Highway of Eternity, by Clifford D. Simak
A complex and interwoven story lays at the heart of this seemingly straight forward tale, as more
and more elements of time travel, intergalactic intrigue and species-wide plotting are revealed
through successive character-focused chapters. Simak again proves to be a joy to read, and a constant
experience of invention and story elements that come out of left field but fit perfectly. He really
has a picture in his mind of what he wants his story to be, and brings ideas to the table that
truly are new and interesting.
We follow the difficult journey of a family who has avoided the poor choice by humanity to convert their
consciousness into sparkling points of light, which can survive the end of the universe. They are old-fashioned
folks, who just believe in a traditional way of living and thinking and don't want any part of this sublimation. For this,
they are being pursued and get split up for most of the book. How each individual or group fares, along with their
special traits and abilities, and the Highway of Eternity itself, are all explored as we race to a conclusion that leaves
you thinking about humanity's place in the universe.