
Black Manta, from Mattel's DC Universe Classics collection.
Wave: 2
Figure: 5
Date of Release: March 2008
Original Price: $10.99 (Target)
Collect & Connect Piece: Left Leg
Collect & Connect Figure: Gorilla Grodd
Black Manta engages in undersea crime in an attempt to conquer the world
beneath the waves. However, Aquaman thwarts Black Manta at every turn, a conflict
that has led to Black Manta's murder of Aquaman's infant son. Tiring of his
constant defeats, Black Manta sold his soul to the demon Neron for greater
power and was thus transformed into a true denizen of the deep.
FIRST APPEARANCE: Aquaman (1st series) #35 (September 1967)
REAL NAME: Unknown
OCCUPATION: Supervillain
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Above-average strength; relies on various aquatic
vehicles and high-tech arsenals.
Contents: 1 Figure, 2 Accessories
Bar Code: 0 27084 59616 8
Model No: M5701
Asst. M1080
Product Code: M5701-0980
Stamp: 2878CL
Each sold separately and subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
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