
Celebrating 30 years of A Real American Hero
Kurt 'Airtight' Schnurr: Hostile Environment Specialist - 30 for 30 figure.
Code Name:
Name: Kurt Schnurr
Birthplace: New Haven. Connecticut
Grade: N/A
Primary Weapon: H.E.C.R. hazardous environment containment rifle
Combat Gear:
Rifle hose, purification backpack, oxygen tank, haz-mat helmet, oxygen hose, shotgun, containment unit.
Bio: Dr. Kurt Schnurr is a scientist working for COBRA Industries. Schnurr became a bio-chemist to
fight diseases in developing countries, and he believed COBRA personnel when they assured him they would
support his goal. But he discovers that COBRA has darker plans for his research, and that even his lab
partner, Dr. Monev, is not who he pretends to be.
Bar Code: 6 53569 65025 6
Asst.: 36613 / 24732
PN: 7182632000 / 7182642000
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Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. MADE IN CHINA. Fabriqué en Chine.