Set Data
1998 Bluebird Catalog.
Each row below starts with a picture of a full 2-page spread of the book, then a
close-up of each page. A short blurb of the contents of the spread is above each
group of three images.
Catalog Images
Front cover, back cover, side view






Polly Pocket



Polly Pocket - Special Packs



Polly Pocket - Polly's Fun Fair



Polly Pocket - Fairy Flower Land



Polly Pocket - Supermotion



Disney - Tiny Collection









Pony Tales, Lucy Locket



Forever Friends, Clever Cook



Amy's Pony Tales



Bluebird Classic



Woodie's World






Micro Superstars - Gonzo, Kermit



Micro Superstars - The Hulk



Spider-Man Playset



Spider-Man Climbabout Playset



X-Men Playsets



X-Men: Water Wars Playset



Micro Fast



Bluetech - vintage handheld computing!



Secret Diary, Battle Beast, Micro Pet



Play Stuff - the knockoff!



Play Stuff: Funny Face, Animal Fun Centre









Plaster Figures, Plaster Masks, Head Cases



Plaster Figures - Lost World. Batman, Power Rangers



Badge & Magnet: Wallace & Gromit



Young Scientist



Telescope, Microscope



Metal Detector, Anatomy Set



Goosebumps, Real Power Workshop



Etch a Sketch



Freehand Etch a Sketch



Paul Daniels - That's Magic!



Peter Pan Games - Othello



Whack Attack, Wiggly Worms



Power Zone, World Cup Cricket



Pagoda, Rhino Rush



Havok, Pop Dice Games



Super Striker





