
Figure #5 (2010) from the online exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics collection.
Year of Release: 2010
Month of Release: May
Original Price: $20.00
Collector Notes:
- This figure is only available from mattycollector.com.
- Optikk sold out in just about 15 minutes!
Space Mutant Spy For Skeletor
Real Name: (pronounced through a series of clicks)
A Space Mutant from the foggy polar region of the planet Denebria, Optikk's spyeye
eyeball is specially adapted to see through the dense Denebrain fog of his homeworld,
making him an ideal spy. He carries a Photon Neutralizer which has made him one
of the most feared of the Space Mutants in the Tri-Solar System. Optikk allied
himself with Skeletor shortly after the Lord of Destruction defeated Hordak
and turned his ambition to the Horde Empire, forming a coalition of mutants and
outcasts to conquor the universe. Optikk serves Skeletor by keeping an eye on
He-Man and all of the Galactic Protectors of the planet Primus.
Mattycollector.com text copy:
Evil knows no bounds, and the first Masters of the Universe Classics figure from the "New Adventures" story line
is a villain from the far-off Tri-Solar System! Fan-demanded Optikk, Space Mutant Spy for Skeletor, receives
an impressive depth of detail by the Four Horsemen. This fully articulated cycloptic cyborg touches down
with original concept art and interchangeable heads with different eye colors (one brown, one green). His
malevolent spying activities are made all the more cunning with these accessories:
- Photon Neutralizer
- Mutant shield
Contents: 1 Figure and Accessories.
Bar Code: 0 27084 83611 0
Model No: R6258
Stamp: 0880OB (on both outer white box and figure package)
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Each sold separately, subject to availability.
Some figures may no longer be available. Colors and decorations may vary.
© 2009 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL, HE-MAN, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE
and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel, Inc. Consumer Relations - Mattel, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora NY 14052 U.S.A.
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