
Set Name: Outrider vehicle with action figure
Included Figure: Commander Rex Kling
Rex has the keenest senses of all the SKY COMMANDERS. He can anticipate
a RAIDERS attack from any direction and he's always the first to arrive
when a fellow SKY COMMANDER is in trouble.
Set Data:
COMMANDER REX KLING lowers the Scout Seat to search for RAIDERS in hidden spots. A
DECEPTION RAIDER attacks. OUTRIDER blasts back with the laser missile then
retracts the seat and flys back to the base.
With the cliff secure, COMMANDER KLING docks OUTRIDER on the Gravity Station
and the Scout Seat down TRANSPORT cable - setting up a new outpost in the
High Frontier.
Contains: action figure with lifeline and vehicle with detachable clamp
and seal, 6 ft of cable with attachment straps.
Exclusive...gravity lock system with cushioned pads!
Ages: 5 & up
Original Price: $7.98 (Meijer)
Bar Code:
Product Code: No. 35940
Instructions Code: 282375000
In the interest of better quality and value,
we are constantly improving and updating our products.
Consequently, pictures on this package may sometimes differ
from the model enclosed.
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Sky Commanders is a trademark of Kenner Parker Toys Inc.
© Kenner Parker Toys Inc. (KPT) 1987 by its
Division Kenner Products, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Made in China NV