Legends and Deluxe class
Deluxe and Voyager class
Legends class - new animated figures pictured in the back
Deluxe class wave 2 and 3
Deluxe class Galvatron and Acid Storm
Deluxe class Ironhide and Silverstreak
Deluxe class Sideswipe
Voyager class Dropshot
Voyager class Treadbolt
Voyager class Blades
Ultra class Onslaught
Ultra class Powerglide
Ultra class Storm Cloud
Ultra class Silverbolt
Transformers Cybertron DVD set
Transformers Universe logo
Exclusive Figures
Robot Heroes!
Legacy of Bumblebee, Club Exclusive Nightbeat and Seacon set
Legacy of Bumblebee 3-pack, WalMart Exclusive
Nightbeat, Tf Club Exclusive
Seacon Gift Set, Tf Club Exclusive
Standoff Beneath The Streets set with Springer and Ratbat, Target Exclusive
Mini-Con class 12 pack, KMart Exclusive!
Autobot Ambush set with Roadbuster and Dirge, Target Exclusive
War Within Prowl Titanium, Toys R Us Exclusive
War Within Grimlock Titanium, Toys R Us Exclusive
So many Robot Heroes!