McDonald's Global Gladiators - Import Sega Master System title.
Review: What an amazing game, from title alone! This puts me immediately in mind of the much more recent releases
by Burger King, in particular the awesome 'Sneak King' title. From the 'technical' description and claims in the
game write-up, it seems that this title was really pushing the SMS hardware to the limit, which makes sense given the
late release date of 1992.
Being an import title, ie. a non-US title, the short game description on the back of the game case is in eight languages!
The number of languages represented varies from game to game, and it seems that this title was designed for a single
printing and very wide release to a number of countries.
Game Data
Strap on your GooShooter and join Mick and Mack, the Global Gladiators, on a quest to neutralize the Monsters of
Slime World, The Mystical Forest, Taxi-Town and Arctic World. Check out the bodacious backgrounds, the 1,250 awesome
animation frames, and the most spacious sound around!
Levels: 12
Players: 1
Peripherals: Sega Control Pad or Control Stick
Bar Code: 5 013715 050074
Model Number: MK-27062-50
© 1992 McDonald's Corporation. © 1993, Virgin Games Ltd., Made in Japan.