From the first wave of Bravo Class vehicles in the Rise of Cobra movie collection.
Vehicle: Ice Dagger
Set Data:
The Ice Dagger slices across the snow towards the M.A.R.S. Industries research base
hidden in the arctic. With a top-mounted gun station and heat-seeking missiles, this
polar predator can cut down any COBRA vehicles that it encounters.
Figure Name: Seward, Farley S.
Code Name: Frostbite
Frostbite is an arctic operations specialist and expert in winter and mountain
combat operations. He can drive through the most extreme weather conditions
and roughest terrain imaginable. An ace mechanic, he can repair any vehicle
in the middle of nowhere with only the materials on hand.
Serial Number: 215-58-SF36
Grade: Classified
Preferred Weapon: M262 30mm Autocannon
Bar Code: 6 53569 40856 7
Model No: 91162 / 68971 ASST.