( 1982 )

Doctor Who Target Novelization.
Title: #14 Doctor Who and the Cybermen
Author: Gerry Davis
Originally Published: February 20, 1975
Publisher: Target Books
Doctor: Second
Publication Years In Preserve Collection:
Back Cover (1982):
A mystery virus is wreaking havoc among the crew of the Earth's weather control
station on the moon.
While investigatons into the strange disease are in progress International Space
Headquarters Earth puts the entire Moon base into strict quarantine - the Doctor
and his companions included!
TO make matters worse, Moon base personnel inexplicably vanish and vital weather
control equipment is sabotaged.
Who is responsible?
The Director of the base suspects the time travellers. The Doctor fears that the
ruthlessly evil Cybermen are at work...
Among the many Doctor Who books available are the following recently published titles:
Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden
Doctor Who and the Horns of Nimon
Doctor Who and the Monster of Peladon
Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit
Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons
Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World
Doctor Who and the Green Devils
Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils
Distributed by Lyle Stuart Inc. 120 Enterprise Avenue, Secaucus,
N.J. 07094.
Price: $2.50 (1982)
Pages: 150
ISBN: 0-4261-1463-9 (back cover)
A Target Book
Published in 1974
By the Paperback Division of W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd,
A Howard & Wyndham Company
44 Hill Street, London W1X 8LB
Reprinted 1976
Reprinted 1979
Reprinted 1982
Novelisation copyright © 1974 by Gerry Davis
Original script copyright © 1967 by Gerry Davis and
Kit Pedler
'Doctor Who' series copyright © 1967, 1974 by the
British Broadcasting Corporation
Printed in Great Britain
by The Anchor Press Ltd
Tiptree, Essex
ISBN: 0 426 114963 9
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