Rings of Ice - by Piers Anthony
At times an insightful character study, and at others feeling like
an outline of a novel rather than the final product, this read was short
and a study in concepts not detail. The characters were obvious vehicles
for various messages that Anthony wanted to get across, and the hard science
of the orbiting rings was only somewhat dubious and made for a believable
end-of-the-world scenario, fueled by government hubris as always.
While not a great 'summer read' as it contained some heady material, it did
fly by at a decent clip and the lack of depth in any scenario let the reader
bounce through the events driving the story with little to no waiting between
each one. If you are looking for some 'real world' sci-fi circa 1974 with a
solid peppering of politics of the time, this is a fair yet obscure choice.