Iron Sunrise - by Charles Stross
The first chapter of Iron Sunrise is such hard sci fi you will find yourself looking for the little
blue pill. But, having listened to the doctor's warnings too closely, Charles Strauss doesn't want
to exceed the three hour limit and rapidly tones things down to a way more regular story with regular
character vignettes and classically rendered tropes.
The remainder of the book continues like some sort of high stakes espionage tale, with some government
and politics thrown in to keep things boring. The macguffin of the titled Iron Sunrise is mentioned
now and then, along with the sub-macguffin of the impending threat that it caused. While I became
moderately invested in some of the characters, like Rachael the bomb and black ops expert, and
Wednesday, the reluctant goth hero, they all spent just little enough time in the spotlight to
really luminess. The sub-plot with Frank the journalist and Svengali the clown was fun, though
sadly too short, and many twists and turns would happen later on to render it somewhat less
interesting still. The resolution of Sven was particularly a letdown, I found.
So - after it all - I'm forced to do what characters did over and over again in fits of repeated
descriptive dialog, and "pull a face".