
From the second wave of the new GI Joe Modern Era 12" figures!
You need the ultimate fighting force for the toughest missions - you need G.I.Joe! This elite team defends the
world against the evil COBRA forces!
Features: Firing Crossbow.
Name: Arashikage, Thomas M.
Birthplace: Classified
Chosen Because: He's no ordinary ninja. ARASHIKAGE ninjas are known for their impressive hand-to-hand
combat training that turns average soldiers into unstoppable fighting systems.
Achievements: With his lightning-fast reflexes and superior use of edged weapons, STORM SHADOW can defeat
even opponents who are armed to the teeth. He trained a COBRA squadron in martial arts combat, and this same
squadron was then able to breach a previously impenetrable installation to capture secret military technology.
Commander's Notes: The ARASHIKAGE tattoo on his arm lets everyone know that he's been trained by the most
powerful - and most lethal - ninja clan in the world.
Legal Info: Some poses may require hand support. © 2008 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA, All
Rights Reserved. TM & (R) denote U.S.Trademarks. Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. Made in China. C-023E
Original Price: $14.99 (Target)
Model No: 66807/64976 ASST
Stamp: 81351
P/N 6785311300
Bar Code: 6 53569 33181 0