
October Figure (2011) from the online exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics collection.
Year of Release: 2011
Month of Release: October
Original Price: $20.00
Collector Notes:
- This figure was only available from mattycollector.com.
- Icarius sold out in just about 4 days.
Daring Space Ace
Real Name: Tc Icarius Kaz
A great pilot from the cloud city of Levitan on planet Primus, Icarius is equipped and ready to
"flip" into battle at a moment's notice. After his 18th birthday, he left home to join the
Galactic Protectors. Rising to the rank of Lieutenant, Icarius traveled with Captain Hydron
on his quest to find the legendary twin warriors prophesied to defeat the Horde Empire. Arriving on
the distant planet Eternia shortly after the end of the Second Ultimate Battleground, they recruited
not only He-Man and She-Ra, but several other members of the Masters of the Universe who were eager
to pursue Skeletor to the stars. Nicknamed "Flipshot," Icarius utilizes a battle helmet, back-mounted
jet pack and concussion grenade wrist rockets in battle against Skeletor and his new Space Mutant army.
Mattycollector.com text copy:
Space Mutants will say bye-bye when under attack from this fly guy! One of the key members of the
Galactic Protectors from the Tri-Solar System, Icarius is ready to "flip" into battle with
his jet pack, wrist mounted missile launcher and chest armor. Sculpted in ruggedly handsome detail by the
Four Horsemen, the sky's the limit when it comes to posing this jet jockey thanks to full
articulation, flip-up visor and a second head that's helmet-free.
Contents: 1 Figure with Accessories.
Bar Code: 0 27084 91836 6
Model No: T5801
Stamp: 2281OB (on both outer white box and figure package)
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Each sold separately, subject to availability.
Some figures may no longer be available. Colors and decorations may vary.
© 2011 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL, HE-MAN, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE
and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel, Inc. Consumer Relations - Mattel, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora NY 14052 U.S.A.
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