Celebrating 30 years of A Real American Hero
Ripcord: Paratrooper - 30 for 30 figure.
Code Name:
Ripcord: Paratrooper
Name: Wallace A. Weems
Birthplace: Columbus, Ohio
Grade: Private
Primary Weapon: Plasma pulse weapon system
Combat Gear:
Pistol, high altitude helmet, googles.
Bio: RIPCORD is a daredevil who thinks nothing of taking risks to prove his skill to more senior
members on his team. Trained for airborne operations, he is a HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) expert
and loves to jump from planes. He puts his life in jeopardy to save his team during a mission to
investigate a COBRA weapons plant.
Bar Code: 6 53569 65032 4
Asst.: 36622 / 24732
PN: 7182631500 / 7182641500
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