I must admit that I remember very little about the XPanders series. When I found it recently burried deep in the Preserve,
it took a few moments for those bells to start to ring. Now we all love Starcom, and this toy series uses what
sounds and acts like a similar battery-less technology to 'transform' the vehicles into attack mode. XPanders
seemed to be very short lived, with only 6 vehicles that I can account for, and no figures. Well, there are figures
of a sort, but they are 3/4 inch high little tan plastic army men basically. I think the lack of figures
was a big detractor to this series, especially in comparison to Starcom which had many G.I. Joe scale figures each
with a bio and stats.
On the UPC label on each XPander package, there are a number of 'Command Points', so they were planning for the future of
mail-in specials, but I don't think that ever panned out.
It seems that the
internet is devoid of information on this series, making it all the more tantalizing! I must learn more, and it will
appear here in time. I've only discovered 3 of the vehicles so far, and don't remember if I ever had them all, but
the Preserve's secrets run deep and plentiful, so we shall see.
X-Panders expand at your command! Join the fighting men of the X-Pand Command as they defend freedom in their awesome
power-transforming combat vehicles.
Press the Battle Button and each vehicle powers open to reveal hidden weapons for battle. No batteries needed.
X-Panders are ready at your command!
(Click images below to xpand)
Attack 4x4/Gun Battery - Vehicle power-transforms into an artillery post!
ATV Cycle/Missile Outpost - 3-Wheeler power-transforms into a launch site!
F-4 Fighter/Air Strike Base - Jet power-transforms into an attack base!