
Set Name: Jackal Raider vehicle with action figure
Included Figure: General Plague
The ruthless villain leader who hopes to stop the SKY COMMANDERS by stealing
their secret BATTLE TRACK plans. He takes no prisoners in his quest to become
dictator of the HIGH FRONTIER.
Set Data:
RAIDERS are blasting from all directions! The RAM Pod smashes the VECTOR COMMAND,
but the SKY COMMANDERS are saved by their lifelines, this attack is hard, but it
won't defeat them.
RAIDERS are in their battle positions - GENERAL PLAGUE latches his TRANSPORT cable
on to the VECTOR COMMAND beginning the assault.
Contains: action figure, with lifeline, vehicle with RAM pod,
6 ft. of attached cable with attachment strap and an outpost.
Exclusive...gravity lock system with cushioned pads!
Ages: 5 & up
Original Price: $21.99 $10.99 (further discounted...) (Toy House)
Bar Code: 0 76281 35830 7
Product Code: No. 35830
Instructions Code: 278339000
In the interest of better quality and value,
we are constantly improving and updating our products.
Consequently, pictures on this package may sometimes differ
from the model enclosed.
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Sky Commanders is a trademark of Kenner Parker Toys Inc.
© Kenner Parker Toys Inc. (KPT) 1987 by its
Division Kenner Products, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Made in China NV