
Series: New York Comic Con 2011 Halloween Exclusive.
Back Story (Halloween Canne'boids):
Deep in the Glyos system is the planet "Holi'daz". A bizarre assortment of beings live there within different
territories. When the Nilgobians came to this world for specimen collection, their Canne'boids escaped into
the 'Hallo'een' region of the planet and began eating the inhabitants! This caused them to mutate into
different sub-species of Canne'boid. They've also developed a taste for candy so be careful when trick
or treating this Halloween, they might be hungry...
Diet: Meat, candy & grape soda.
Planet(s) Found: Holi'daz
Habitat: City alleys, the bad-side-of-town & abandoned cemetaries near medical supply warehouses.
"I spliced some of our Nilgobian DNA with a group of 7 canne-boids to make them more intelligent. The treatment increased
their mental capacity, but unfortunately didn't improve their attitudes. They've become rebellious, crude and have total
disregard for authority. I believe it was them and their pack leader 'Spykkbite' that led to the rest of the canne'boids
escaping from our ship. They've taken to dyeing their fur and teeth, wielding chains as weapons and spray-painting
obscenities on buildings...and my ship too apparently."
- Menona, Nilbobian Chief Scientist
Ages: 15+
Canne'boids created by: Chris "Bah'glenn" Negri
Paint applications by: Beth Sherrard-Maurin
Packaging design by: Andrew V. Fuschetti
Body made from Buildmen Glyof figure created by: Matt Doughty
Casting for head & hands by: SpyMonkeyCreations.