
Bulkhead, Leader Class figure from the Transformers: Animated series.
Release: June 2008
Affiliation: Autobot
Collection: The Uncle
Toy Data
Function: Super tough strong-bot
Quote: Oops. My bad.
- Headmaster changes character personality
- Spinning buzzsaw!
- Claw opens and closes!
- Removable air torpedoes!
- Armored Truck Mode Lights and siren sounds!
- Bulkhead cuts through Decepticon armor with his buzzsaw!
- Head moves and expression changes when he talks!
- Headmaster Mode Changes to Headmaster voice!
- Lights change color!
Galactic Powers and Abilities:
- The strongest of the Autobots on Earth.
- Rarely uses air torpedoes because of accuracy issues.
- Buzzsaw originally built to slice iron meteors.
Conversion Level: 3 (Advanced)
It's hard not to like Bulkhead. Despite being huge and strong, he's the kindest, most gentle of
the Autobots, and he always has other people's best interests at heart. He's also a klutz.
That's why it's so terrifying when the Headmaster takes over his body. Bulkhead regularly
engages in wholesale property damage purely by accident. With the Headmaster in charge of
his body, will anyone be able to stop the tide of destruction?
Barcode: 6 53569 32348 8
ASST. 83636/83501
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x2 1.5V AA R6 size batteries included
Uncle's notes
- Bulkhead lights up, turns his head, and speaks 3 different phrases when his Autobot symbol is pressed. He is voiced by none other than William Fagerbakke, none other than Assistant Coach Dauber! One can only hope that Craig T. Nelson voices a character in Transformers Animated, in a homage to the wonderful television series Coach!
- Bulkhead comes with Headmaster, featured in the 13th episode of the same name in the first season. Headmaster changes Bulkhead's voice when placed on Bulkhead's head. He also can fit on the heads of the other Leader class animated figures, but will not change their voices. I don't own Sentinel Prime, so I do not know if fans will be able to replicate the events of "Return of the Headmaster."
- Headmaster is a homage to a short lived Transformers gimmick from G1 where smaller robots would transform into the head of a larger body and supply information on the Robot's speed, strength and intelligence that would be displayed in the robot's chest. Uncle favorites Nightbeat, Scorponok, and Fortress Maximus are all headmasters.
- Bulkhead sports weaponry that he has not used at this point in the cartoon. Perhaps in the next season he will get an upgrade to mirror his toy functions. His main cartoon weapon, a wrecking ball like apparatus fired out of his hands, is featured in his Voyager class toy.