
June Bonus Figure (2010) from the online exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics collection.
Year of Release: 2010
Month of Release: June (bonus figure)
Original Price: $20.00
Collector Notes:
- This figure is only available from mattycollector.com.
- Keldor sold out in just about 25 minutes.
Apprentice of Hordak
Real Name: Keldor of the House of Miro
Banished from the royal palace, in part due to distrust for the rare blue-skinned Gar race,
Prince Keldor became an outcast. He traveled Eternia seeking knowledge and guidance, eventually
discovering the ancient Spirit of Hordak. From him, Keldor learned of the dark arts and
came to realize that to truly unite Eternia, he would need to take command of the planet
himself. He gathered an army of fellow outcasts and led them in battle against his
brother, Captain Randor. Eventually defeated, and near death, Keldor once again turned to
Hordak who, in exchange for his own freedom, agreed to save Keldor's life by merging him
with Demo-Man, twisting Keldor into Skeletor - Lord of Destruction!
Mattycollector.com text copy:
My, what a tangled web was woven when ousted Prince Keldor undertook the journey that
would result in his transformation to Skeletor, Evil Lord of Destruction! Our fully
articulated Apprentice of Hordak figure is sculpted by the Four Horsemen and a
storyline-essential figure for completists. Keldor includes these tools of terror:
- Male & female halves of the Power Sword - first time appearance of the male half in purple!
- Removable cape (fits your Skeletor figures, too)
- Removable armor
- "Acid" vial
Contents: 1 Figure and Accessories.
Bar Code: 0 27084 83612 7
Model No: R6259
Stamp: 0760OB (on both outer white box and figure package)
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Each sold separately, subject to availability.
Some figures may no longer be available. Colors and decorations may vary.
© 2009 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL, HE-MAN, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE
and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel, Inc. Consumer Relations - Mattel, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora NY 14052 U.S.A.
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