
A most excellent figure from Kenner's Bill & Ted line.
Figure: Abe Lincoln comes with a most presidential-like keyboard.
Year of Release: 1991
Instructions: Remove Abe's hat to reveal his WYLD STALLYNS haircut! Squeeze
his legs together to activate his bodacious keyboard-playing action.
Make Abe Lincoln play music with the WYLD STALLYNS Speaker and Tape set (sold separately). Attach
the speaker to the figure and to most portable tape players (not included); insert
tape, turn the tape player on and squeeze Bill's legs together to hear him actually
play real rock 'n roll music!
Abe Lincoln
In addition to being our 16th president, Abe Lincoln
is also a most bodacious keyboard player! Although he comes from the past,
his crazy WYLD STALLYNS haircut really shows that Abe knows how to
party down in the present!
Abe Lincoln plays music with your portable tape player and
special Speaker and Tape set (sold separately)
Bar Code: 0 76281 54220 1
Model No: 54220
Original Purchase Location: Lionel Kiddie City (Turn that Frown Upside-Down!)
Original SKU: 628479
Original Price: $5.99
Card Back Code: 5888-012-00
CAUTION: Not recommended for children who still put objects in their mouths.
Contains small parts.
Ages 4 and up.
Bill & Ted's Tape Offer
With the WYLD STALLYNS Speaker & Tape set and most cassette players, BILL & TED's
action figures can really play music! To get your Speaker & Tape set, send your
name and address on a 3"x5" card and a check or money order for $5.99
($4.99 plus $1.00 postage and handling) to:
Bill & Ted's Offer
P.O. Box 2928
Young America, MN
Offer good in USA only. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing. Offer expires August 1, 1992.
In the interest of better quality and value, we are constantly improving and
updating our products. Consequently, pictures on this package may sometimes differ
from the model enclosed.
© 1991 Nelson Films Inc.
All Rights Reserved
TM designates a trademark
of Nelson Films Inc.
* ® Kenner Products
A Division of
Tonka Corporation,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202