
Hawkman, from Mattel's DC Universe Classics collections.
Wave: 6
Figure: 2
Year of Release: 2009
Original Price: $14.99
Collect & Connect Piece: Right Arm
During Ancient Egypt's 15th dynasty, Prince Khufu and his beloved
Princess Chay-Ara discovered a downed spacecraft from the planet
Thanagar. Exposure to the ship's anti-gravity nth metal allowed
Khufu and Chay-Ara to be reincarnated countless times throughout the ages
to follow. In modern times, Khufu became the hero Hawkman, Chay-Ara
reincarnated as his beloved Hawkgirl.
FIRST APPEARANCE: Flash Comics #1 (January 1940)
REAL NAME: Carter Hall
BASE OF OPERATIONS: St. Roch, Louisiana
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Wing-maneuvered flight enabled by anti-gravity nth metal;
wields a variety of ancient weapons, particularly shield,dagger,and mace; expert
hand-to-hand combatant.
Contents: 1 Figure, 3 Accessories
Bar Code: 0 27084 59631 1
Model No: M5716
Asst. N5863
Product Code: M5716-0910
Stamp: 1069CL
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Based on DC Comics Characters.
Conforms to the safety requirements of ASTM F963.
2008 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL and associated trademarks
are owned by Mattel, Inc. Mattel, Inc., 333 Continental Blvd.,El Segundo, CA 90245 U.S.A. Consumer Relations
Retain this address for future reference. Mattel U.K. Ltd. Vanwall Business Park, Maidenhead
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Imported by: Mattel Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
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