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Transformers Q&A - Due Today 3pm
Ok folks, I know it's pretty last minute but we need to submit three more Transformers brand team questions to Hasbro by 3pm today! If you have anything on your mind about the current movie line, or what might be in the pipeline for the near future, send them along and we'll pass them up the chain directly to Hasbro.
Posted by charlie on October 5th 2009, 06:37 AM
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October 6th, 01:05 PM
Hi, I'm John and I just joined the preserve today. I'm only 14(I know, I know) but I have come to really like Transformers and not just because of the new movies. I have a lot of questions. I think a new Omega Supreme would be awsome if Hasbro doesn't already have plans on one. |
October 7th, 10:37 AM
Hi John - welcome! Be sure to submit questions for the new Transformers Q&A and they'll go right to Hasbro. In the meantime, keep watching for our next posts from that line (our favorite too!). |