
May 2010 bonus figure from the online exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics collection.
Year of Release: 2010
Month of Release: May
Original Price: $40.00
Collector Notes:
- This figure is only available from mattycollector.com.
- Tytus sold out in just about 7 minutes!
Heroic Giant Warlord
Real Name: Tytus
The giant Tytus fought for peace alongside King Grayskull and He-Ro in the
Great Wars. Originally from the mountains of Perpetua, he was forced to leave
his home after his herd of dinosaurs began developing strange techno parts. He
traveled across Eternia to seek help from Grayskull's village. There he joined
the king in battle against the Snake Men and The Evil Horde. After He'Ro's
death, Tytus used his great strength to build King Grayskull a mighty fortress,
incorporating the symbol of the Cosmic Warriors into the entrance as a tribute
to his fallen comrade. He would later help construct one of the Three Towers
during a temporary truce with his enemies. In the end, Tytus fell during the
first Ultimate Battle Ground, heroically sacrificing his life to stop the
rampaging giant Megator!
Mattycollector.com text copy:
Sold only in Europe in the 1980s, fallen champion Tytus is available worldwide for the first
time at Mattycollector.com! As befits the Heroic Giant Warlord, this stunning figure is the
largest Masters of the Universe Classics figure to date. Standing over 12" tall and featuring
full articulation with fantastic sculpting detail by the Four Horsemen, he comes with a club
that can actually pick up other MOTUC figures! Tytus makes a big impression with these accessories:
- Removable armor
- Warrior Smasher
Contents: 1 Figure and Accessories.
Bar Code: 0 27084 83607 3
Model No: R6254
Stamp: (on both outer white box and figure package)
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Each sold separately, subject to availability.
Some figures may no longer be available. Colors and decorations may vary.
© 2009 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL, HE-MAN, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE
and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel, Inc. Consumer Relations - Mattel, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora NY 14052 U.S.A.
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