
Parademon (Super Powers), from Mattel's DC Universe Classics collection.
Wave: 8
Figure: 5
Year of Release: 2009
Original Price: $12.99
Collect & Connect Piece: Left Arm
Collect & Connect Figure: Giganta
Of the many warriors serving Darkseid, lord and absolute master of
the planet Apokolips, none are more feared or more loyal than the
Parademons. Artificially grown in the genetic laboratories of
Apokolips, these elite soldiers prowl the dark sides of
Armagetto dealing death and destruction to all who challenge or
invade their master's domain. Their every waking moment, every thought,
is filled with one purpose and one purpose only: protect and serve
Darkseid -- at any cost!
FIRST APPEARANCE: New Gods #1 (February-March, 1971) aka: Sentries of
Apokolips, Darkseid's personal guard
OCCUPATION: Shock troops/warriors
BASE OF OPERATIONS: The planet Apokolips
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Masters of vicious hand-to-hand combat, partnered
with huge, savage dogs called hounds, hunt in huge packs, overwhelming their
foes, wear glider-rockets to fly, use advanced Apokolips blaster
weapons, utter, unswwerving loyalty.
Contents: 1 Figure and Accessories
Bar Code: 0 27084 72362 5
Model No: N7288
Asst. N5863
Product Code: N7288-0980
Stamp: 3139CL
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Based on DC Comics Characters.
Conforms to the safety requirements of ASTM F963.
2008 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL and associated trademarks
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