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Best Buy Tf2007 Movie toys
I had very nearly forgotten that Best Buy was throwing their hat somewhat into the ring of Transformers Movie 2007 toys this fall, releasing 'metallic repaints' of Ratchet and Megatron Voyager figures, as well as a DVD release that featured two exclusive Robot Heroes. Well, I happened to be in Best Buy the just the other day, and managed to snag the very last of their toys, as well as one of the few remaining dvd sets: So if I understand their product distribution correctly, that should bring complete their releases in the collection. I still haven't compared their DVD pack-in Robot Heroes to the other 'standard' ones, because at least in the store, at point of purchase and with no basis for comparison, they certainly looked larger than the normal versions. I also have to give some designer plenty of credit, because the two Voyager Class repackages are very very nice - I think the entire line could have done with being sold in that way, but at least someone got to try it out on this much more limited exclusive run. Posted by charlie on October 29th 2007 Leave Comment Share |