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Journal Archives from May 2009
Botcon - Hasbro Plans Release of Final Animated Figures

As a bit of a follow-up to yesterday's post, Hasbro announced today that they are definitely trying to get the final wave of Transformers Animated figures to us consumers somehow, in either 2009 or 2010. This is good news for all of us who were heart broken at the idea of missing out on a figure of the beautiful Arcee! Since we're a little slow with our coverage, such as it is, for this show, please check out the fine gallery over at for some images of the (hopefully) upcoming Animated figures!
Posted by charlie on May 31st 2009, 07:47 PM
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Botcon Announcements and Target Run

A stop by the local Target store in my small town today confirmed our earlier report that the Revenge of the Fallen toys are definitely on store shelves! The action figure aisle is sporting an entire end-cap for the movie line, complete with Optimus and Megatron Leader class figures, and the ever present role-play arm blasters that will be a permanent fixture of the store until they are marked to at least 70% off. Around the corner from that cap, in the aisle proper, we found the first 2 waves of Deluxe class figures, all four of the wave 1 Voyagers and the Scouts in fair supply. So far, looks like there has been some demand, but the pegs were far from bare even two days after the launch.

In other news, Botcon is in the fullest of swings out in Pasadena California, though I was unfortunately unable to make the trip myself this year. For an excellent look at some of the key Hasbro announcements for the rest of 2009 and a sneak peak at their plans for 2010, check out the reporting over at - and here is just a sample of a few of our favorite bits of news so far:
  • Toys R Us Exclusive - G1 Commemorative Insecticons, Perceptor
  • WalMart Masterpiece Skywarp
  • Transformers Animated: New stuff will be released at some point in the future. Maybe as exclusives (including Arcee).
  • Hoping to have Master Piece Grimlock in the USA within the year

Posted by charlie on May 30th 2009, 08:27 PM
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Toys Released Today

It seems that Hasbro has decided to step up the official release date of the toy line to accompany the second live action opus directed by film genius Michael Bay. Target stores have received word that they may release the figures effective immediately and signs have been spotted at Walmart stores across the country that their release of the line will happen as early as this weekend! If you are into collecting this line, which does feature a number of classic G1 character names re-imagined in contemporary hyper-complex robot form, then you'll want to get on down to your local mega-mart and start fighting over them. The Superion gift set, which is a most excellent Target exclusive though just a straight repackage of the 'Universe' version, has also been sighted; this one may well be worth the time if you missed it before, and also might dry up quickly depending on price. Happy Hunting!

In other Transformers related news, today marks the first day of Botcon in Pasadena. The Uncle is on hand personally, and we will hopefully receive some images and reports from him shortly!

Posted by charlie on May 29th 2009, 08:18 PM
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G.I. Joe Resolute - Filmmaker Video Interview Available

Several weeks ago we let you know about the Q&A for the filmmakers of the recently released G.I. Joe Resolute animated feature. Well, they have finished collecting the questions, put them to the guys behind the show, and the completed video interview is ready to be seen! Click here to be taken to the Resolute site and enjoy the video!
Posted by charlie on May 28th 2009, 10:58 AM
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Ghostbusters Video Game - New DS Trailer

I know that everyone is very excited for the impending release of the Ghostbusters Video Game from Atari, slated to be available June 16th! Well, Atari has just supplied us with a brand new trailer for the DS version of the game. The production quality of the trailer itself is great, and features some tantalizing voice overs from all the original guys doing new lines - so great to hear! Well, ok, I don't think I heard Zeddmore - no respect! Click here to watch the video.

Posted by charlie on May 27th 2009, 08:30 AM
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Take Me Out to the Ballgame Mr. T

We have some favorite people around here at the Preserve. Certainly everyone knows that Shatner is right on top of the list, but perhaps a very close second is everyone's childhood idol if you grew up in the '80s, Mr. T! News from EJ way out in Chicago this morning pointed us to a fantastic clip of the man himself, still looking like time has forgotten to set it's terrible hand upon him all these many years! What is T up to these days? Why, he is singing a heartfelt and ever bombastic rendition of 'Take me out to the ballgame' to the obvious delight of the fans and commentators! Click the link to check out his latest gift to the world or fast-forward the youtube video below to 1:27 for another version!

Posted by charlie on May 26th 2009, 08:33 PM
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Wounded Ronin review - Shellshock 2: Blood Trails

Wounded Ronin steps from the shadows once again to bring us another hard-hitting game review. Today he's investigating the Vietnam era Shellshock 2: Blood Trails, and the results look bad! Click the image above for his full report, and then get ready to hunt down one of his other recommendations!
Posted by charlie on May 25th 2009, 02:36 PM
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Mezco Toys Product Update
Mezco Toys - 1/6 Scale Freddy
Press Release: Our pals at Mezco Toyz have sent us a few product updates, complete with great images, that we wanted to pass along today. Click the link for a look at their Deluxe 1/6 scale 12" Freddy, their new Living Dead Dolls Pencil Toppers and Living Dead Dolls series 18!  Read More
Posted by charlie on May 22nd 2009, 12:48 AM
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Ghostbusters 3 - Apparently a Go?!

Rumors have circulated for so long about a possible third installment in the Ghostbusters movie franchise, that I am reluctant to believe any good news on that front. Also, the impending release of the Ghostbusters video game, which has been heralded as the spiritual third entry in the series, helped to further dispel any thoughts of another live action film.

However, this morning friend of the Preserve pkdan has sent us a very interesting link, claiming that the third movie is in fact a go, even with the original cast! Check out that article, if it's a hoax I guess I've been fooled, again, but I felt it was worth posting just in case!
Posted by charlie on May 21st 2009, 06:13 AM
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Shocker Toys - Dick Tracy Black and White
Shocker Toys - Dick Tracy
Press Release: Today we have some news from Shocker Toys about their new Dick Tracy figure! They will be shipping this new addition to their Indy Spotlight line all the way to the San Diego Comic-Con in an exclusive black and white deco. In particular, the variant of this figure in trench coat with a Tommy gun will only be available on-site for attendees of the con! Click the link for more close up shots of this excellent figure.  Read More
Posted by charlie on May 20th 2009, 06:42 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Subscription Offer

Mattel promised that it was in the works, and now they have made good by offering up a chance to subscribe to their super-popular Masters of the Universe Classics line! For a period of only 5 days, from May 18th-22nd, you have the chance to sign up for guaranteed copies of the last four figures in the line for 2009, selecting to either receive them monthly, or all at once in December to save on shipping. The subscription will cover the figures for September - December 2009. Details about a full year subscription for 2010 will be available in August after their more detailed plans are revealed at San Diego Comic Con.

Also, it took a little while, but Zodak has finally sold out today! It seems that they hit his numbers just right - it took about 5 days for their stock to sell through, so everyone who wanted one should have been able to follow through, but they are not left holding even part of a bag with leftovers. You can be sure, though, that for more 'popular' characters, if the production numbers are still the same, it will be amazing if they make it through the first hour after release!

Posted by charlie on May 19th 2009, 08:53 AM
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eBay Watch - Captain Power, Power Base Playset

We surely do love the Captain Power around the Preserve, and of course one of the super rare pieces from this line is the Power Base playset. Showing up only very rarely on eBay, it is oddly usually boxed and goes for at least $100. We have an eBay watch today, however, of a loose example of the Base, which is not complete but is close enough to fool the untrained eye. Better still, since it is missing the box and paperwork, it may go for a semi-reasonable price, and would make an excellent 'play copy' for a Captain Power fan. Further still, the seller has gone to great pains to take a number of well considered photos, and while the set is clearly in dire need of a good cleaning, his photos do a nice job of showing off the various parts and configurations of the set. Click here to check out this new auction, and good luck!
Posted by charlie on May 18th 2009, 06:55 PM
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Interview with TakaraTomy Designer Shogo Hasui

It seems that the 2007 Botcon adventure that was had by myself and The Uncle is coming up a lot all of the sudden - that's fine, it was a great trip! Today on, they have posted a fantastic interview with Shogo Hasui who is one of the key designers of the Transformers line for TakaraTomy and is responsible for a large amount of the Transformers products that eventually make it to US store shelves. We were lucky enough to meet him while at Botcon 2007, and to tell him in person how much we appreciated all of his hard work. He was a friendly and outgoing guy, and though we suffered with a pretty serious language barrier, we got our point across. The real highlight of the weekend was watching the live Stan Bush concert standing next to Hasui, where our love of the franchise spanned the oceans! Well, be sure to check out his excellent translated interview, and get ready for his Revenge of the Fallen figures to start hitting shelves soon!

Take away quote from the interview: I can't create fun things if I don't feel right about the fun part myself. So I think it is good to be straightforward about "fun", and be greedy in the pursuit of enjoyment.
Posted by charlie on May 17th 2009, 08:23 PM
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Stan Bush Revisits 'The Touch'

I would say that it is a tautology that all Transformers fans have a special place in their heart for Stan Bush, the man who brought us the wonderful 'The Touch' song from the first Transformers movie. Soaring up to meet the most dramatic events of the film, it was forever imprinted upon our young minds and even so many decades later will bring a smile to the most tired and jaded of us, as we remember simpler, more innocent times and the soundtrack of our youth! The Uncle and I even had the great pleasure to meet Stan at the 2007 Botcon!

Well, I bought his new album at the show that year, and started to understand that maybe his music in this new century isn't quite as rockin' as it may have been in the '80s - he just plays a more modern style now and I'm an unrepentant fan of '80s rock. This week, he's just come out with a new take on his fan-favorite song 'The Touch' along with an interesting video. He even named the song "Sam's Theme" and hopes to have it included in the 2009 Transformers live action movie part 2! Don't get me wrong, I think Stan is great and will forever hold him as an important figure in my early development. That said, well, sadly feedback to the video hasn't been completely great, and since it's release a few days ago, youtube has disabled the ability to embed it, and almost all other info has been removed about it. You can still see it by going directly here.

I honestly think that without the rapping guy, it wouldn't be all bad. I actually really like the job that Stan did on the vocals which are still solid and awesome - it's really great to see some new material from him that ties back to the beloved franchise. I mean, only if they were taking themselves 100% seriously (which I don't think is true) would it be truly disastrous. The irrepressible smirk on the awesome guitarist sort of confirms for me that they are not, and that they are having fun with it. And at 2:23, the blue fire - awesome! It also seems like it was a test run of sorts - that they were putting it out there to get fan reactions. It's too bad that reaction has been, as is normal on the Internets these days, inflammatory. Well, as with most things, I found plenty to like in the video if you just take 'er easy. Crack open your favorite beverage, watch it again, then maybe watch the Transformers movie from 1986 - you could spend your Saturday in worse ways!

Update! They have listened to fan comments, and posted a new version of the video that just features Stan. Watch this one next and see if you like it any better!

Posted by charlie on May 16th 2009, 04:50 PM
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G.I. Joe Q&A Round 2, 2009 Answers

The Hasbro G.I. Joe team has just sent us the answers to the second round of Q&A for 2009. See below for the latest news!

G.I. Joe Q&A #2 (2009)

Preserve: What retailer exclusives can the fans be excited about from the movie line? Any new announcements?

Hasbro: We will announce many Exclusives at Comic-Con in July.

Preserve: Some images of single carded figures from wave 14 have been turning up on line. Any chance we'll be able to purchase this wave single carded, either in stores on on line?

Hasbro: No, these figures will be available in the 7-packs this fall, but will not be released as single figures.

Preserve: Images of the new Destro figure were leaked by an eBay seller before the official disclosure by Hasbro. In this digital age, is it even possible to expect a decent level of security or control over product reveals, and what is the group doing to maintain the 'surprise' factor in this brave new world?

Hasbro: In this digital age it is hard to keep secrets and have big reveals. Keep in mind that Hasbro develops about 12-18 months in advance, so we could always scoop the net…but have made the choice not to show figures that are coming out too far in the future because it takes away from the fun of collecting to know about a figure that you can't get your hands on for 2 years. We will continue to create great products and try to have cool reveals! Unofficial materials might get posted on the web, but it is up to the fans if they would like to view them or save the surprise for the official announcement and accurate images...

Thanks to the G.I. Joe team for their answers to our questions!

Posted by charlie on May 15th 2009, 06:02 PM
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Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus Trailer

It's probably become clear to all regular Preserve readers that we have (as I'm sure many of you do) a striking fondness for b-movie fare. As such, the trailer for Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, staring Lorenzo Lamas, was a pure delight, and promises to be as much fun as you can possibly have with eight-legged computer animation. Not since The Langoliers have so many CG beasts destroyed so many airplanes! Thanks to pkdan for the tip.

Posted by charlie on May 14th 2009, 07:24 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Zodac This Friday

Due to the 'second offering' of Mer-Man that took place on the 29th of April, it feels like the next figure is ahead of schedule. Believe it or not, this Friday you will have a chance to get your order placed for Zodac from the new Masters of the Universe Classics line! Given the insanely fast sell-through of the last several characters, with Mer-Man being entirely unmanageable, it does seem like you will have to be near a computer this Friday at noon if you want to have a chance at ordering. Hopefully Mattel will have their new production numbers in place soon and we will see more reasonable ordering requirements in the future.

Posted by charlie on May 13th 2009, 10:03 PM
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G.I. Joe - San Diego Comic Con Exclusive Destro

One of the Hasbro exclusives at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con this year is the fantastic G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Destro 2-pack. The packaging for the set is fantastic, styled after a massive family tome of the Destro clan. Hasbro had been withholding images of the figures inside, but recently got hold of some initial pictures. We're glad to report that the figures look fantastic! Click the image below to check out the forum thread at their site where images of the two figures in the set are displayed in all of their glory! You can also click here for a larger size image of the Eccleston figure we're displaying below in case their thread up and vanishes.

Posted by charlie on May 12th 2009, 07:56 PM
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G.I. Joe Cobra Island Alley-Viper, eBay Leak

eBay seller ws_toys is at it again, this time bringing us a great shot of the upcoming Alley-Viper from the Cobra Island set that we saw a preview of at Toy Fair. Looks like he's already sold through his entire supply of this popular character at his auction listing but be sure to take a look for another shot of all the accessories that come with this figure. Hopefully we'll see the full set available on line soon!

Posted by charlie on May 11th 2009, 08:54 PM
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G.I. Joe Modern Era - Combat Heroes Walmart Battle Pack

It was with great delight that we found some news over on about a just-discovered Walmart Exclusive Combat Heroes battle pack! We've been mourning the cancellation of the third wave of these figures so it's great that the line is managing to continue to grow in at least some way. The set appears to contain Tomax & Xamot, The Baroness, Cobra Commander and Destro with his gold mask. Now, bear in mind that this was discovered on a foreign auction site and there is no firm data to suggest that the set is definitely real and headed for US Release, but the picture certainly looks promising. Also note that it is the 'Cobra' pack, so one can hope that there will be a matching 'Joe' pack to balance off the shelf display.

Estimates are that this set will release with the Rise of Cobra figures on July 11th - it makes one wonder what else might pop up when we are least expecting it! Wave 14 anyone?
Posted by charlie on May 10th 2009, 06:54 PM
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G.I. Joe Resolute Q&A Update

As a follow-up to our post about the G.I. Joe Resolute team taking your questions, they have posted a sample clip of their Q&A over at The fan response to the Q&A offer has actually been so great, thanks to the high quality of the series, that an extended clip is being put together for display soon on that site.

We went to see the new Star Trek film last night and among the several previews were, of course, both G.I. Joe as well as Transformers. In the opinion of this one reporter, neither offering looks particularly spectacular from the admittedly flashy and well done previews. A friend who was along for the Star Trek movie wasn't even clear what G.I. Joe was until they actually said 'General Hawk' - not a good sign for the job they did of making the movie look or feel like the franchise that everyone grew up with. Oh well, at least Star Trek was much better than expected - it definitely gets a recommend from the Preserve!
Posted by charlie on May 9th 2009, 08:11 PM
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G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra Red Lamprey Figure - eBay Leak!

I seem to have developed some sort of voyeuristic fascination with the work of eBay seller ws_toys over in China, as I just can't help but marvel at the constant scoops he is producing every day. One of our questions to Hasbro in the recent Q&A actually concerned this very issue - how, due to the speed of information spread on the Internet, along with distant and apparently poorly secured low-cost manufacturing, they are now seemingly the last people to release images of their products rather than the first.

Well, in keeping with that proud new tradition, check out the latest auction that ws_toys has just posted - a Red Lamprey figure from the upcoming Rise of Cobra toy line! Click the image for a larger view, or click here for the auction itself. Only 6 left - act fast if you want to have an early copy.

Posted by charlie on May 8th 2009, 12:20 AM
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G.I. Joe Resolute Baroness - eBay Leaks More Images

Thanks are due to eBay seller ws_toys yet again for bringing us some sneaky images straight from the Chinese factory floors, this time of the Baroness from G.I. Joe Resolute! Click the image below for a larger version of the picture, or click here to be taken to his actual eBay sale!

Posted by charlie on May 7th 2009, 01:16 AM
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Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen Robot Heroes in Stores

While reports have been pouring in from around the US as well as up in Canada that early figures from both the upcoming G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra and Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen lines have been seen in stores, this week was our first direct sighting. The local Target in our small town put up a funny little strip, one by four, of Robot Heroes 2-packs from the new movie line. These are tough - I have said over and over how much I like the 'hero' format of figures, and have a complete collection of the line so far in the Preserve. It's just that now, I am really not into the Michael Bay complex-looking-mess design that describes the movie Tfs. This design extends to the Robot Hero line, of course, and it makes it tough to get excited...which is a shame because there is even a Springer with a perfect color scheme! Well, regardless of our collecting preference here at the Preserve, know that these little guys are hitting stores. If you're a better man than me, consider picking them up and supporting Hasbro's new movie line!
Posted by charlie on May 6th 2009, 06:02 PM
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Cinco de Mayo and Shatner!

Everyone knows that we have an undying, perhaps unhealthy but unrepentant love for William Shatner around the Preserve. It is also Cinco de Mayo, a day of much celebration and consumption of exotic beverages from our goodly neighbors to the waay South. While I rarely post videos here at the Preserve, and while this video really has nothing at all do to with Cinco de Mayo and everything to do with Shatner singing to George Lucas at the AFI Life Achievement Award Banquet, I loved it so much when I saw it on that it had to end up here. I think astute readers of the Preserve will have little trouble putting all those disparate pieces together into the following awesome quilt.

Posted by charlie on May 5th 2009, 06:40 PM
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G.I. Joe Resolute Red Star - eBay Leak

The courageous and sticky fingered eBay seller ws_toys brings us some more sneak peaks from the overseas world of Hasbro! Several new eBay auctions have gone up, the most interesting of which being for a G.I. Joe Resolute Red Star! Click that link to get the first looks at this chromed up and good looking figure! Also be sure to check out Rise of Cobra Scrap Iron, and Airborne!
Posted by charlie on May 4th 2009, 12:02 PM
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eBay Watch - Custom Snarlie Narlie

It has been a long time since we've seen a trace of the super-rare Snarlie Narlie from the Rock Lords toy line on the eBay, and technically I suppose that's still true. Today, however, I am unable to resist bringing you an eBay Watch of a wild custom made Snarlie Narlie that an industrious citizen has put together! It has awesome purple fur that looks just as downy and improbable as the retail version, though the description says that the mouth doesn't open and close and there is no battery power, as it is just a model. Still, a great work of art and an unusual subject matter that made it worth pointing out!
Posted by charlie on May 3rd 2009, 09:20 PM
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Movie Review - Warlock!

Warlock rang in at the end of the 80s, but it represented in fantastic form! As with many of the right sort of movies, I found many things to enjoy which were probably not 100% intentional but were 100% awesome! I've got a large number of screen captures from the film thanks to my enthusiasm that you can check out below. Best moment of the film: when Redferne the Witch hunter meets the Mennonite dude - awesome!

Posted by charlie on May 2nd 2009, 07:31 PM
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GI. Joe and Transformers Q&A Submissions Due Monday!

Ok folks, it's already down to the wire, but consider it weekend homework! Both the G.I. Joe and Transformers brand teams will be accepting the next round of Q&As from us this coming Monday, May 4th. Please email questions to or leave a comment on this post.

Be sure to get the questions in to us by Sunday night - I've gotta have time to re-copy or Principal Strickland will kick me out of school. Not too early McFly I sleep in on Saturdays.
Posted by charlie on May 1st 2009, 10:09 AM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Mer-Man Sold Out in One Hour

Just a followup from our MotUC reminder about Mer-Man on the 29th. Much like the first batch of figures, this 'second chance' offering sold out in under one hour! The demand for the line is through the roof, and unfortunately is coupled with continued web site troubles at We were barely able to get our order in before the gate slammed shut thanks to a combination of high traffic and cached pages. Once finally through, though, two orders were accidentally placed! It seems that the system looked at the failed order from back on April 15th, when the first batch went up for sale, and put that order through as well. I think a lot of people will end up with more Mer-Men than they had anticipated!

It will be interesting to see if this demand can possibly be sustained, and what Mattel will do to come at least a little closer to meeting it. Sadly much of the current sales may be due to eBay scalpers, and that wind can shift overnight, leaving behind a potentially vastly different sales climate and stranding Mattel with an overabundance of a certain figure some month. Well, in the meantime, I hope everyone got a Mer-Man who wanted one! Leave us a comment if you were locked out of that deal, and maybe we can part with one of the huge stack that UPS is delivering as we speak!

Posted by charlie on May 1st 2009, 10:01 AM
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Toy Fair Catalogs

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Magazine Archive

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Featured Toy Lines

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

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Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
April 15, 1985
Yahoo! Internet Life: August, 2001
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
Egon: w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking
w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking


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