Full Name: Corporal Jennifer "PILOT" Chase. Strategic Rank: Soldiers of the Future Technical Expert. Military Background: Raised & trained under Bio Dread Youth, she escaped & was branded a traitor...Knows
Volcania's tactical systems. Characteristics: Cocky...Tough...Quick & agile...Master of all ground and water vehicles...Brilliant inventor. Known Weakness: Displays typical human emotions...Will often refuse help from others, making her
suscptible to traps. Major Tactical Weapon: Proton Spanner. Military Insignia: United Transport Organization. Special Interests: Outdated equipment...fascinated by pre-war pop culture including late 20th centure music,
films & videotapes. Current Status: Enemy to the Bio Dread Empire. ATTACK ON SIGHT. Warning: Power Suit greatly enhances strength...Do not underestimate.
Model No: 4474 Bar code: 74299 04474
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