Crew Member: "Shark Hook" Duty: Personal Assassin for Capt. Jahroh "Shark Hook mutated when he devoured a shark in the Graknokian Sea when on the planet Pru'tarr & since
then has been a very useful member of the crew. His jaws can tear a glyan in half, talons rip through armor and
his sense of smell can track any being on land or sea. To help him be just as deadly on dry land then in the
sea, Rigg'n fashioned a belt for him that allows him ta swim in the air just as he would in the water. Tha look
on a Glyan's face when he knocks'em overboard while chargin' them in the air is somethin' I never get
tired o' seein'. He's almost more animal then 'boid so I know when I send him ta help someone 'part ways
from this world' it gets done...I just have to make sure he don't kill anyone else and draw to much attention
to himself. Unlike my other canne'pirates, he eats more often then they do so I have to keep him well fed
otherwise he'll take a bite out of me crew and I can't be havin' that. When his belly be full he's a bit
more rational (as rational as a blood-thirsty canne'boid shark man can be that is) and follows orders to
the letter, it's only when the hunger comes ova' him that he becomes difficult to control. If'n it wasn't
fer me first mate Iyce'lasher bein' able ta keep him in check, I'd probably have put down the 'boid mehself
years ago...which would have been a waste as he be one o' me best fighters. That be the trick with Shark Hook
though; gettin' him to kill is easy enough, it's makin' sure he knows when I want him ta stop."