07
UncleCast #8
Date: 6/02/07
- Breaking News: Transformers the Movie (2007) toy release!
- Special guest star provides invaluable collectors information.
- Movie discussions:
UncleCast #7
Date: 5/25/07
- Special Memorial Day Episode!
- Dennis Drew's Fairchild Channel F Info Site.
- The rare Fairchild cart is #19, checkers.
NES World Championships Cart sales:
- Nintendo Power World Championships tour!
- Beta vs. VHS
- The slippery slope of collecting.
UncleCast #6
Date: 5/13/07
- Special Mother's Day episode!
- eBay Watch - weakness of the dollar and overseas bids are resulting in higher prices
- Meatloaf comic ad
- Ongoing Hollywood video VHS sale, and 'kids section' raid
- Mr. T sings us the perfect song, with thanks to inzenity.com for the mp3
- Blade Runner 'non-directors-cut' edition found
- Disasterous news musings about the upcoming Transformers Movie
UncleCast #5
Date: 4/29/07
- Yard Sale Days - with results!
- Black Box Nintendo games
- Re-Animator #4 - House of Re-Animator
- Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors - write to us if you attend!
- Write to: feedback@parrygamepreserve.com
- Herbert Band score to Re-Animator!
- WalMart Exclusives
- Pryor's Place photo
- The Uncle breaks down the Preserve Philosophy
- Captain Power eBay watch
UncleCast #4
Date: 4/15/07
UncleCast #3
Date: 3/25/07
UncleCast #2
Date: 3/11/07
- Soundwave Classics Reissues
- Moorestown NJ, and the Happy Hippo
- Arcade auction
- Castle Eternia 2/3 complete
- eBay Watch - sky rocketing video game prices
- Crispin Glover and his art, and our meeting
UncleCast #1
Date: 2/4/07
- Our first recording
- Transformers Classics Figures
- Transformers Comics
- Gi Joe Sigma 6 photoshoots
- Tremors-a-Thons
- Hear what happens when I record my audio track seperately!