My Life and Work, by Henry Ford
Ford presents here a number of very strong and progressive ideas about
how to run a business which is both fair for the workers and for the success
of the enterprise. Interestingly, it seems that Elon Musk has patterned much of
Tesla after the ideas set forth here 100 years ago, and to great success.
Unfortunately, Ford's distrust of 'finance' and 'bankers' seems to have manifested itself
in a rampant anti-semetism, which even found its way into a later chapter in this book. It is
a shame that his otherwise clear-headed and fair ideals were strangely corrupted by his
adherence to a bigotted view that was most often associated with Germany at its worst.
So - I can recommend the book very highly for his insights into business, and for many recommendations
that even today are things that progressives are fighting for (and have gotten actually worse than
when he wrote this volume). Just try to separate those ideas from the one really bad one
that he also held, and realize that he was, as most of us are, a flawed man.