From wave 2, 2008, of the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars carded figures.
Maris Brood
Figure Number: 11
Species: Zabrak
Status: Jedi Padawan
Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber Tonfas
Characteristic: Passionate warrior teetering on the brink of the dark side
Maris Brood is a Padawan who escaped Order 66 and has been in hiding with Jedi Master Shaak Ti on Felucia. When
she is violently separated from her Master, her impetuous and angry nature leaves her vulnerable to the influence
of the dark side.
Legal Info: Some poses may require hand support. Product and colors may vary.
© 2007 Lucasfilm Ltd. © 2007 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA, All
Rights Reserved. TM & (R) denote U.S.Trademarks. Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. Made in China. C-001C
Original Price: $6.63 (WalMart)
Bar Code: 6 53569 25708 0
Model No: 87485/87500 Asst.
Stamp: 73651
P/N 6726213800 (card back)
P/N 6697401200 (insert)