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Journal Archives from October 2009
Happy Halloween!

Posted by charlie on October 31st 2009, 09:29 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Teela

The next figure from our massive Mattel haul is one of two Masters of the Universe Classics figures to be released this past October 15th. Teela (Warrior Goddess!) is the 'subscription' figure that all customers who purchased the partial-2009 subscription should have been guaranteed. Various website and shipping troubles continued to plague Mattel this month, but it does seem at this point they have all been resolved, and even having not purchased a subscription I was able to snag two as part of my larger order. Teela managed to sell out in just under 4 days, which demonstrates the ongoing strength of this line, even defeating Mattel's increased production numbers.

This is the first female figure in the line and she looks simply amazing. The face sculpt is really well done, and having just read a nice bit about The 10 Most Embarrassingly Collectible Star Wars Toys of the '90s by Adam Pawlus on, which reminded me about "Monkey Face Leia" (I remember hunting one down as the article says)...well, Teela shows us all how far we've come. The accessories included are simply great as well and allow for a number of different posing options. Click on the image below for more pics and her most excellent bio!

Posted by charlie on October 29th 2009, 12:20 PM
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Mattel's 12-inch Ray Stantz

As promised, so delivered! Here is the first figure from that pile of loot from, the 12-inch Ray Stantz! He is the first of the footlong figures available in the new Ghostbusters series, and it's a delight to finally have him up close and in the collection. The packaging alone makes my collector heart skip a beat, and everything from the cloth-goods uniform to the lovingly detailed proton pack is steeped in fandom and dedication to the project. Click the image below for a number of extra shots - and more to come once I actually open him up!

Posted by charlie on October 28th 2009, 12:49 PM
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Thanks to the interestingly timed massive product release by mattel on October 15th of figures in both their Masters of the Universe and Ghostbusters collections on, we had quite the massive shipment today! Sadly the pic obscures much of the great product design due to their shipping safety boxes, but it's still somewhat impressive. Both Teela and Zodak have managed to sell out which is great, but Ray (6" and 12") still are in stock. Let's hope they sell out soon as well, to keep the Ghostbusters line going strong! I'll be posting detailed shots of Teela, Zodak and 6"/12" Ray figures soon.

Posted by charlie on October 28th 2009, 12:41 AM
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SDCC 2009 Exclusive - Clan McCullen 2-Pack

The G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra line is still going strong, though will be switching over to the 'Pursuit of Cobra' sub-line as 2010 starts. We'll start posting a checklist for this upcoming line soon, but before that, let's take a look at the San Diego Comic Con 2009 exclusive Destro 2-pack! This set has some great art and two figures, one current and one ancestor McCullen! Don't even get me started on how glad I am to have a 3 3/4" scale figure of Chris Eccelston! Click the image for a bunch of pictures of this exclusive set! (buy this)

Posted by charlie on October 27th 2009, 08:07 PM
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I've been posting a ton of new toys lately, so let's clear our pallets with something from 1986. The STARCOM line is one of our favorites, with heroic men fighting against the evil Shadow Force...complete with foot-magnets! Here is one of the evil robot warriors of the Robot Drone Attack Force, Agon-6! He comes complete with an EMP 'Jolt' Bazooka - it was so great when the Electromagnetic Pulse found a home in sci-fi lexicon. Click the image below to learn a little more about this figure and to see another image or two.

Posted by charlie on October 26th 2009, 08:48 PM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Batman vs. Clock King

The Batman - The Brave and the Bold line includes not only a selection of excellent figures in both the 'basic' and 'action league' scales, but also a number of great vehicles. Well, what more iconic vehicle can you get in a Batman line but his 'mobile, and here we have Bats and Clock King packaged with the Batmobile, in Action League scale. Check out this great set by clicking on the image below - I especially like the design of Clock King...great figure!

Posted by charlie on October 25th 2009, 06:15 PM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Kanjar Ro

One of the Batman - The Brave and the Bold figures that seems to really be peg warming lately is Kanjar Ro. It's too bad, as he's a well designed character and has a great name, but I guess just doesn't have the star appeal of Plastic Man or the Bats himself. Well, while I was initially turned off by his over-availability, I did finally grow tired of the hole in the collection here at the Preserve and picked one up - click the image for some more shots!

Posted by charlie on October 24th 2009, 06:58 PM
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Wounded Ronin Review - Wolfenstein

Wounded Ronin joins us again for a review of the new Wolfenstein game, Starring Max Payne as BJ Blazkowitz (almost). Click the image above to get the full, tough, no-punches-pulled lowdown on this new 'addition' to the franchise.
Posted by charlie on October 23rd 2009, 01:06 PM
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G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra - Agent Helix

Springing from the pages of a pretty decent comic book one-shot by IDW, Agent Helix joins collection 2 wave 2 of the G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra figure collection. Our initial disappointment at Hasbro's focus on only the movie line for at least a full year is definitely tempered by seeing their constant efforts to include clearly non-movie characters directly in this line, either as wide release or store exclusive figures. If you pick up the Helix comic issue, I bet that you too will want to get a hold of this hard to find figure! Click the image below for some more shots and her (too short) bio, then learn more with the comic! (buy this figure)

Posted by charlie on October 23rd 2009, 07:23 AM
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Sponsor News -
Big Bad Toy Store
Our new sponsor, Big Bad Toy Store, has sent out their latest news about new arrivals and hot deals. Click the link to read about the figures you've got to have!  Read More
Posted by charlie on October 22nd 2009, 05:21 PM
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Transformers Q&A Round #5 2009 - Results

The Transformers team over at Hasbro has just sent us their answers to our fifth Q&A for 2009. See below for the details!

Transformers Q&A #5 (2009)

Preserve: Figure variants, like the black vs. grey Timber packed with Snake Eyes in the GI Joe line, make for exciting chase toy hunting in stores. Have you considered introducing that concept into the Transformers line?

Hasbro: While we have not executed against this exact strategy for Transformers to date, it certainly remains an option for the future.

Preserve: How will the recently announced accelerated time table of the third Transformers movie effect your design efforts for upcoming movie products?

Hasbro: The opportunity to continue to expand the story of Transformers in partnership with Michael Bay for another movie is a phenomenal opportunity that we are excited to take on. While the date was just confirmed by Michael Bay on his website, we had been in discussions with the studio and Michael and are prepared to deliver another great, exciting and innovative product line for the next movie.

Preserve: Does the team have any favorite figures, in particular, as we enter the next phase of the Revenge of the Fallen line?

Hasbro: Leader Starscream is certainly a top of the list candidate for the team along with Voyager Bludgeon. However, there was one vote for Fast Action Battler Optimus Prime, but we think this is because it is one of the designers first Transformers that he is responsible for.

Thanks to the Transformers team for all of the great answers to our questions!
Posted by charlie on October 22nd 2009, 06:09 AM
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DC Universe Classics - The Flash

Turning our attention once again back to wave 7 of Mattel's DC Universe Classics figures, today let's take a look at The Flash! This wave marked the first time that the runaway success of this line allowed for 7 distinct figures to be included in a single wave. As such, since they don't need 7 parts for the build-a-figure, one of the figures gets the grand distinction of coming with only a boring figure stand! Well, The Flash was that figure in this wave - so click the image below for his bio, more pics and confirmation that he'll give you not an arm, not a leg, but a stand of dubious tipping.

Posted by charlie on October 21st 2009, 08:02 PM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

So I do try not to get drunk on a Tuesday night - really I do. But, on an innocent Target run this evening I discovered the Target Exclusive Transforming Revenge of the Fallen BluRay disc - the same format as that of the first live action film. This time we have a Bumblebee shell that clumsily turns from dvd-esque shell to robot-esque thing, with 3 extra hours of genius auteur Michael Bay contained within! Well, as you all would expect, I could not resist purchasing this $30 monstrosity and watching it this evening! Having just finished it and innumerable beers, I feel confident in supporting all of my previous claims about the film - and in delivering these two salient points. Jetfire farts parachutes, and Wheelie becomes an Autobot when he humps Megan Fox's leg. That's really all you need to know about the movie, if you haven't seen it like me, unlike the rest of America according to the box office returns. Good night!

Posted by charlie on October 20th 2009, 11:05 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Orion

I was on a roll last night and actually finished up the entire set of wave 1 figures in the DC Universe Classics collection! See Orion below - the spawn of Darkseid and a supremely powerful being in his own right. Click the image for his full details, and be sure to check out the other figures in wave 1.

Posted by charlie on October 20th 2009, 09:49 AM
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Japan's Former PM Koizumi Voices Ultraman King

We're Ultraman fans around here, as anyone should be, and it was therefore delightful to find this article last week indicating that former Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi will play a part in the upcoming (Dec. 12, 2009) Ultraman film, Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie! He will provide the voice of Ultraman King, putting him in a position to deliver any number of awesome and commanding soundbites to the delighted viewers! Click here for the full story, at of all places!
Posted by charlie on October 19th 2009, 12:50 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Red Tornado

An android fused with the living cyclone Tornado Tyrant, Red Tornado overcame his initially evil design of destruction and instead joined the JLA! This figure is another from the very first wave of DC Universe Classics from back in 2007 and contributes the left leg piece to the build-a-figure Rex Mason! Click the image below for a few more pics and the complete riveting bio!

Posted by charlie on October 18th 2009, 12:37 PM
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DC Universe Classics - The Penguin

It seems like ages ago now that the first, uncertain wave of Mattel's DC Universe Classics figures found major retail release. I guess it was way back in December 2007, which is very nearly two years ago, and what a great 10 waves we have in that series so far! I just stumbled upon the set of pictures I took of those first figures which had not yet been posted all this time but with our recently revived focus on these figures it seemed time! Check out Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot himself - click on the image for more about The Penguin!

Posted by charlie on October 16th 2009, 11:07 AM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Power Prop Aquaman

In this month's issue of Toyfair, the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line is finally getting some credit! Not only is the new wave of basic figures, including Joker and Plastic Man, being highlighted as rare and currently super-collectible, they are also generally being regarded as another fine product in Mattel's solid 2009 lineup. Let's check out Power Prop Aquaman today - one of the deluxe figures from the line. He comes with, yes, his Power Prop and is another great figure of the fantastically designed Aquaman in this line. Click the image below for more shots of this figure!

Posted by charlie on October 15th 2009, 07:53 PM
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October 15th - Big Day at

A reminder that tomorrow, October 15th, will be a very busy and expensive day over at for us fans of both Masters of the Universe Classics as well as their new Ghostbusters line. Tomorrow sees the noon time release of not only the new Teela and Zodak figures, but also 6" Ray Stanz and 12" Ray Stanz! While the 12" Ghostbusters figures are going to sell for $60, the detail and accessories really seem to make that price well worth it. Be sure to start mashing that refresh button around 11:55 - unless they have really upgraded things there the site will be massively overloaded!

Masters of the Universe - Classics   Ghostbusters

Posted by charlie on October 14th 2009, 07:58 AM
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DC Universe Classics - Blue Beetle

Let's continue our voyage through wave 7 of the DC Universe Classics with Blue Beetle! While not as cute as his character in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line, this is a great looking figure of Ted Korg, friend and protégé to the original Blue Beetle, Dan Garrett. Click the image below for more pics of this solid figure as well as his excellent bio!

Posted by charlie on October 13th 2009, 06:51 PM
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Super Saber Batman

Switching back to the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line, let's take a look at one of the very many Batman figures that are found in the basic lineup - Super Saber Batman! Even though it's a little rough having so many Batman figures if you really do purchase all of the variations, at least this one comes with a huge anime-sized sword as well as some rockin' Batman armor. Click the image below for a few more images of this Batman version from the ongoing Brave and the Bold line!

Posted by charlie on October 12th 2009, 09:06 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Big Barda

Coming dangerously close to a rut, we'll feature a third DC Universe Classics figure in as many days - Big Barda! Harkening from wave 7 of the line, this figure comes packed with the left arm of the Atom Smasher build-a-figure. Born on the evil, warlike planet of Apokolips, Barda was specially trained in all forms of combat by Granny Goodness. However, she fell in love with Scott Free, a child of peaceful New Genesis raised on Apokolips, and used her warrior skills to help him escape to earth. This figure comes in two variants - with and without helmet, the with-helmet version is featured here. Click on the image for the rest of her bio and some more key pics!

Posted by charlie on October 10th 2009, 11:10 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Ocean Warrior Aquaman

Since I managed to post a whole raft of DC Universe Classics figures the other day, let's keep the feature rolling with another entry from wave 7, Ocean Warrior Aquaman! First appearing in More Fun Comics in 1941 (war time!), Prince Orin of Atlantis was raised in the ways of the surface world and renamed by adoptive parent, lighthouse keeper Arthur Curry. Click the image below for more images and details on everyone's favorite underwater monarch!

Posted by charlie on October 9th 2009, 08:27 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Booster Gold

Let's check out a figure from wave 7 of the DC Universe Classics collection, Booster Gold! Michael Jon Carter traveled through time gathering powerful artifacts to invent his super persona in the 20th century and the horsemen have made a great figure of him. There are two versions of this figure in series 7, this one is the 'classic' version. Click on the image below for his bio and more pics...and collect all of wave 7 to create the Atom Smasher figure!

Posted by charlie on October 8th 2009, 08:48 PM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Blazemaster

Turning our attention back to the Transformers RotF line, here is Blazemaster from the 5th wave of deluxe figures. This guy loves to hover over his Decepticon foes and douse them in corrosive gel - sounds effective! I do like how the alt mode is a TV news copter - since I still have not watched the actual movie I can only assume that this appears in the film. However, I know that some license is being taken with the upper waves of figures to extend the line, which I completely support. Click the image for some more shots and his full bio and specs.

Posted by charlie on October 7th 2009, 09:25 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Shazam!

We're finally catching up a little on the tremendous backlog of Mattel's blazing-hot DC Universe Classics figures - though due to the constant distribution problems that plague this line we certainly don't have them all! Today let's take a look at Shazam! from the wave 6 "Kalibak" set. Click the image below for some more shots of the great 4Horsemen rendition of Billy Batson.

Collectors Note: Wave 5 of this line has thus far been the super rare one, since it was a WalMart exclusive and just didn't hit many stores. Well, wave 10 is yet another WalMart exclusive, and even though Mattel guaranteed better distribution, so far it is proving nearly impossible to track down as well, and fetches over $300 for the 7 figures on eBay. If you see this set, snag it!
Posted by charlie on October 6th 2009, 07:36 PM
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Transformers Universe - Hot Shot

Today we finally finish up the deluxe figure collection from the Transformers: Universe line with Hot Shot, from the Armada series. This character has many strong undertones of Hot Rod from the 1986 movie, but also comes complete with a hidden addiction to the suspected fuel additive JaAm - very cosmopolitan! Click the image for more shots of this figure and his full bio and stats

Posted by charlie on October 5th 2009, 06:24 PM
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Transformers Q&A - Due Today 3pm

Ok folks, I know it's pretty last minute but we need to submit three more Transformers brand team questions to Hasbro by 3pm today! If you have anything on your mind about the current movie line, or what might be in the pipeline for the near future, send them along and we'll pass them up the chain directly to Hasbro.
Posted by charlie on October 5th 2009, 06:37 AM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Scout Class Scalpel

Another Scout class figure from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen line, today we're taking a look at Scalpel. His massive database of anatomical data apparently doesn't help him to be a better medic, but that's no less than the Decepticons deserve! Click the image to see more shots of this detailed little dude, and read his full unbalanced bio!

Posted by charlie on October 4th 2009, 06:44 PM
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Playmobil - Pirates' Dinghy, Set #5809

We all love pirates, including the good folks at Playmobil! Check out their set #5809, the Pirates' Dinghy! This set comes with not only the titular dinghy, but also a small island complete with a halloween-rific skulltree to tip upon the hapless dinghy. Including two figures, a treasure box and a gold skull, this is a pretty excellent set! Click the image below for a few additional shots.

Posted by charlie on October 3rd 2009, 02:24 PM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Aquaman vs. Black Manta

Another excellent Action League 2-pack from the Batman - the Brave and the Bold figure series, today let's check out Aquaman vs. Black Manta! I continue to love the styling of Aquaman in this series - and it carries over to the Action League scale very well - another solid set from Mattel. Click the image for some more pics, and the mini-bio on the card back!

Posted by charlie on October 2nd 2009, 06:31 PM
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Terminator - How It Should End

I do make it a policy not to post too many youtube videos here, simply because there are too many great ones and how do you choose. Well, I really enjoyed this one today as found at and simply can't resist. Check out this mashup of BttF and Terminator, or 'Terminator: how it should end' - for the Back to the Future nerds out there (like me) watch carefully for all the thoughtful details (do you know where 1640...Riverside

Posted by charlie on October 1st 2009, 12:05 PM
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Toy Fair Catalogs

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Magazine Archive
Featured Toy Lines

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Air Raiders

Masters of the Universe Classics

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Nasta Reactors

DC Universe Classics

Indiana Jones by Hasbro

New Additions
Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
April 15, 1985
Yahoo! Internet Life: August, 2001
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
Egon: w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking
w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking


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