
From the first wave of the new GI Joe Modern Era 12" figures!
You need the ultimate fighting force for the toughest missions - you need G.I.Joe! This elite team defends the
world against the evil COBRA forces!
Features: Firing Missile Launcher.
Function: Desert Trooper.
Code Name: Dusty
Name: Tadur, Ronald W.
Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada.
Chosen Because: Desert survival, combat and reconnaissance tactics and skills.
Achievements: He knows the desert the way you know the back of your hand. He knows how to survive in it,
thrive in it, and how to use the harsh heat and dry conditions against the enemy.
Commander's Notes: Not afraid of anything. To him, every challenge is an opportunity. His survival
skills and instincts are top-notch - in deserts and anywhere else on the globe.
Legal Info: Some poses may require hand support. © 2007 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA, All
Rights Reserved. TM & (R) denote U.S.Trademarks. Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. Made in China. C-023E
Original Price: $14.99 (Target)
Model No: 65276/64976 ASST
Stamp: 81301
P/N 6785310200
Bar Code: 6 53569 32865 0