( 1982 )

Doctor Who Target Novelization.
Title: #8 Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters
Author: Terrance Dicks
Originally Published: January 20, 1977
Publisher: Target Books
Doctor: Third
Publication Years In Preserve Collection:
Back Cover (1982):
The Doctor and Jo land on a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean in the year 1926.
Or so they think.
Far away on a planet called Inter Minor, a travelling showman is setting up his
live peepshow, watched by an eager audience of space officials...
On board ship, a giant hand suddenly appears, grasps the Tardis and withdraws.
Without warning, a prehistoric monster rises from the attack...
What is happening? Where are they? Only the Doctor realises, with horror, that
they might be trapped...
Price: $2.50 (Forbidden Planet!)
Pages: 125
ISBN: 0 426 11025 0 (back cover)
A Target Book
Published in 1977
by the Paperback Division of W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd,
A Howard & Wyndham Company
44 Hill Street, London W1X 8LB
Reprinted 1979
Reprinted 1980
Reprinted 1982
Copyright © 1977 bt Terrance Dicks and Robert Holmes
'Doctor Who' series copyright © 1977 by the
British Broadcasting Corporation
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading
ISBN: 0 426 11025 0
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