Product Images (7/15/2010):
Product Details
File Card:
Drill Instructor
Code Name: Sgt. Slaughter
File Name: Classified SN: 817-76-SL98
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry Drill Instructor
Secondary Military Specialty: Survival Trainer
Birthplace: Paris Island, South Carolina
Grade: E-7 (Sergeant)
Just about every member of the G.I. Joe team is qualified to be a drill instructor, so it takes
a special brand of heavy-duty honcho to keep them squared away. SGT. SLAUGHTER fits the bill
the way his bullet head fits his hat. Let's face it, the man be rough and he take no guff.
"They say he cut his teeth on a bogey wheel from a Patton tank and that his first words
were 'Semper Fi.' They say that when the Sarge dresses down a boot in Camp LeJeune, the
trainees cringe all the way to Pendleton. Most boots would rather dive for apples
in the grease trap than cross the Sarge. They say he can blow a month's pay in one night
in Thule, Greenland. Of course, jarheads are prone to exaggeration. We all know
it's impossible to blow a month's pay in Thule, Greenland."
Bar Code: 6 53569 51622 4
Asst.: 20995 / 19991
PN: 7030560100