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Transformers - Reveal the Shield - Megatron
Well, today is the day. Today you can go to the theater and spend $15 and watch the third installment of the Michael Bay helmed Transformers franchise crash into the big screen at 100mph. I'll probably end up going - though do hope I can find a Cine-Mask first - and I hope that Hasbro makes piles and piles of money from this film. You have to expect, of course, that when it does make all that money that they will immediately start working on the 4th one. This could be interesting, if both The Beef and Bay stick to their promises of leaving the franchise with their trilogy all ... neatly wrapped up. Well, personal problems with the movies aside, I say again that I'm delighted they have made so much money for the Big-H, and have at least introduced the brand to a new generation of kids. Now what remains is to help them understand that Optimus Prime is a good and noble soul, who believes in freedom for all sentient beings. Not, as the movies would have you believe - this one in particular - a violent murderous psychopath. But, having not seen it yet, I'll stop talking about things I don't understand! Instead, let's take a look at another Legends scale figure from the Reveal the Shield line. This is a very special figure, in that it's the first time in ages and ages Hasbro has had the guts to release a Megatron that is a gun, and not only is he a gun but he's in the form of his original Walther P-38! Yes, it's like a mini-version, and of course has an orange tip, but I'm still very impressed by this figure and glad that they took a chance. Maybe all their new Michael Bay money helped them grease the right palms, and let something like this make it to retail? If so, then all is forgiven! Amusing note - the back of the package lists it as Blaster Mode. Oh, how long that was probably debated by the legal team! Posted by charlie on June 29th 2011, 07:17 AM Leave Comment Share |