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Journal Archives from September 2009
Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Star Blade Batman

Continuing the basic figures from Batman - the Brave and the Bold, we're finally embarking upon the actual Batman coverage. As with any line, the main guy has a lot of focus and there are four "different" Batman figures in the 10 figure basic line-up alone! Today let's take a look at Star Blade Batman - I admit that the bandoleer of bat-a-rangs is a pretty great detail, and it looks like a kid will be able to actually throw the Star Blade across a room at friends and enemies alike - perfect!

Posted by charlie on September 30th 2009, 08:08 AM
Leave Comment Share on Twitter Share - Ghostbusters Posted! has finally posted the next figures in their new Ghostbusters collection! They aren't for sale yet, but get over there to be tantalized by the upcoming releases, soon to be ours!

Posted by charlie on September 29th 2009, 01:56 PM
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eBay Watch - Sega 32x Spiderman Demo Cart

I haven't done an eBay Watch for a while, but this one came across the standing search and seemed sufficiently strange to point out. Anyone who follows the Sega 32x line will know that the Spiderman cart is the one to find, typically fetching $100 or more. Well, a seller now claims to have a demo cart of this rare title! Click here to see a pic of the cart and to follow the (long, 25 day) auction. Look carefully at the second picture and notice the sticker - "Terry Tang, Communications Specialist, Enthusiast Press". As an interesting footnote, see this 1995 article from about the Sega 32x dropping in price to $99 and some excellent comments on the title library. At the very end, note the Sega contact - Terry Tang! Good stuff.
Posted by charlie on September 28th 2009, 06:49 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Tri-Klops

Evil and sees everything, here is Tri-Klops from the Masters of the Universe Classics Collection! One of Skeletor's go-to henchmen, we learn from his excellent bio that Scope (his 'real' name!) was an inter-dimensional bounty hunter who was hired by Skeletor for his skill as a hunter and swordsman. The accident that left him blind also made him wear that killer tri-optic visor that we all know and love! Click the image below for a few more shots of Trydor Esooniux Scope as well as our OCD case-break.

Posted by charlie on September 27th 2009, 06:54 PM
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G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra - Pit Commando

One of the harder figures to find on the retail shelves from the current G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra movie line is the Pit Commando. I'm perfectly willing to believe that it is due to the troop builders out there that he's immediately snatched up, and with good reason! The accessories that you get with this figure make it at least a little less painful shelling out the $7.99+ that most stores are commanding! Click the image below for more shots, and the bio, of this highly trained grunt.

Posted by charlie on September 26th 2009, 04:47 PM
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Batman vs. Gentleman Ghost

I've been very pleased with the Gentleman Ghost figures that have been emerging from Mattel this year, and the Batman - the Brave and the Bold line is no exception! Picking up the proud banner of the popular new mini-sized figures, this Batman line includes a sub-line called 'Action League' which sports this highly collectible scale. One of the deluxe figure packs features Batman vs. Gentleman Ghost, complete with Ghostly steed and spooky background art! This is a sharp looking, well designed set and another great entry in this line! Click the image below for a few more angles of these great figures.

Posted by charlie on September 25th 2009, 06:34 PM
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Playmobil Set #4806: Ghost Pirate Ship

The Uncle contacted me from Toys R Us in Times Square the other day, espousing his desire for the new Playmobil Ghost Pirate ship. Well, his heart is certainly in the right place because it is stunning! They've taken their normal ship design, and added a number of just-in-time-for-Halloween touches, including tattered sails, cannons firing through the hull, and a giant eerie crystal in the ship's bow psychic turbulence perhaps?? Click the image for a few more shots of our (yes, still sealed) set!

Posted by charlie on September 24th 2009, 10:29 AM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Sportsmaster

We still have a long way to go posting the figures from the Batman - The Brave and the Bold series. Nearly the entire collection is laying around the Preserve, just waiting to see the digital light of day and fill out our checklist for everyone! Today let's take a look at another Basic figure, Sportsmaster! A version of this character first appeared in All-American Comics way back in 1947 and here he is now giving Batman trouble. Click the image below for more shots of this villainous athlete!

Posted by charlie on September 23rd 2009, 03:33 PM
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Transformers Animated - Samurai Prowl

Paired with Wasponator to make up the 6th and (as yet) final wave of Deluxe figures from the recent Transformers: Animated line, Samurai Prowl is another good figure to have in your collection. Initially hard for me to find, then everyplace, and now again dried up after the last push of warehouse stock for these figures, he is a solid figure and a nice wrap-up to this fantastically designed and short lived series. Click the image below for more shots and a bio!

Posted by charlie on September 22nd 2009, 08:10 PM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Dead End

From wave 5 of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen deluxe figures comes Dead End! A gloomy, depressed Decepticon, he doesn't even have friends among their ranks. This classic character first saw release as part of the Stunticon crew back in the original G1 line, where he was a part of the gestalt Menasor! Vain as well as fatalistic, his comrades highest praise about him has long been that when he dies, he at least wants to have a nice wreck. Click the image below for more shots of this figure, in classic colors, and his updated bio.

Posted by charlie on September 21st 2009, 06:58 PM
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Inspector Gadget Theme - Street Style

As always, big thanks are due to Rob Bricken over at for providing me with one of my favorite things of the entire week. What better way to wrap up a lazy Sunday than by watching some super talented dude bust out the Inspector Gadget theme on a bottle rig on the street. Click below, enjoy it, and happy weekend.

Posted by charlie on September 20th 2009, 07:44 PM
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G.I. Joe Q&A Round 4 - Answers

Time again for the answers from the G.I. Joe brand team at Hasbro!

G.I. Joe Q&A #4 (2009)

Preserve: Any chance of making future 12" figures with clothing that is entirely made of cloth? Or at least using cloth for the shirts vs. the molded plastic?

Hasbro: This is possible and we are always looking to the fans for input. From a cost standpoint, if we move away from cloth we can put more dollars into tooling and accessories.

Preserve: Are there any large playsets in the pipeline for release in the very near future?

Hasbro: There is currently no large playset planned for 2010. We are still working on what the movie 2 key items will be and will make announcements as we get closer to the movie.

Preserve: Any plans to return to the 8" format of figures, ala Sigma 6?

Hasbro: There are no current plans to release these in the near future, but the current design team believes that these toys are incredible and would love to find a way to use them again down the line.

Thanks to the G.I. Joe team for their answers to our questions!

Posted by charlie on September 19th 2009, 12:02 AM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Man-At-Arms

Catching up with the MotUC figure from back in July, today we feature Man-At-Arms! A fan favorite to be sure, coming with a ton of accessories and two heads, with and without 'stache! That feature alone made us fall in love with this figure the first time we saw his sneak-peek and it wasn't at all surprising that he set the new record for time-to-sell-out....41 minutes! Click the image below for the case break and more shots of Duncan!

Posted by charlie on September 18th 2009, 07:43 PM
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Lego Brickmaster - Set #20012: Bionicle Click

Just arriving at the post office this week, our Lego Brickmaster set for September/October 2009 is here! Featuring a Bionicle figure, which are getting cooler and cooler these days, it's great to have a club exclusive set to add to the archives. Click the image below for a mini case-break, and a few pics of this set!

Posted by charlie on September 17th 2009, 08:28 PM
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Playmobil - Ghost Pirate with Giant Clam

You can't stop that Playmobil train a rollin' and we're bringing you more of their fantastic new-to-the-USA Ghost Pirates line! Today let's check out the Pirate with giant clam! This bivalve mollusk packs a serious surprise with a cannon blast straight from it's mouth! With two shots to fire in the set, a gun and axe for the ghost pirate, and even a mini three-headed hydra, this set is ready for business! Click the image below for more pics and details.

Posted by charlie on September 16th 2009, 08:13 PM
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Transformers Universe: Ratchet

All this talk about the new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen line can overshadow the fact that we never really finished the fantastic Transformers: Universe coverage! We may not have added every last figure from that line to the Preserve collection, but we did make sure to snag all of the Deluxe figures. Always a good idea to pick up the last wave of any line due to future rarity, here is one of the two wave 6 figures, Ratchet! Sporting some classic colors, you gotta love a G1 1984 character, and they did a great job with this Ironhide repaint. The bio, as always, is great, teaching us about Ratchet's sour bedside manner as informed by memories of his partying past that is obscured by the harsh fog of present-day reality. Click the image below for his full bio and more pics.

Posted by charlie on September 15th 2009, 08:27 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Webstor

Ok folks, it's that time again - can you believe another month has gone by! Well, tomorrow on the 15th the latest figure in the Masters of the Universe Classics line, Webstor, is released at noon! Click here for the page to order this new figure and you can expect him to sell out super fast!

Posted by charlie on September 14th 2009, 09:52 PM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Dune Runner

Dune Runner is the next figure from the Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen line that we want to add to our archives. Another member of the Scout class that we love so much from this line, he has a solid looking vehicle and robot mode which is a great accomplishment at this scale. Click the image below for more shots of this great figure and his bio that teaches us all to find the positive aspects of serious change!

Posted by charlie on September 13th 2009, 07:13 PM
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Playmobil - Ghost Pirates - Giant Pirate Crab #4804

Ok, there are just far too many fantastic Playmobil sets around the Preserve to avoid posting one of our new Ghost Pirates! This is one of the smaller sets, but still features a Ghost Pirate riding a giant crab, so how can you go wrong! Click the image below for a few more packaged shots - I'm sure these sets are too cool not to open so we'll have some open shots soon as well!

Posted by charlie on September 10th 2009, 08:28 PM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Jolt

From the 5th wave of deluxe figures from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen line we get Jolt! A master of acting crazy to confuse and befudle the Decepticons, he lulls them into submission and then moves in for the fatal blow! The name Jolt has been in the line recently as the Mini-Con partner of Hot Shot from the Armada line, but this is a high-energy reinvention. Click the image below for more shots of this figure, and his bio and stats!

Posted by charlie on September 9th 2009, 08:20 PM
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Playmobil - Ghost Pirates

After an unplanned late night stop at the Colonie NY Toys R Us, which proved to be a place of wonder and the best stocked store we've been to in ages, the complete set of Playmobil Ghost Pirate figures is now a part of the Preserve! These guys were just way too cool to pass up, and were only in Europe up until this month. In fact, we were surprised to see them at all, though Adam over at mentioned that TRU was getting some of these great pieces in stock. Click the image below for a larger shot of our latest toy haul, and look for individual coverage of these sets soon!

Posted by charlie on September 8th 2009, 08:45 PM
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Playmobil - Pirate Island Super Set #4136

A little bit of a late post on this Labor Day, but we were busy taking the Government's advice and not laboring too very much! Today please check out Playmobil set #4136, the Pirate Island Super Set! With this you get two swarthy pirates, a half of a wrecked pirate ship on a small island complete with palm tree, and a ton of accessories, like treasure, a parrot and a shark! This certainly makes the set super, so click the image below for a few more shots.

Posted by charlie on September 7th 2009, 10:09 PM
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Tremors the TV Show - Now on Hulu

Long time readers of the Preserve will be no strangers to our love of the Tremors movie franchise. In fact, the dawning of the structured movie marathon events which we enjoyed around here for a precious few years were entirely a result of watching all four Tremors films back to back to back to back - the first and still greatest of the Tremors-a-Thons! It is therefore wonderful news that the free web tv archive service now has available all episodes of the Tremors TV series! Short lived on Sci-Fi, but still starring Michael Gross as Burt Gummer, the show was a welcome extension to the franchise and led to the availability of even more crazy storyboards and props to track down for the Preserve archives. One of these days I need to get some photos of the actual pair of dusty boots that Christopher Lloyd actually wore on an epidode of the show, which are in the basement currently - I know! Awesome!
Posted by charlie on September 6th 2009, 09:20 PM
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Cybercon Expo 2005

Digging around on the laptop last night I uncovered a set of images that had astonishingly not yet been posted to the Preserve. Way back in 2005 The Uncle and I went to the Cybercon Expo - a Transformers Convention in New York City that took place before the brand had truly been reinvigorated by the insanely successful Michael Bay live-action efforts. Better still, they had Peter Cullen there as the guest of honor! Click the image below for more shots of us dressed as Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky, meeting Cullen, as well as the Baroness and generally parading around the dealer room in full effect!

Posted by charlie on September 5th 2009, 08:38 PM
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Playmobil - Set #4492: Chicken Coop

At the risk of becoming a Playmobil coverage site, I can't resist posting another great set from this line that recently joined the Preserve archives. Today we're taking a look at set #4492, the chicken coop! You get a simply absurd number of chickens and chicks with this set along with some eggs and a proper basket with which to collect them! Of course what Playmobil set would be complete without another great figure to act out all the tasks the set has to offer. Click the image below for a few more angles of this set, and pick it up if you can!

Posted by charlie on September 4th 2009, 05:08 PM
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Playmobil - Set #4653: Gladiator

Straight from the Roman gladiatorial arenas comes special figure #4653, the Gladiator! Continuing our relentless new Playmobil bent, click the image below for a few more shots of the packaged Roman Gladiator from 2005's Playmobil lineup - if the box date isn't lying at least!

Posted by charlie on September 3rd 2009, 08:18 PM
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Aquaman

Time for another look at a figure from the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line by Mattel. Today we are checking out the basic figure of Aquaman, complete with his Sea Spear accessory! I really love the face sculpt on this guy and do have to eventually catch a few episodes of the cartoon to see if they have perfectly captured the sort of personality you just have to think of when you look at him. Oh and the beard is fantastic too. Click the image below for a few more packaged shots of this great figure, then get out there and find him on the shelves!

Posted by charlie on September 2nd 2009, 08:48 PM
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G.I. Joe Q&A Round #4, Due Next Monday

Ok folks, it's that time again. Another two months have flown by and we have a chance to submit three more questions to the Hasbro brand team in charge of the wildly popular G.I. Joe line. We have to submit them by next Tuesday, so please post a comment to this thread, or send email to by this coming Monday evening, because knowing....
Posted by charlie on September 1st 2009, 06:36 PM
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The Bisquick Banner
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