Skywarp, Walmart exclusive figure from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen movie.
Release: June 2009
Affiliation: Decepticon
Collection: The Preserve
Toy Data
Conversion Level: 3 (Advanced Conversion)
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SKYWARP has never been interested in power or conquest. He simply wishes to be left alone in his pursuit of
knowledge. He joined the DECEPTICONS because MEGATRON was willing to give him facilities in which to work, and
simply leave him alone. In return, he has produced countless powerful weapons and experimental systems for his
comrades. He is personally equipped with mighty weapons that can twist the very fabric of reality into a smear
of color and light, or rip mountains apart.
Barcode: 6 53569 40745 4
Stamp: 90711
ASST. 92667 / 92665
P/N 6879130000 (card back)
Lockheed Martin, F-22 Raptor, associated emblems and logos, and body designs of vehicles are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Lockheed Martin Corporation in the USA and/or other jurisdictions, used under license
by Dreamworks, LLC.
Product and colors may vary. Retain this package for future reference.
© 2008 Dreamworks, LLC & Paramount Pictures Corporation. Manufactured under
license from TOMY Company, Ltd. © 2008 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. All Rights
Reserved. TM & ® denote U.S. trademarks. Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC,
Canada J4G 1G2. MADE IN CHINA. C-3138A